School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism:

Physical Activity and Sports Program

PHED 250: Water Safety Instructor (2)


PROFESSOR: S. Tomasovic OFFICE: Science & Tech II #225

DAY/TIME: Mon / Wed 1:30 – 2:45 OFFICE HOURS: Tue / Thr 1:30 – 3:00

LOCATION: GMU Aquatic Center Rm#112 E-MAIL: OFFICE PHONE: 703-993-1098


The purpose of the W.S.I. course is to train instructor candidates to plan, organize, and teach courses and presentations in the American Red Cross (ARC) Swimming and Water Safety program by developing their understanding of how to use the course materials, how to conduct training swim sessions and how to evaluate participants’ progress. It focuses on educational methods, approaches, and skill development applicable to swimming and water safety instruction. American Red Cross Instructors: possess good communication skills and positive attitudes; have up-to-date and accurate subject knowledge in their area; exhibit patience and flexibility; and demonstrate professional behavior.

·  ARC Instructors: possess good communication skills and positive attitudes; have up-to-date and accurate subject knowledge in their area of expertise; exhibit patience and flexibility; and demonstrate professional behavior. Candidates are encouraged to obtain/maintain certification in ARC 1st Aid & CPR.

B. OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of this course, instructor candidates will have the knowledge and skills to:

1.   Recognize and demonstrate the obligations and qualities of being an A.R.C. instructor and role model.

2.   Demonstrate the required skills at an acceptable level of performance.

3.   Explain, understand, and have complete familiarity with all of the texts and videos.

4.   Plan and prepare a safe and successful learning environment.

5.   Observe, assess, and evaluate participant skills and performance.

6.   Create strategies and customize courses to meet the learning needs of individual participants.

7.   Communicate effectively with participants and their parents, as appropriate.

8.   Monitor the practice of swim students and provide corrective feedback and encouragement.

9.   Use various educational methods and approaches applicable to swimming and water safety instruction.

10.   Maintain complete and accurate records and reports.


1.   Be at least 16 years of age on or before the final scheduled session of the W.S.I. course

2.   Successful completion of Fundamentals of Instructor Training (F.I.T.) within the past year.

3.   Successfully demonstrate the ability to perform the pre-course skills test.

a.   Swim the following strokes consistent with the ARC Stroke Performance Charts, Level 4 & Level 5.

·  Front Crawl (freestyle) 25 yards

·  Back Crawl (backstroke) 25 yards

·  Breaststroke 25 yards

·  Elementary Backstroke 25 yards

·  Sidestroke 25 yards

·  Butterfly 15 yards

·  Standing Front Dive (long shallow dive)

b.   Maintain position on back 1 minute in deep water (floating or sculling).

c.   Tread water for 1 minute in deep water.

D. TEXTS: Available at most American Red Cross Chapter Health and Safety Offices.

·  American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Manual (required)

·  American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor’s Manual w/ CD ROM (required)

·  Raffy Learns to Swim: American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Levels 1 and 2 (required)

·  Waddles in the Deep: American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Levels 3 and 4 (required)

·  Longfellow’s WHALE Tales K-6 Educational Packet (required)

·  Fundamentals of Instructor Training Participant’s Manual (required)

·  Basic Water Rescue (

·  Safety Training for Swim Coaches Manual and Instructor’s Manual (


The instructor candidate will receive an ARC Instructor Certificate upon successful completion of this course.

1.   Attend and successfully participate in ALL course sessions, practice teaching, and video viewing.

2.   Be prepared every class session with swim suit, goggles, towel, notebook, pens and textbooks.

3.   Successfully complete the required number of practice-teaching assignments.

4.   Score at least 80 percent (correctly answer 40 of 50 questions) on the final WSI written exam.

5.   Behave accordingly during activities, i.e. role playing a child or teaching during practice-teaching.

6.   Providing appropriate feedback, as requested to peers after practice teaching or reciprocal teaching.

7.   Make an extra effort to improve individual skills.

8.   Treat peers / instructors with respect.

9.   Candidates must also demonstrate throughout the course that they are mature and responsible.


1.   Grading is based on accumulation of 100 available points:

a.   Final Exam: 25% of points 25 points

b.   4 X Practice Teaching Sessions: 25% of points 25 points

c.   Participation, effort, improvement in all aquatic and safety skills: 50% of points 50 points

·  Students are awarded approximately 4 points for each week of participation and swimming.

·  Each student’s abilities are taken into consideration.

·  Students that do not participate, but attend class and observe, are awarded 3 points for the session.

2.   To pass the class all assignments and the exam must be submitted.

3.   The final grade is based on the following 100 % point grading scale:

93 - 100 = A 77 – 79 = C+

90 - 92 = A- 73 - 76 = C

87 - 89 = B + 70 - 72 = C-

83 – 86 = B 60 - 69 = D

80 – 82 = B- 0 – 59 = F

4.   The participation part of this course consists of instructor observation of improvements during the semester and satisfactory performance, demonstration and completion of course objectives, including: mechanics and skills in freestyle, backstroke, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke, butterfly, dives, turns & water safety.

G. AMERICAN RED CROSS PROCESSING FEE (covered by your registration fee):

The National Capital American Red Cross chapter requires that each candidate pay an $8.00 cost recovery fee for the F.I.T. course and $8.00 for the W.S.I. certification to process the paperwork involved with certification.


1. Pre-testing candidates in aquatic skills and safety ensures that the ARC continues to provide quality instruction.

2. Precourse allows students to review skills & candidates mastering the pre-test skills continue as candidates.

3. Appropriate swim wear required & students with long hair must wear a swim cap, or tie long hair very securely.

4. This course consists of demonstrations, discussions, videos, participation and practice teaching assignments.

a.  FULL participation is required and expected, each class builds on the knowledge/skills previously learned.

b.  Attend and observe, even if experiencing some minor health difficulties.

5. ARC W.S.I. certification will not be awarded due to absences or incomplete class sessions.

6. All videos & the CD ROM are required viewing.

·  Fundamentals of Instructor Training

·  American Red Cross Swimming and Diving Skills

·  American Red Cross Teaching Swimming and Water Safety Skills

·  Basic Water Rescue segment

·  Longfellow’s WHALE Tales

·  Other supplemental videos

I. PRACTICE TEACHING SESSIONS: An integral part of any ARC instructor course.

1. Each instructor candidate participates in 4 official sessions & other in-class informal teaching activities.

2. The purpose is to allow instructor candidates to gain experience in:

a. Preparing (block plans & lesson plans) teaching sessions.

b. Preparing a presentation and delivering it to a group.

c. Familiarizing the candidate with the topics and skills they will teach.

d. Providing and giving directions.

e. Managing Swimming and Water Safety program skill sessions.

f. Handling course materials within suggested time frames.

g. Evaluating performance & presentations & providing corrective feedback to help other candidates improve.

h. Creating and maintaining a safe learning environment.


1. Each instructor candidate must successfully complete the 4 practice teaching sessions by:

a. Completing organized TYPED lesson plans on the appropriate form.

b. Demonstrating knowledge & competency in class organization, teaching strategies, safety, & aquatic skills.

2. Each candidate must participate in practice teaching sessions by:

a. Demonstrating appropriate behavior and providing feedback during sessions.

c. Treating others with respect by following directions and participation in the practice teaching sessions.


1.   WSI written exam is 50 multiple choice questions and requires a minimum score of 80% to pass the course.

2.   Complete and submit the F.I.T. book assignments + open book self study test with thoroughly written answers.

3. Approximately mid-way through the course, each candidate receives a progress report from the instructor

trainor advising the candidate about observations related to individual progress toward the course requirements.

4. Incomplete or marginal skill training or video viewing results in failure to acquire the ARC certifications.


Instructor trainers assess candidate’s maturity and responsibility by observing certain behaviors, such as:

1. On time arrival to each class and return from breaks.

2. Thorough preparation for class activities: dress in swimsuits on time, bring pen, paper, books to class.

3. Thorough completion of homework assignments: well prepared written & typed block/ lesson plans.

4. Demonstration that effort was put forth toward assignments and presented in a professional manner


1.   Attend class ready to swim each session, wearing an appropriate swim suit.

2.   Suit up before class begins, and be sure to shower.

3.   Wear appropriate swim goggles (your equipment) at each session.

·  Students will not be permitted to swim, if goggles are not worn.

·  University Mall (SUITUP LLC) or any sporting goods stores (Sports Authority) that carry goggles, etc.

4.   Students with long hair must wear a swim cap, or tie the hair very securely every class session.

·  Students will not be permitted to swim if hair is not securely fastened.

5.   No gum chewing is permitted while swimming.

6.   Attention is expected during class discussion, in-water practice sessions, and video viewing.

7.   Students with injuries or pre-existing conditions that may affect performance must inform the instructor.


1.   This is a participation course, and participation is expected in all class activities.

a.  Each class builds on the skills learned in the previous session.

b.  Participation in all sessions is required.

2.   Points are awarded for satisfactory completion of each participatory class session.

a.   Attend and observe, even if experiencing dental, transportation, housing or minor health problems.

b.   Exceptions for absences will be given consideration, if the student has a well-documented medical excuse with a physician’s contact information, or a previously discussed university sponsored function.

c.   PARTIAL points are earned for partial participation, for example, late arrivals and early departures.

d.   If you have an injury or incur one during the length of the course that prevents full participation up to two class sessions, you will be asked to drop the course. You should consider taking the class at another time.

3.   Class consists of swimming, demonstrations, discussions, videos, worksheets, and practice teaching.

4.   GMU student expectations: for every one hour in class, a student studies two hours outside of class.

5.   Even if you exceed the criteria to pass the class, FULL participation is expected for every student.


1. Courses that REAUTHORIZE you as an instructor (either teach or co-teach):

·  Parent & Child Aquatics (Levels 1 and 2)

·  Preschool Aquatics (Levels 1, 2, and 3)

·  Learn-to-Swim (Levels 1 - 6)

·  Water Safety Courses and Presentations:

·  Basic Water Rescue

·  Personal Safety

·  Safety Training for Swim Coaches

2. Presentations that DO NOT REAUTHORIZE an instructor:

·  Water Safety Today, General Water Safety, Home Pool Safety, Sun Safety, Rip Current Safety

·  Parent Orientation to Swim Lessons

·  Longfellow’s WHALE Tales

P. FINAL EXAM REVIEW: (50 multiple choice)

·  Courses of the Red Cross Swimming & Water Safety Program

·  Course Materials

·  Planning & Preparing to Teach

·  Development and Learning

·  Teaching Strategies

·  Experimenting w/ Hydrodynamic Principles

·  Planning Lessons – Block Plans & Lesson Plans

·  Evaluation

·  Parent & Child Aquatics, Preschool Aquatics, Learn-To-Swim

·  Holding and Support Positions

·  Recording and Reporting Progress

·  Observation for Assessment

·  Managing Participants at Different Levels

·  Teaching Starts and Turns

·  Teaching Diving

·  Customizing for Adults

·  Customizing for Individuals w/ Disabilities and Other Health Conditions


1.   This class adheres to all university policies and appropriate campus and GMU regulations

a.   This class follows all policies regarding sexual harassment and equal opportunity.

b.   The goal is to provide you with a safe, fair, and equitable learning environment.

c.   All sound emitting devices shall be turned off during class unless otherwise authorized by the professor.

2.   To ensure students benefit from the learning environment, the instructor adjusts to specific needs.

a.   Students w/ disabilities, who seek accommodation must register w/ the Office of Disabilities Services.

b.   Notify the instructor, in writing, the first two weeks of the semester:

3.   All students are held to the standards of the George Mason University Honor Code. Please review this in the GMU catalogue to maintain ethical standards:

4.   Your responsibility is to check the GMU course listings for the last day to ADD / DROP / WITHDRAW.

5.   Visit the website: for more information on the School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism.


DATE TOPICS (always subject to change) ASSIGNMENTS:

Week #1 Pre-course

W.S.I. Welcome / Orientation In water: Screening Swim Skills & Evaluation