SKD CONFIDENTIAL Gravity Generation



Generation of Gravitational Force

[ A New Invention ]

Invented by:

Rakesh Goel

Managing Director

SK Dynamics P. Ltd.

Roorkee - India

Copyright © SK Dynamics P. Ltd.

Generation of Gravitational Force using Gravity Motor

A Fundamental and Applied Research

Rakesh Goel1

[ Patent Pending ]


The physical phenomenon of the Earth's Gravitational Field was scientifically discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1686 and he was the first scientist to formulate the conclusion as a mathematical equation which is commonly known today as Newton's Law of Gravitation:

F = GM1M2 / r2

Since then many have tried to explore the area of Gravitation. A number of experiments were conducted using many different theories and techniques to reduce gravity but so far there has been no significant development in this area. Although some researchers claimed the generation of gravitational force but none were sufficient to be applied practically in a major way for the service of mankind.

The following Thesis discusses a major invention done by the author which can be categorized in two parts:

1.  Origin of Gravitation [ a Fundamental Research ]

2.  Generation of Gravitational Force [ a Fundamental and Applied Research ]

The outcome of this research has some wonderful applications in Space Technology and Avionics.

[Part 1]

Origin of Gravity

Consider two hydrogen atoms placed at a distance d as shown in Fig. 1:

The force vector between two protons is F1 (force of repulsion).

The force vector between two electrons is F2 (force of repulsion).

The force vector between first electron and second proton is F3 (force of attraction).

The force vector between first proton and second electron is F4 (force of attraction).

The resultant force vector Fe is given by

Fe = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

1 Rakesh Goel, Managing Director, SK Dynamics P. Ltd., B5, Industrial Estate, Roorkee 247667

As the electrons are moving around the nucleus, the force F2, F3 and F4 will change continuously.

How do we explain Fe? This resultant force Fe is nothing but the electrostatic force vector of Gravitational force. Similarly a resultant force Fm can be estimated which is the magnetic force vector of Gravitational force.

Gravitational Force, Fg = Fe + Fm

The probability of finding an electron in spherical co-ordinates is not uniform and changes significantly with distance, which effects the resultant force Fe. The probability of finding the electron is dependent on force applied on it, and the resultant force is dependent on its position.

The average value of resultant force Fe is not ZERO and is positive in all elements of matter. It was solved with certain assumptions for distance between atoms ( d ) ranging from 10-6 m to 107 m by a special custom built software of mathematical accuracy greater than 200 digits. It was observed that the answer was never zero.

In many references, this force is designated/ referred to as atomic bonding, inter-atomic force, inter-molecular force etc. However, no reference has been able to explain this force at larger distances. Also this force is specified in many references as significantly larger than Gravitational force at 10-9 m, and zero at larger distances which indicates that this force will be equal to Gravitational force at a particular distance, but it was not found solved for that particular distance in any reference to the best of our knowledge.

A simple analogy is that if we have one voltage source of 1000 V DC and another source of 1000V DC having a ripple of ±1 volt then average voltage of both the sources will be 1000 V. However, the RMS voltage in second source will be more than the first source and difference of these two voltage sources will not be zero. The RMS Value is greater or equal to Average Value. Therefore, the resultant force Fe will not be zero even at higher distances.

Gravitation and matter

This brings the first conclusion that Gravity is related with matter. The three forces available at larger distances are:

Electrostatic Force

Magnetic Force

Gravitational Force

The Gravitational Force is an electromagnetic force field (and electromagnetic wave) which is generated by motion of charge in the matter.

Gravity and Potential Energy

Let us take a simple example of a capacitor

Let us assume a parallel plate capacitor having capacitance Ca, and its plate’s separation Da, as shown in Fig.2(a). It is connected to a supply voltage Va and then supply is removed.

Charge Q = CaVa

If plates are free to move then electrostatic force of attraction F tries to reduce the distance between plates.

Assume next distance between plates Db , new capacitance Cb , and new voltages Vb, as shown in Fig.2(b).

If distance Db = 1/2Da Then Capacitance Cb = 2Ca

The charge on capacitor will remain constant.

Hence Q = CaVa = CbVb = 2CaVb

i.e. Vb = 1/2 Va

Energy stored in a capacitor is given by 1/2 C V2


Ea = 1/2 CaVa 2

Eb = 1/2CbVb2

= 1/2 * 2 * Ca * (1/2Va) 2

= 1/4CaVa2

DE = Ea – Eb = 1/2CaVa2– 1/4CaVa2 = 1/4CaVa2 ………………………… Equation 1

This is equal to work or energy output.

Therefore according to Equation 1:

"In a charged capacitor, if the distance between plates increases then its stored energy (say Potential Energy) also increases and is equal to the work done in increasing the distance against electrostatic force. Also if the distance decreases then its stored energy decreases equal to the work output".

Similarly in case of Gravitation, Potential Energy (PE) increases equal to the work done in going upward and decreases equal to work output in going downward.

Assume an object of mass 1 Kg is moved from earth surface to deep in space (say infinity). The energy required is equal to 1/2mv2 where v is approximately escape velocity.

E1 = 1/2 * 1 * (11 * 103)2 Watt

= 16.8 kWh

This is converted into Potential Energy and it can be converted back into work output when the object is carried back to earth surface.

Therefore 16.8 kWh energy is stored (somewhere) in carrying an object of 1Kg mass and no change in the object is detected.

It is mentioned above that the probability of finding the electron in spherical co-ordinates varies with distance or height. Its variations are more at shorter distances, which means that motion of electron is more restricted at shorter distances. This reduces the Kinetic Energy of electrons at shorter distances. As the distance between atoms is increased, the kinetic energy of electrons is also increased because of more uniform probability of finding the electron. The difference in KE of electrons at different distances between atoms is the Gravitational Potential Energy.

The electron tends to avoid a path where it experiences a force of repulsion and tends to take a path where it experiences a force of attraction. When the mass is at height i.e. distance between atoms is more , the overall velocity of electron increases and thus there is an effective increase in the KE of the electron which accounts for the Gravitational PE. See Fig. 3a, 3b & 3c below:


Gravity as a force of attraction alone

It is concluded that the resultant force Fg is always positive (force of attraction). The first force between proton to proton is minimum, because there is no movement in their positions. Hence RMS and average value of this force will be same. While other three forces are higher. However the probability of finding electron at position shown in Fig. 3a is relatively less and at position shown in Fig. 3b is more . This makes resultant force Fg always positive thus it is a force of attraction.

Gravity as compared to Electrostatic Force

It is explained above that resultant force Fe is sum of four electrostatic forces, in which two are positive and remaining two are negative. Therefore the resultant force is significantly weak compared to electrostatic force F1.

Mathematically, the Force Fg due to Gravitation between the two Hydrogen atoms is given by:

Fg = G (m1m2)/d2

= (6.673 * 10-11) * (1.67 * 10-27)2/ d2

= (1.861 * 10-64) / d2 N

The Electrostatic Force Fe between the two electrons is given by:

Fe = k (q1q2)/d2

k = 9 * 109 Nm2/C2

Fe = (9 * 109) * (1.6 * 10-19)2/ d2

= (2.304 * 10-28) / d2 N

The ratio of both the forces is given by:

Fe/Fg = (2.304 * 10-28) / (1.861 * 10-64)

= 1.2 * 10 36

Hence, the Gravitational Force is much weaker compared to Electrostatic Force

Gravity and the spectra

As a second property of Gravitational field, it will always radiate electromagnetic waves in a broadband spectra which will have higher spectral density at orbital frequencies of electrons with high degree of phase and amplitude modulations which is the resultant of all atoms present in the matter. This is one of the reason that the value of G [ Gravitational Constant ] decays with time. G(t) is inversely proportional to t.

Consider a plane near an atom. There is an Electrostatic field experienced here as well as a magnetic field. Since the electron is moving, both these fields will have an alternating nature. The effect of these two fields taken together is an Electromagnetic field. Now there are N atoms with multiple electrons scattered everywhere in the matter. The resultant effect of all these atoms will be such Electromagnetic fields of broad band spectra as mentioned above.

Gravity and Curved Space-Time

Considering the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, orbit of electron in atom is squashed to elliptical orbit when the atom is in motion [ see Fig 4 below ]. Thus the velocity of the electron varies in this elliptical orbit. It implies that the Gravitational field of the matter is dependent on its velocity. In other words, a moving matter generates additional Gravitational field which has different magnitude in different directions.

This property is similar to generation of magnetic field. “A moving charge generates magnetic field perpendicular to its direction of motion.”

It also explains that curved space-time is required to compensate the effect of this additional Gravitational field created by moving matter.

Gravity and its relation with Electrostatics and Magnetic Properties

The electromagnetic theories are based on the electric and magnetic force / potential / field etc i.e. Radio Frequency communication. But the motors or generators are based on magnetic induction principle. The electrostatic force is not used in motors and generators. If both electric and magnetic forces will be used in an Electro-mechanical system, then it will correlate with gravitational force .

Let us imagine for a moment that the discovery of magnetic induction was not done till today, but electricity, chemical batteries, lamps etc. were already discovered. In such a situation the electricity could be produced by using electrostatic principles. Theoretically, electrostatic generator and motor can be made. Though it is more complicated but it is still possible. If the discovery of magnetic induction would have taken place after full investigation of electrostatic principals then the research of Gravitational force generator could have been be easily completed. The main cause in delay of Gravitational force research is that electrostatic properties are not as commonly used as magnetic properties are used today. Today all motors and generators are based on magnetic properties not on electrostatic properties whereas in Gravitational force generation both are equally important.

Gravity : Artificial methods

Following forces / effects can be used to generate Gravitational force. However, all of them may not be required simultaneously:

Electrostatic Force

Magnetic Force


Light / Electromagnetic radiation


Rotary motion ( gyration, centrifugal force )

In order to make a prototype Gravitational force generator, superconductor and radioactive materials are not required.

There is no detectable change in matter by changing intensity of gravitational field. Therefore extreme conditions are not required for gravity field generation (gravity motor) such as extreme temperature / radio activity/ Superconductors.

Gravity - Sensor and Generator

Most of the forms of energy can be converted into electrical energy and vice versa. Some of them, for example, DC motor and DC generator, permanent magnet synchronous motor and AC alternator are based on same principle which are used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa.

Some of the sensors and generators are based on the same principle mentioned above viz. Moving coil microphone, Loudspeaker, Piezo-electric sensor and Piezo-electric buzzer. Conversion of heat and light to electricity and vice versa is also done by many methods. The sensor for gravity is accelerometer, which measures the force applied on a mass. Available types are Piezo-electric accelerometer, Servo accelerometer, Micromachined accelerometer etc. All these accelerometers sense linear or centrifugal acceleration and acceleration due to gravity but these are not direct sensors of gravity. There is no direct sensor available for gravity because no other property of Gravitational field is known.

If there is a direct sensor of gravity which is not based on the force applied on mass, then it will give an opening to produce Gravitational Force (using gravity motor).

Visualize a DC motor without fundamentals of Electrical Engineering :

Let us once again imagine about how one would make a DC motor 300 years ago. Suppose it is the period of 16th century. Necessary material technology is available, all necessary materials, natural earth magnets, alloys are available. The material includes copper, iron, Aluminum for end caps, graphite for carbon brushes, insulating materials, permanent magnets etc.

Assume that the science of static electricity, batteries, lamps are known but the laws of magnetic force and magnetic induction are unknown.

Now try to visualize how someone could make a DC motor or DC generator. It would be almost impossible to make a motor or generator.

Therefore, to make the right prototype the correct laws or fundamentals are essential !! The same is true to produce gravitational field.