Staff Council

Meeting Minutes

August26, 2004

Order-Chair John Kosky

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pm in UC-265.

Delegate Attendance

All delegates were in attendance except the following who were excused: Valerie Laney-Marshall, Wanda Zellars, Sandy Haught andGreg Duhart.

Visitor Attendance

Laura Herndon, Kara Mullen, Sandra Ezeike, and Ethel Lynn Keeton

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the July 2004 meeting were approved without correction.

President’s Update

Dr. Harden announced that we took possession of the new UniversityCenter about two weeks ago. Although there are several items that still need to be fixed the contractor should have these completed within 60 days.

Fall enrollment is about 6350 with an expected drop of 150 students. This is a 9.5% increase over last Fall term. The goal for Fall 2005 is 7000. With the new UniversityCenter we are not out of classroom space or parking space.

Reports from Committees

Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Row Anderson (Chair) announced that the Bylaw amendments should be posted to the web site by September.

A new subcommittee was formed to arrange monthly speakers. Rhonda Boozer will set the speaker list; Karin Smoot will arrange the speaker and location for September, “Who Moved My Cheese.”

The current policies are being revised and the committee is debating whether to require staff to be employed 6 months in accordance with the rest of the campus policies or 1 year before being eligible for staff funding. Cheryl suggested the staff to be employed 6 months and if the department wanted a year policy that could be implemented within the department. Any recommendations should be sent to Row Anderson.

The committee bought 500 “Commitment to My Coworkers” cards as promotional hand outs for the PDC.

Smith Award Committee

Tammy Wilson (Chair) submitted their approved Bylaws.

Currently they are deciding where to post the pictures of the past Smith Award recipients. Suggestions should be sent to Tammy Wilson.

John asked about the procedure of identifying an alternate in the event someone on the committee is nominated. Tammy indicated they were looking into it.

Website Team

Thomas Downingwill kick off the new Staff Council web page: the September meeting.

Laker Angel Club

Cheryl Garvin (Chair) announced there are 15 volunteers. The email address is . The web page is being constructed and has a link off the Staff Council web page. The Laker Angel Club will be a fund listed on the Faculty/Staff fund drive list. Already the Angels have contributed food and attended a funeral.

Unfinished Business

Disposition of Concerns—Rhonda Boozer

Retirement Seminar—Brenda Findley has it on her list to develop a seminar discussing retirement issues and procedures.

StudentCenter Restrooms are now open!

It has been approved that the Staff Council will have a representative on the Faculty/Staff fund drive.

John Kosky reported that Bruce Spratt is looking into the financial impact of Sick Leave Banking.

New Business

USG Staff Council Conference

Cheryl announced that the delegates who wanted to attend the USG Staff Council Conference, October 7 & 8, should register before September 14th at the Baymont Inn to receive the convention price of $52. Cheryl handed out flyers of the conference events.


Cheryl announced that the Homecoming parade is scheduled for Saturday, October 23 at 11:00 am, and asked if we should be in the parade or have a booth at the carnival (12:00-3:00pm). The idea was sent to the Special Events Committee.

Staff Council Picture

Thomas announced that the Staff Council picture will be taken at the September 24th meeting in the UC Board Room.


Fire Drills

Rhonda asked for fire drill exercises for the UniversityCenter. Dr. Harden stated evacuation routes will be posted in every room along with floor plans.

Staff Assigned Parking Spaces

Alina asked for staff assigned parking spaces in the upper level or at Spivey Hall.

StudentCenter Temperature

Row stated that the StudentCenter was cold. Darren asked if anyone was informed about the concern. Row indicated that no one had called Plant Ops.


Thomas asked for clarification on raises. Dr. Harden explained that there will be a 2% pool in January to be distributed as merit raises to employees.

Pay Periods

Karin asked if the pay periods could be changed. John stated that HR is looking into this.


Rhonda moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. Delegates voted in favor of the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Garvin

Cheryl Garvin, Secretary

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