Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th April, 2017

The Village Hall, Dinton

Present: Cllrs Usherwood (Chairman), Gooch, Horn, Green, Vane, Kidner, Henderson

K Gray (Clerk to the Council), M Thompson (Finance Officer)

8 ResidentsCllr P Irwin (BCC)

C Lambert (Bucks Herald) M Dunton (FVS)

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairman or Clerk

All councillors present

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

  • Cllr Henderson declared an interest on planning application 17/01275/APP17/01276/ALB

as he is the neighbour of the applicant.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of a Meeting of the Council held on 14/3/17 as a true record.


  1. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Clerk.

  • The clerk reported the resignations of Cllrs Larraine Gooch and Barbara Green. Tonight, will be their last meeting on the parish council. There are now 2 vacancies within the council for co-opted members.

The Chairman thanked Larraine and Barbara for the work they have done for the parish and the support they have both given to fellow councillors, the clerk and the parish of Dinton with Ford and Upton.

RESOLVED: The Chairman to adjourn the meeting to receive questions from the public and receive any reports/questions from cllrs on matters relating to council business.

Questions from the public & any reports from Councillors

  • Resident reported a pothole on the BCC reporting system only to receive a “No Maintenance Required” reply from BCC. This is happening often when people and parish councillors report matters on the system. Cllr Henderson recently reported six potholes needing repair and received the same reply from BCC. Cllr Irwin was asked to look into these issues and ensure they are repaired by BCC. Repeat reporting is to be encouraged if a pothole is thought dangerous.

Cllr Irwin (County Councillor) reported that a new reporting computer system is to be installed soon.

The resident also asked for an update on the proposed works required for Upton Post box site and Cllr Irwin has reported this and is hoping works will start as soon as possible.

Resident also asked that the litter bins, especially the one opposite Starveall Farm entrance, be replaced. She also asked the council to object to the application for further proposed building at Chestnut Farm.

  • Residents raised concerns over the possible access to the narrow, Boot Lane, of contractor and delivery vehicles in regard to the proposed planning application for demolition of a current property and a new build on the same site. There is a weight limit on this lane as well as problems in turning any large vehicles with some vehicles ending in the ditch. A request was made for conditions to be applied to any planning application permission by AVDC. The owner of the property stated that he would contact AVDC and stated that he would ensure that delivery lorries used are not large vehicles and would only use small delivery vehicles in order to address local neighbours’ concerns.
  • Resident/applicant spoke on the application for Rose Barn and explained the application
  • Cllr Irwin (BCC) reported that the Bernwood Minibus is now available for renting and this is being managed by a local charity. It also has wheelchair access facilities.
  • Cllr Kidner reported a loose drain cover and that Thames Water had been at the site outside the school. Cllr Irwin also said he would report the matter to BCC to see if the cover needs replacing.
  • Cllr Vane showed Cllr Irwin, photographs of damage to the grass verges opposite School Lane and requested that something be done about this. It was suggested that a meeting should take place with various stakeholders to address the matter.
  • Cllr Gooch asked if works on the children’s playground had been completed and Cllr Horn said some had been completed and some were in the process of completion.
  • Cllr Horn gave apologies for non-attendance at the May meeting. He asked that a Website working party be established to review the web pages and information. It was agreed that this would be beneficial. He also reported that the parish council now needed to pay for a SWARCO Annual Maintenance Contract for the MVAS in Ford. We have benefitted in having a contract without having to pay for it but we now need to pay. This will be £240 per year. Council agreed this payment was necessary and asked that the finance officer issue a cheque to Swarco.
  • Cllr Henderson stated that the proposed works for Morland Cottage were necessary and that he supported the proposed works which would benefit the listed building.
  • Cllr Usherwood reported that the “No Dog Fouling” notices were now installed but also raised concerns about professional dog walking people who were parking vehicles near the end of School Lane adding to the problems of traffic management near the school. He had had a discussion with the headteacher of the school and was assured that the school was addressing the concerns raised by residents and the parish council relating to parking. It was suggested that a meeting take place of various stakeholders interested in addressing the parking situation at the school. He also reported that the signage near Stars Lane needed replacing along with Boot Lane signage. Cllr Irwin was asked to raise this with the BCC Local Area Technician.

RESOLVED: The Chairman to re-convene the meeting under Standing Orders

  1. Finances and Orders for Payment

RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders for payment presented by the RFO and/or Clerk.

  • MRS Garden ServicesGrass Cutting£255.00
  • Dinton Village HallHire of room£15.00
  • Impact SignsDog Fouling Signs£89.71
  • Fresh Design & PrintPrinting of Survey£110.00
  • Fresh Design & PrintPrinting of newsletter£108.00
  • MKBALCAnnual Subscription£145.72
  • Cllr Jon HornReimbursement/Web hosting£34.21
  • SwarcoMVAS Annual Maintenance£240.00

RESOLVED: To receive, note and agree, the monthly finance report from RFO

The Council agreed to move item 12 Planning Application to this section of the meeting.

  1. Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning applications:

To accept and consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

To note any applications (decisions made and to be made) delegated to Councillors.

  • 17/00985/APPRose Barn, Gibraltar

One and a half storey rear extension

RESOLVED: No Objection

  • 17/01052/APPCrispins Corner, Boot Lane, Dinton

Demolition of existing detached bungalow and outbuildings.

Erection of new, 4 bedrooms, detached bungalow.

RESOLVED: No Objection

The following matters to be raised with AVDC for consideration:

  • Residents have attended a parish council meeting and raised concerns about large vehicle access to this narrow lane (Boot Lane). Concerns over large delivery lorries accessing this site which has caused problems in the past.
  • The parking of vehicles on this lane must be carefully managed so as not to interfere or cause difficulties for other residents.
  • This lane has a weight limit of 7.5 tonnes and this must be notified to all delivery companies to this site.
  • Times of working on this site must be restricted to working week Mondays to Fridays and no working at weekends or late into the evening.
  • Contractors and delivery companies must be made aware of the narrowness of this lane and the possible damage to neighbouring properties when vehicles are reversing or accessing the proposed building site.
  • 17/01036/APPChestnut Farm, Ford Road, Dinton

Erection of detached garage building, alterations to driveway

and change of use of land to residential.

RESOLVED: Object/Oppose

The Parish Council objects and opposes the above application for the following reasons and we will send a representative to attend any Development Management Committee Meetings to speak on our objections.

  • No justification can be made for agricultural land being changed to residential land.
  • The proposed development would have a serious impact on this site which is within the Conservation Area.
  • The conservation area needs to be protected.

Cllr Henderson left he council chamber at this point in the meeting.

  • 17/01275/APPMorland Cottage, Gibraltar

17/01276/ALBOne and a half storey rear extension

RESOLVED: No Objection

Historic Buildings Officer to be consulted.

Cllr Henderson returned to the council chamber at this point in the meeting.

  1. Annual Parish Meeting

To receive any feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting.

It was agreed that the meeting was successful and everyone enjoyed the various reports and the contribution from Lord Wilson of Dinton.

  1. Litter Bins

To receive the decision to remove the litter bins from all bus shelters on A418.

RESOLVED: The clerk to speak to Steve Webb and gain some information on the amounts, if any, of litter discarded since the bins were removed. To place on the June agenda item for further discussion.

  1. Spinney

To consider quotes for proposed works to be carried out in the Spinney.

To formally approve what works should be carried out in the Spinney and by whom and when.

RESOLVED: That all future works be carried out, in accordance with the South Bucks Tree Surgeon Report, in September 2017. Further discussions to take place in September and to obtain quotes for the works required.

  1. Devolved Services

To receive any reports, if available, and agree any specific actions in relation to devolved services.

This work continues to be carried out professionally by Aylesbury Town Council.

  1. Parish Future Plan - Survey/Questionnaire

To receive a report,from the delegated councillors, on the work relating to the communication to residents of the data collected in the survey.

RESOLVED: That the working group be re-established to discuss how this should progress and liase with community groups as previously.

  1. Roads & General Maintenance

Cllr Kidner to give feedback (if required) on matters relating to road maintenance concerns

raised with the County Council and other stakeholders.

Cllr Irwin to arrange a walkabout with Cllr Kidner and Usherwood.

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm

Signed: ______Date: ______