Part two Divide & Conquers
Divide and Conquer: (Divide, Conquer, Combine)
- The idea is to divide the problem into smaller but similar sub problems (divide), solve it (conquer), and (combine) these solutions to create a solution to the original problem.
Problem: Finding the maximum and minimum elements in a set of (n) elements using the straightforward algorithm.
Algorithm straightforward (a, n, max, min)
Input: array (a) with (n) elements
Output: max: max value, min: min value
max = min = a(1)
for i = 2 to n do
if (a(i)>max) then max=a(i)
if (a(i)<min) then min=a(i)
· best= average =worst= 2(n-1) comparisons
If we change the body of the loop as follows:
for i=2 to n do
if (a(i)>max) then max=a(i)
else if (a(i)<min) then min=a(i)
· best case: elements in increasing order
No. of comparisons = (n-1)
· Worst case: elements in decreasing order
No. of comparisons = 2(n-1)
· Average case: a(i) is greater than max half the time
No. of comparisons= 3n/2 – 3/2
½ ((n-1)+(2n-2))
Problem: is to find the maximum and minimum items in a set of (n) elements.
Algorithm MaxMin(i, j, max, min)
input: array of N elements, i lower bound, j upper bound
output: max: largest value
min: smallest value.
if (i=j) then max=min=a(i)
if (i=j-1) then
if (a(i)<a(j)) then
max= a(j)
min= a(i)
max= a(i)
min= a(j)
mid= (i+j)/2
maxmin(i, mid, max, min)
maxmin(mid+1, j, max1, min1)
if (max<max1) then max = max1
if (min>min1) then min = min1
When n is a power of 2,
No algorithm based on comparison can do less than this.
Given a set of n elements. Write an algorithm using divide and conquer, to find the summation of its elements.
The Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum
“Given (possibly negative) integers, find (and identify the sequence corresponding to) the maximum value of. The maximum contiguous subsequence sum is zero if all the integers are negative.”
Suppose we are given the following input
{-2, 11, -4, 13, -5, 2}
The maximum contiguous subsequence sum is (20), which encompassing items 2 through 4.
Divide and Conquer approach
Let consider a divide and conquer algorithm:
We divide the input into two halves. The max contiguous subsequence sum can occur in one of 3 ways:
Case1: It resides entirely in the 1st half.
Case2: It resides entirely in the 2nd half.
Case3: It begins in the 1st half but ends in the 2nd half.
1) Recursively compute the max contiguous subsequence sum that resides entirely in the 1st half.
2) Recursively compute the max contiguous subsequence sum that resides entirely in the 2nd half.
3) Compute via two consecutive loops the max contiguous subsequence sum that begins in the 1st but ends in the 2nd.
4) Choose the largest of the 3 sums.
Quick Sort Algorithm (Divide & Conquer)
Given the following set of data:
42 23 74 11 65 58 94 36 99 87
1st pass
{11 23 36} 42 {65 58 94 74 99 87}
2nd pass
11 {23 36} 42 {65 58 94 74 99 87}
Last pass
11 23 36 42 58 65 74 87 94 99
The best thing that could happen in Quick Sort would be that each partitioning stage divides the file exactly in half.
Quick Sort uses about (1.38nlgn) comparisons on the average. The precise recurrence formula for the number of comparisons used by Quick Sort for a random permutation of n elements is:
Worst Case
This is equal to:
There is a simple solution to the problem of poor performance instead of using the 1st element of the array as the partitioning element; we could generate a random number (r), where r is in the range of 1 to the number of elements in the partition.
Although the worst case is still, it is extremely unlikely that we will encounter it.
The probability of encounter the worst case is, where n is the number of elements in the file.
Another method is the median-of-three. We choose the median of the left element, the right element, and the one halfway between them. Unless this median is already the left element, we exchange it with left.
Space Usage
Quick Sort is not working in-place sort. While the algorithm is working on one sublist, the beginning and ending indexes (borders) of all the other sublists must be saved on a stack.
The size of the stack depends on the no. of sublists into which the list will be split.
The worst case amount of space used by stack is.
Merge Sort (Divide & Conquer)
We use the merge procedure as the basis for merge sort. If we have two sets of numbers that are already sorted, we can merge them together with one scan.
Let the 1st set be , and the 2nd set be . Assume that both sets are sorted in increasing order. Scan the 1st set until the right place to insert is found, and insert it, then continue the scan from that place until the right place to insert is found and so on.
The total number of comparisons, in the worst case is the sum of the sizes of the sets.
Data movements: we copy them to a temporary array; each element is copied exactly once.
The overall: merging two sorted sequences of size (n), and (m) can be done with O(n+m) comparisons and data movements (provided that additional storage is available).
MergeSort algorithm works as follows:
1) The sequence is divided into two equal or close-to-equal (in case of an odd size) parts.
2) Each part is sorted separately recursively
3) The two sorted parts are merged into one sorted sequence.
It is not working in-place algorithm, since it requires additional storage to copy the merged set.
36 20 17 13 28 14 2315
20 36
13 17
13 17 20 36
14 28
15 23
14 15 23 28
13 14 15 17 20 23 28 36
The running time of merge sort does not depend on the arrangement of the input values, thus it does not have poor worst case performance. It has the advantage that it sorts a file of n elements in time proportional to (nlgn) even in the worst case. The disadvantage is the extra space proportional to n.
Binary Search
Let, be a list of elements that are sorted in nondecreasing order. Consider the problem of determining whether a given element x is present in the list. If x is present, we are to determine a value j such that If x is not in the list, then j is set to be zero.
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