How to add an Employee Master Record
Module: Human Resources/Payroll
Topic: Employee Set up
How to add an Employee Master Record Munis Version 10
This documentprovides step-by-step instructions on how to add an employee to the Employee Master program directly.
The employee master record can only be created after the Payroll Setup files have been set up. The system will now look at all the Payroll Setup files associated with an employee and allow a payroll to be generated.
Before you can successfully use this feature, you must ensure that the necessary parameters and codes are in place. The following prerequisites must be completed prior to entering employee data:
- Job Class Codes
- Location Codes
- Group/BU Codes
- G/L Accounts for Org/Obj/Project
- Miscellaneous Codes: STAT (Personnel Status)
- Open the Employee Master program off the Human Resources or Payroll Menu (depending on your permissions) as shown below.
- Click the Add button to add a new Employee record. Note: When using Munis Applicant Tracking all employee information will automatically flow over into the Employee Master without having to rekey this information.
- Enter the fields as defined below. Note: bold fields are required fields.
Field / Description
Employee / This box contains the employee number.
When you are adding a record and you complete this box, press Tab and the program automatically inserts the next available employee number. When you click Search and complete this box, press Enter and the program completes the remaining employee detail fields from the employee master record.
SSN / This box contains the Social Security number for the employee. The Social Security number is one element of the unique key used to organize employee records. The system allows a Social Security number to be used more than once (with a warning), but this should be done only in a case where two separate W-2s are needed or where both a W-2 and a 1099-R (pension) are needed.
When you click Search and complete this box, press Enter and the program completes the Employee and Names boxes.
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
MI / These boxes contain the employees last name, first name, middle name, and middle initial. When you are searching for a record, the program completes these boxes when you enter a Social Security or employee number.
The Last Name box contains up to 20 characters, the First Name and Middle Name boxes contain up to 15 characters, and the M box allows only one character.
Suffix / This is any suffix (for example, Jr. or II) that is part of the employee name.
The suffix can contain up to three characters.
Status / This list identifies the employee's current employment status:Active, Benefits Only, Inactive, or Pension.
If you change a status from Active to Inactive, the program displays the Update Choices screen. Click Define to open the fields, answer the questions, and return to the Employee Master screen.
Main Tab
Job Class / This box identifies the current job class for the employee. Job class codes establish default parameters for each job maintained/occupied.These default parameters include the following: group/bargaining unit, code, base pay type, position control, and location. The job class must exist in the Job Class Master program.
Although you are required to enter a job class code, the use of job class codes within Payroll is optional.The Human Resource Management (Personnel) programs do require the use of job class codes.
Note:Changing the job class when you are updating an existing record only changes the value of the Job Class Code box on the pay record selected.It does not affect any other job class code functionality, such as salary tables, position control, default pay/deduction/accrual codes, and so on.
Location / This box contains the employee's primary location that programs use to group employees.The code must exist in the Location Codes program. The Generate Payroll function uses primary location to select employees for the current payroll.
Group/BU / This box identifies the primary group/bargaining unit code represents labor unions and other classifications or groupings of employees to which the employee is assigned.Payroll requires that an employee be linked to a group code, even if the code is No Group code. Personnel programs require the use of group codes, as the grade and step tables are distinguished by group code.
Group/BU codes are created and maintained in the Group/BU Codes program.
Pay Frequency / The list determines the employee's primary pay frequency: Annual, Biweekly, Semi-Annual, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Monthly, or Weekly
Project Account / This box identifies the project account to associate with the employee record.This box is only accessible if your organization uses Munis Project Accounting.
Account / This box contains the general ledger account number for the employee.
When recurring pay records are created, this account is the default value for the work account to which the earnings are posted. You can change the work account when recurring pay records are created.
When you change the account, the program displays the Update Choices screen. This allows you to change the information in Employee Job/Salary (employee pay) at the same time. The settings for this screen are maintained in the Payroll Control Settings program, but you can change them on this screen by clicking Define to open the fields for entry. Once you have made the changes, click Execute to accept them.
If your organization uses the Full Account entry method, the Type and Account boxes are available; if your organization uses the Org entry method, the Org, Object, and Project (if applicable) boxes are available.
Department / This box identifies the primary department with which the employee is associated. When time is entered on the Employee Self-Service (ESS) time sheet, and an activity code is associated with the time record, this department code is the default value for the pending time entry record.
Personnel Status / This list identifies the employee's full-time/part-time work status designation from Miscellaneous Codes. At least one status code (STAT) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to open Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
Check Location / This box identifies the employee's work location.The code must exist in the Work Location Codes program. Click the button to open Work Location Codes to maintain codes.
Note: You can use this to indicate a check distribution location.For example, within the Public Works Location, employees are physically located at one of the following: Dumping Station, Water Station, and Sewer Station.By creating work location codes for these stations, queries can be performed listing all employees working at the Water Station.
New Employee / This check box, if selected, indicates that this employee is a new employee.
Substance Screen Pool / This check box, if selected, indicates if employee belongs to a substance screening pool.
The program automatically selects this check box is the employee is part of at least one substance screening pool.
You cannot change the value of this checkbox.
State ID / This box identifies state details for employee reporting. This field is available according to a user's Social Security number (SSN) permissions; if a user does not have permission to access SSN details, the State ID is also not available.
Dates Tab
Inactive / This is the date the employee became inactive (not actively completing the job requirements, that is, on a leave of absence or other leave).
Code / This list identifies the inactive reason code. Inactive/terminated reason codes (INAC) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
Terminated / This is the date the employee was terminated.
Code / This list identifies the terminated reason code. Inactive/terminated reason codes (INAC) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
Birth / This is the employee's date of birth. This is a required value.
Hired / This is the employee's date of hire or rehire after a separation. The New Hire Report is created using this value.
Service / This is the initial employee's service (or benefit) date. This determines the employee's seniority, longevity, or benefit accrual.If an employee has different service dates for the calculation of accruals and longevity, the accrual date in the Employee Accruals program can be overridden. When you add the original employee accrual record in Employee Accruals, the service date entered in this box is the default value for the accrual date in that program, but you can modify it.
Permanent / This is the date the employee became permanent. For example, if an employee is on probation for six months, this date would be six months after the hire date. The default value is the current date; this is an optional value.
Orig Hire / This is the employee's original date of hire into the organization. If an employee is rehired after a separation, this date is the date that he or she was initially hired.
Ret/Pension / This is the date that the employee enrolled in a retirement system or it can be the date the employee intends to retire. This is an optional value.
Probation / These boxes define the first and final dates of an employee's probationary employment period.
Demographics Tab
Gender / This is the employee's gender code. Gender codes (GEND) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
Actual Marital Status / This is the employee's marital status: H-Head of Household, M-Married, S-Single, and W-Widowed.
Highest Degree / This is the highest educational degree the employee has achieved. Highest degree codes (HIDG) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain the codes.
Comment / This box contains comments for this employee record. These comments do not print on the Employee Output Report.
This box contains up to 40 characters of text.
Unemployment Tax / This check box, if selected, indicates that unemployment tax is paid for this employee. This check box must be selected in order for the employee to be included in the majority of unemployment reports.
Cafeteria Plan / This check box, if selected, indicates that the employee participates in a benefits cafeteria plan. This check box is informational;it is used when creating employee reports.
Sick Leave Bank / This check box, if selected, indicates that this employee belongs to a sick leave bank. This check box is informational;it is used when creating employee reports.
Resident / This check box, if selected, indicates that the employee is a resident. This value works with the Employee Eligibility program. If this check box is selected in Employee Eligibility as a requirement for a specified eligibility type, the program refers to this check box to verify residency.
EEO Information
EEO Ethnic Code / This is the employee's EEO ethnic code. EEO ethnic codes (RACE) must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program. Click the button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
EEO Part/Full Time / This is the employee's EEO job classification: P-Part-time, F-Full-time, and T-Temporary.
EEO Function / This is the EEO function, which is used in the EEO-5 Report. You can enter any job function or you can select a function from the Job Class Table that can be accessed using the help button.
DOE Ethnicity
This option indicates if the employee is of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.
DOE Race
This check boxes indicate the employees ethnic background. You can select more than one check box.
Address Tab
Line 1 and Line 2 / These boxes contain the street address, mailing address, or both for the employee address.
City / This box contains the name of the city where the employee resides.
State / This box contains the two-character postal code for the state in which the employee resides.
Zip / This box contains the postal ZIP Code for the employee address.
Country / This list identifies the country in which the address is located. Select a country from the list; to add a new country, click the folder button next to the list to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to add the code.
Use the Global Crosswalk program to cross-reference addresses to Canadian province and postal codes using the employee numbers as the Munis value in the crosswalk program. The crosswalk types FPC - Province Codes and FZC - Post Codes are used to create the cross-reference. The Payroll Checks program accepts the cross-referenced data from Employee Master and prints the proper province and postal codes on checks.
County / This list identifies the county for the selected address, if applicable. County codes are established in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program for the code type CNTY.
City Code / This is the location code for the employee's home city.
Note: If the employee consistently works in the same location or the tax applies to the employee's residence rather than work location, enter that location in this field.If the location code entered has a local tax deduction associated with it, the deduction is automatically added as an employee deduction record, (if one does not already exist).If the city code is removed, the deduction is also removed from the employees deductions.
Home Phone / This box contains the employee's home telephone number.
Email / This box contains the employee's electronic mail (e-mail) address. At least one valid e-mail address (Email or Alt Email) is required for employees who elect to receive information electronically (for example, Form W-2s). If you delete this address but the employee is registered to receive electronic notifications, the program displays an E-mail Required message.
Alt Email / This box contains an alternate e-mail address for the employee. At least one valid e-mail address (Email or Alt Email) is required for employees who elect to receive information electronically (for example, Form W-2s).
Prior Name / This box contains the employee's prior name (last, first, middle initial), if applicable.
FOIA Exempt / This list indicates if the employee is exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Freedom of Information Act exemption codes must exist in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program for the code type FOIA. Click the button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program to maintain codes.
Supervisor / This box contains the employee number for the employee's supervisor.
Spouse / This box contains the employee number for the spouse of the selected employee, if applicable.
Include After / The date after which the employee should be included in the payroll generate. The system compares the Payroll Start Date in the Payroll Control Settings program to this date to determine if the employee will be included in the current payroll.The Include After date must be prior to the payroll date.
This date can be used in the following ways:
- To permit records for future/new employees to be created prior to their hire date without being included in payrolls prior to their start date. (Personnel Actions also permits this without affecting this date.)
- To ensure that an employee is not included in a payroll for which he or she has received an advance. When an employee is issued an advance check during payroll processing, this date is updated with the date entered in that program.
- T to indicate that pay for this employee is to be stopped until the date entered.
Run Type / This is the payroll run type to include the employee in once the Include After date is reached.
Other Service / This is the number of years to impact length of service when computing longevity.
Advice Delivery / This is the payroll advice delivery method:
- P -Print Only
- E - Primary Email Only
- B - Both Print and Primary Email
- A - Alternate Email Only
- C - Both Print a d Alternate Email
For Accounts Payable vendors, the e-mail/fax address for the export files is located in the Contact 1 E-mail and Fax boxes in the Accounts Payable Vendors program.
For Payroll Vendors, the e-mail/fax address for the export files is located in the E-mail and Fax boxes in the Payroll Vendors program.
W-2 Delivery / This list identifies the employee's preference for receiving the annual Form W-2 for income taxes:
- P-Print Only provides a printed copy only.
- E-Email Only provides an electronic copy delivered to the employee's designated e-mail address.
- B - Both Print and Email provides a printed and electronic copy.
Benefit FTE / This box provides the sum of the pay FTE for the employee's base pay record for which the job class is identified to include the benefit FTE. To have the benefit FTE affect a deduction calculation of employee and employer amounts, the Factor by FTE check box must be selected in Deduction and Benefit Master.
This box is accessible during update; you can change the calculated value.
Total FTE / This box provides the sum of the pay FTEs for the employee's base pay records for which the job class is identified to include total FTE. This is display only.
Mail Sort Tab
Payroll Run Type / This list identifies the payroll run type in which to include employee in payroll generate.
Mail Code / These lists determine the mail sort option for the payroll run type. This determines how the employee's payroll checks are sorted.
You must link a mail code to each payroll run type, even if the employee does not receive a paycheck for each type.The available run types are displayed in the Payroll Run Types column.
You can have as many as four mail sorts (for example, sort the checks into up to four piles for various methods of delivery.) The sorting sequence within each stack is established either at the time of check printing or as a default during the Payroll Control Settings program data setup.
Last Change Tab
The program completes these boxes; they are accessible when you click Search to locate employee records.
User / This is the user identification of the person who last updated this record.
Date / This is the date the record was last updated.
Time / This is the time the record was last updated.
Benefit FTEs Tab
This tab provides benefit FTE and FTE amounts for each employee.
Payroll functionality allows you to create multiple benefit FTE types, and then factor deduction amounts by a calculated or defined benefit FTE amount. FTE types and amounts are defined using the FTE Tables option in the Deduction and Benefit Master program.
For more information on benefit FTEs, see Benefit FTEs (PDF).
- Click to save the record.
- Click to return to close the Employee Master program and return to the Menu.
After completion of these records, employees are now able to be processed in a payroll.