Script for River City’s Hey Soul Sista!

ALL: Everyone close your eyes.
Baylee: She is SO ugly.
Eliza: She talks all the time. She is SO annoying.
Sydney: I can’t believe she would ever walk out of the house in that.
Margo: She is so self centered. All I ever hear her talk about is herself.
Mallory: She is way too skinny. She looks like she never eats.
Lindsey: She is such a slut. She would hook up with anything that moves.
Stephanie: I hope she knows that no one likes her. She is such a bitch.
Samantha: She is so two faced! And fake!
Caroline: She never stops gossiping. It’s like she does it for a living!
ALL: We have all heard these things before.
Stephanie: Some may have been said about your best friend.
Eliza: Some may have been said about your sister.
Baylee: Some may have been said about you.
Samantha: Your best friend may have said some of these things.
Caroline: Or maybe your sister said some of these things.
Lindsey: Or maybe you said some of these things.
Margo: No matter who said it, it is not okay.
Mallory: Sometimes we don’t even realize how painful words can be to someone else.
Sydney: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you have ever been gossiped about. Then pass the candle to your right.
Lindsey: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you have ever been lied to. Then pass the candle to your right.
Baylee: Please drop a dot of ______wax if either one of these things hurt your feelings. Then pass the candle to your right.
Caroline: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve ever gossiped about someone. Then pass the candle to your right.
Mallory: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve ever lied to a friend. Then pass the candle to your right.
Stephanie: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve ever regret doing or saying these things.
Baylee: She is SO nice! She always says hello to me in the hallway.
Eliza: She always has a smile on her face. It really cheers me up when I’m in a bad mood!
Sydney: Her outfit was so cute! She has the best style.
Margo: She is the best person to call! Whenever I have a problem I call her and she always listens.
Mallory: She is so smart. She always says the most intelligent things.
Lindsey: She is the funniest person I’ve ever met! She always makes me laugh.
Stephanie: She is extremely talented. She excels with everything she does.
Samantha: She is so adorable! I just love her!
Caroline: I never hear her gossip. It’s like she loves everyone!
ALL: Wouldn’t it be nice if we only heard people say these things!
Samantha: Please drop a dot of ______wax if anyone’s ever made you feel good about yourself. Then pass the candle to your right.
Margo: Please drop a dot of ______wax if anyone’s ever gone out of their way to include you. Then pass the candle to your right.
Eliza: Please drop a dot of ______wax if anyone’s ever apologized to you for something. Then pass the candle to your right.
Sydney: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve made someone feel good about themselves. Then pass the candle to your right.
Mallory: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve gone out of your way to include someone. Then pass the candle to your right.
Stephanie: Please drop a dot of ______wax if you’ve apologized for something you’ve done wrong. Then pass the candle to your right.
Baylee: In the beginning, we listed off things that no one wants to hear about themselves.
Samantha: You dropped dots of wax for gossip, lies, and hurt feelings.
Lindsey: Later on, we listed things that you would like to hear about yourself.
Caroline: You then dropped dots of wax for feeling better about yourself, being included, and apologizing.
Mallory: We used the candles and drops of wax to show that the good things can always override the bad things.
Eliza: We hope that you keep your palette, and remember that you always have sisters in River City BBG.
Stephanie: And with that, we will now move into a good and welfare.