Town Centre Management Board approved
Draft Business Plan 2011/12
/ Performance Indicator /1) Business Development and Environmental Enhancements
/ Total fund £3.940 /Continue to control the Busking / Street Entertainers Policy. Manage the booking procedure, locations and the rules and regulation regarding busking as well as quality control. Also the production of licences for “approved” buskers. / Tourism, Econ Dev, Arts Dev / Number of Permits Issued /
Working with the councils Environmental and Consumer Protection Unit to improve cleanliness in the High Street by reporting and dealing with enquiries from businesses. Also support the prevention of litter by users of the High Street by utilising the trade waste scheme / £100 / ECPS / Number of complaints about litter /
Continue to monitor and manage the town centre footfall via on site cameras and investigate future footfall camera options with more reliable equipment and possible new locations / £3,840 / Footfall Data /
Working with Urban Design Planning, Transportation Unit and ECPS to bring forward and deliver the Public Realm Strategy and the A-Board policy / Planning, Transportation, ECPS /
Identify and promote opportunities to broaden and strengthen the Town Centre’s commercial base and retail mix by supporting local commercial agents and managing enquiries from inward investors / Econ Dev /
Participate in the progress of all development schemes in the town centre including the incorporation of the boards recommendations from the High St Study into Town Centre planning strategies / BoP /
Responsive yet sensitive to new project ideas for the Town Centre. Persist in finding new ways to improve the shoppers experience and encourage inward investment in the Town Centre /
/ Performance Indicator /2) Promotions and Special Events / Total fund £73,100 /
Deliver the Top of the Shops retail awards and award ceremony with support from the Dorset Retail Skills Shop and Economic Development. This project includes the shopping districts outside of the Town Centre. / £5,500 / Private sector sponsors / Number of retailers participating /
Produce approximately 50,000 seasonal Town Centre visitor retailer guides/ maps three times a year. To encourage TCM membership with exposure on the map and to maximise visitors experience of the Town Centre / £5,000 / Number of maps distributed /
Distribute regular press releases about Town Centre activities, highlighting events and relevant partner activities. / Media / Column space /
Continue to nurture links with local media to maximise and deliver a marketing campaign to raise the towns profile / Media / Column space /
Continued marketing of Poole Town Centre in local media including Wave 105, The Daily Echo, Resort Magazine, What’s on Guide, The Primary Times, Listed Magazine and the various Festive Christmas publications. / £2,000 / Media / Column space /
Promotion of the Old Town as a distinctive shopping destination / Media /
Investigate and deliver a quarterly Arts Market in Town Square / £1,000 / Arts Dev / Footfall Data /
Organise attractions for Half term holidays / £1,000 / Footfall Data /
Organise up to 3 Specialist Markets and encouraging the use of Old Orchard and the Old Town area. / £1,000 / Footfall Data /
Organise and deliver a fun Easter event for the Town Centre. / £4,000 / Dolphin Shopping Centre / Footfall Data /
Support Streets Arts Day at May Bank Holiday / £1,000 / Arts Dev, Tourism / Footfall Data /
Continue to support the Fun 4 kids Days in the middle High Street / £600 / Community Churches Association / Footfall Data /
Continue to deliver Christmas Events and the Christmas Tree in Poole Town Centre. Procure new decorations and installation of decorations / £45,000 / Transportation, Dolphin Shopping Centre, Retailers / Footfall Data /
Investigate a tactical pricing strategy with the Transportation Unit to encourage visitors to the town centre car during quieter business periods / Nil / Transportation / Footfall Data /
Support the Twin Sails opening ceremony in 2012
/ / /Produce a Poole Town Mascot involving schools to design and name /
/Arts Dev
/Celebrate the Royal Wedding by dressing the High Street with Union Flags and bunting /
/Transportation Services
/Footfall Data
Deliver an attraction in the High Street to encourage visitors to the Town and to encourage travel along the High Street, such as Steam engines or Show Cars, subject to availability. /£2,000
/ /Footfall Data
/ Performance Indicator3) / Total fund £1,500
Continual maintenance and marketing of the pooletowncentre website. Seek new way to promote the website via the media and continue to promote the Core Partners logos. / Number of website visits
Seek the development of website onto Poole Tourism’s website pages. / Number of website visits
Investigate the website statistics and review the impact of the website and investigate ways in which to improve the information and the offer from the website. The website will also include retailer inward investment information to encourage new investment in the town / Number of website visits
4) Town Centre Partnership / Total fund £1,200
Further develop relationship with new and existing Town Centre businesses to encourage new Town Centre Management members and retain existing members. / Number of TCM members
Produce a quarterly Town Centre Newsletter - Continuation of this vital communication tool to inform retailers of the latest new and events taking place in the High Street. (Most retails do not have internet access and therefore no email facility). / £1,200
Developing regular email bulletins to partners to keep them up to date with events and news.
Action /
/ Performance Indicator5) Market and Concessions / Total fund £41,000
Continue to manage the Street Traders and concessionaires / ECPS, Transportation / Footfall Data
Finalise and adopt the Street Traders Strategy for the High Street
Continued improvements to the visual aspect and the quality of stalls.. / ECPS, Transportation / Footfall Data
Raise the profile of the Street Markets to local residents and visitors / Media / Footfall Data
6) Community Safety / Total fund £35,900
Continue with the Street Wardens, to support our members stores, to help recruit new members, to help regulate the High St environment and to provide visitor information and guidance 3 days a week. / £15,000 / Store Watch, Police SNT, CCTV / Number of incidents of retail crime reported to TCM/ CCTV
Working with licensees, retailers and the Police. Continue to reduce violent crime, anti social behaviour and retail crime through the co-ordination of “Safe and Sound” and “Safer Business Scheme” projects. / £19,500 / Licensees, Police SNT, ECPS, CCTV / Number of incidents of anti social behaviour reported to TCM/CCTV (licensed premises)
Procure a new crime and information database system / £1,400
7) Space and Bookings Management / Total fund £2,800
Fully utilize Falkland Square for events and marketing/ income opportunities. Also utilize the display advertising banner posts in Falkland Square for events and sponsors exposure / £2,500 / Planning
Working with the Arts Development Unit, develop and promote the Old Orchard Plaza as event space for Arts, Culture and Specialist Markets. Including the maintenance of the lights for the trees to enhance this unique space. / £300 / Arts Dev, Transportation
Poole Town Centre Management
Proposed Business Plan 2011/12
257,510Subscriptions (inc Radio Link) / 57000
Markets / 90000
Street Concessions / 30000
Commercial Activity / 12000
Sponsorship / 15000
Borough of Poole / 58000
2010/11 Carry Forward sum / 22000
Income Budget (£’s)
Expenditure Budget (£’s)
Employees, employee support, Central support charges, office costs / 116750Business Development/Environmental enhancements / 3940
Promotions/special events / 73100 / 1500
Town Centre Partnership / 1200
Markets/concessions / 41000
Community safety / 20900
Street wardens / 15000
Space and bookings management / 2800
Unallocated funds / 7800