School Library Web Presence Transcript
Elluminate Archive
3/1/10 8pm EASTERN, How is your library available to students via the web? What is your library web presence in the community? Are you a web wallflower or dancing with the stars web-wise? A discussion of effective practice and essential elements for making your library instruction, program, and tools more accessible for students and the community. A discussion of effective practice and essential elements of our library web presence
Special Guests: Buffy Hamilton, Carolyn Foote, Barb Jansen, Christina Bentheim
Hosted by Gwyneth Jones and Joyce Valenza
Joined on March 1, 2010 at 7:36 PM
(Gwyneth Jones): WOW! Lots of people here to get a good seat! YAY!
(Gwyneth Jones): Welcome!
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): hi Gwyneth!
(Gwyneth Jones): Hi Kim! [waves and grins]
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): :)
(joycevalenza): hi everyone!
(Gwyneth Jones): If you're here early you can go to TOOLS and Audio Setup!
(Gwyneth Jones): Hi Joyce!
jeri: hey, joyce!
(joycevalenza): :-) so nice to see everyone here (so early) yeah!
(joycevalenza): you okay?
(joycevalenza): let me know if you need me!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Good evening everyone!
(joycevalenza): hey buffy!
(Barb Jansen): Hi!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): I have to warn you all I sound scary with this horrible cold.
(Barb Jansen): Maybe you should load a monster-face avatar to go with your voice! :)
Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Hi everyone from Melbourne, Australia
dotty Myers: Hello form Northern california
mrsdurff: ty you both made nik stop crying
Joquetta Johnson: Hello from Baltimore, MD
(joycevalenza): Welcome, Australia! What time is it?
mrsdurff: blrss u
Barb from Oz: G'day Judith - I'm from Melbourne, too
Frank Moore: I don't have a mic, but hello from Frank in Myrtle Beach. I can hear everyone very clearly.
mrsdurff: hi joyce
(joycevalenza): hi durff!
Kelly: Hey from North Carolina!
(Gwyneth Jones): I've loaded the PPT!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): It is lovely!
(Gwyneth Jones): Welcome Judith!
Louise Paurus: I'm trying to but not working
Diane Cordell: Hello everyone!
Louise Paurus: I am excited to be able to hear you!!
(Gwyneth Jones): Hi Diane! and I love the Countdown to Showtime!
(joycevalenza) to Louise Paurus: louise, did you grab the mic on the bottom left?
Judith Way (Bright Ideas) to joycevalenza: Hi Joyce. Mary from SLAV says hello!
Floyd Pentlin: I don't see my name in the list -- oops
(Gwyneth Jones): IF you wish you may want to go up to TOOLS and do the Audio Setup Wizard to help with sounds!
(joycevalenza) to Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Can't wait to visit with you all!
Louise Paurus: yes I did try that mic guy on the left here
Judith Way (Bright Ideas) to Floyd Pentlin: I can see it
(joycevalenza) to Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Floyd you are there!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Hi Floyd and Diane!
Katie Williams: I, too, tried the mic
Judith Way (Bright Ideas) to joycevalenza: It should be so great. We love you here in Australia!
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): your name should be blue floyd
Floyd Pentlin: Hi, Buffy! I finally found my name in the list
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): in the list
(joycevalenza) to Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Did you make it turn yellow?
Floyd Pentlin: Who is typing -- Joyce?
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): gwyneth i believe
(Gwyneth Jones): Also when you leave tonight please close the RED button or go to Elluminate Live and Quit do not just use the Blue Door which is the "going to get more Diet coke steppin away for 2 min door"
ann: This is my first time involved in one of these. I hope I don't mess up
Jeanne Swedo: Buffy was just reading your tweeted article about GA colleges cutting things. Same thing here in Cali.
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): great description Gwyneth!
Judith Way (Bright Ideas) to joycevalenza: Mary would like to get in touch with you soon if possible...
(joycevalenza) to Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Ann, welcome! We're all kinda new here
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): i will have to remember that one
CathyJo in SC: Is there music? need to see if im hearing anything
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Hi Jeanne! Yes, it is not looking too good on the budget scene anywhere in Georgia.
(joycevalenza): Ann, welcome! We're all kinda new here
Kristie: My first time with this as well.
(Gwyneth Jones): We're all learning this together! It's FUN though!
Jeanne Swedo: UCLA is cutting all their 1st yr comp teachers...
Frank Moore: Hello Cathy Jo from Frank in MB
bjneary: My first time too
CathyJo in SC: BIG SANDBOX!! Weeeeee
Diane Cordell: I can hear what sounds like typing!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Oh Jeanne, I am so sorry!
Diane Cordell: Hi, Joyce!
CathyJo in SC: Advocacy efforts
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator): wow, that is a lot of teachers, right Jeanne?
CathyJo in SC: funding
Jeanne Swedo: Yes it is Kim. And excellent instructors too. they are non-tenure track...
Judith Way (Bright Ideas) to joycevalenza: Yes funding
Diane Cordell: Continue with Buffy's collaboration theme
CathyJo in SC: saving our jbs
Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Funding
Floyd Pentlin: Buffy's latest post on collaboration was fantastic and could always be extended
(joycevalenza): the chat is trending!
Diane Cordell: More partnerships with public libraries
Joquetta Johnson: word press for beginners
Scott Shelhart: CHances for preservice teachers to find jobs.....
CathyJo in SC: @scott amen
Diane Cordell: preservice educaiton
(Gwyneth Jones): You can also add idea to our Wall Wisher Page!
Kristie: collaborating with teachers
Diane Cordell: education!
CathyJo in SC: respect
(joycevalenza): yes, gwyneth, thanks for the reminder
Jeanne Swedo: How about establishing outreach programs to network with various types of librarian colleagues... I'm the transitions person on LIRT and it's my pet project.
Jeanne Swedo: Dr L is here....
Andrea Christman to Brenda Anderson: hi brenda!
Brenda Anderson to Andrea Christman: Hi Andrea
(joycevalenza): Welcome, David!
sandy jenkins: transition from high school to college is an important issue to me too!
(Gwyneth Jones): Hi Brenda!!!! [waves] YAY!
Diane Cordell: Agreed, Sandy - curriculum should be college down; LIFE down
Jeanne Swedo: LILi is another entity concerned with transitions. Could get Esther G from UCLA
Brenda Anderson to Andrea Christman: Hi Gwyneth
Barbara Shapiro: info on web page mechanics
Brenda Anderson: Hi Gwyneth
(Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator) to Janice Meyers: janice, you may want to exit and log back in to the session so that you can hear the spearkers. looks like you are experiencing some bandwidth issues with the audio
(Gwyneth Jones): Could you hear my welcome? Gah!
Brenda Anderson to Barb Jansen, Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator, Gwyneth Jones, Buffy J. Hamilton, joycevalenza: No, Gwyneth just came in.
(Gwyneth Jones):
Joquetta Johnson: @accordin2jo
CathyJo in SC: Hello SC friends--I see a few of you!!
(Gwyneth Jones):
Diane Cordell: Hi, Cathy *waves*
(Gwyneth Jones): Hmmm my chat is lagging
Floyd Pentlin: Is Elluminate a free app?
CathyJo in SC: Hi my bff Diane C!!
Carol Price: Hi Cathy, From Spartanburg. How are you doing?
Laurie Conzemius: Hi Friends!
(Gwyneth Jones): sorry for the stutter folks...[grins] We
Jeanne Swedo: ahhhh pizza. long long day today.
(Gwyneth Jones): we've got a great crowd and still 5 min to start!
CathyJo in SC: Im good to go Carol!! This is my favorite kind of thing!
Diane Cordell: Lots of great PR, Gwyneth!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Gwyneth rocks!
Christina Bentheim: Yes she does!
Diane Cordell: Hi, Buffinator!
Carol Price: I know. I'm starting to love it too!
CathyJo in SC: Gwyneth is AMAZING
Brenda Anderson: Yes, I agree with that about gwyneth
Diane Cordell: Gotta love those Ginger folks:-D
Jeanne Swedo: anyone going to CUE?
(Gwyneth Jones): I'm going to go ahead and announce April's cafe as Ben Hazzard with the Field Guide for Change Agents
Brenda Anderson: Hi Buffy
Lisa Perez: Hi everyone!
Carolyn Foote: Hello All!
Brenda Anderson: Hi Lisa
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Hi Brenda!
(joycevalenza): also, a wonderful event coming up in Seattle on Weds will be streamed
JoAnn: hello everyone
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Hi Diane!
Nancy White: Hello everyone!
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Nancy! :-)
(joycevalenza): hey, nancy!
(Gwyneth Jones): Aww thanks guys!
Kathleen: Hi Everyone!
Christina Bentheim to Barb Jansen, Kim Caise, LearnCentral Community Facilitator, Gwyneth Jones, Buffy J. Hamilton, joycevalenza: Do I need to have status to do my portion of the preso?
ann: hello ya"ll from middle Tennessee
(Gwyneth Jones): Hi Lisa!!!! ISTE is in the House!
Nancy White: Happy to be here! First link said room was full!
Kathleen: Kathleen: Hi all
Diane Cordell: Is there a limit?
(Barb Jansen): What a great crowd!
Laurie Conzemius to dawnrnelson: Hi Dawn - I think this is just to you
CathyJo in SC: Oh wow--we have SNOW in our SC forecast. WHAT??
(joycevalenza): I was about to say the very same thing, Barb!
JudyGressel: I had the same experience and had to find a different link.
CathyJo in SC: Carol are u ready for it?
Diane Cordell: Better you than us, Cathy!
Louise Paurus: I've listened to Ben Hazzard podcasts for a long time he's great!
CathyJo in SC: LOL
Deb Peterson: Aloha from Hawaii
Jeanne Swedo: @CathyJo is that your first snow this season?
(joycevalenza): Love the new video, Gwyneth!
Katie Williams: We love that this is after hours for us on the west coast...thank you!!
CathyJo in SC: no it will be our second, but traumatic for us nine the less
dawnrnelson to Laurie Conzemius: Hi, Laurie. What a great group.
Anu: Greetings from Palo Alto, CA
(Barb Jansen): Greetings from Austin, TX!
Diane Cordell: Keeps snowing then melting here.
CathyJo in SC: @Buffy, are yall expecting snow too?
(Gwyneth Jones): Laurie C is here, too! [waves]
Carol Price: I'm making soup for a cold day reading in front of the fire. Hope there is no school!
Laurie Conzemius to dawnrnelson: Yeah. Wish I could bring them all to MEMO!
(Barb Jansen): We have had unseasonable cold weather. It is getting in the 30s tonight.
Louise Paurus: I feel so bad for you southerners we are buried in several feet of snow here in Mn!!
Lisa Perez: We have to make sure we provide info on the archive of this. I was contacted by a few who are looking for that, esp in Europe.
Tori Jensen: Hey Buffy!
CathyJo in SC: me too since drive such a LONG way
dawnrnelson to Laurie Conzemius: Laurie and Tori - the MN contingent is well represented.
(Buffy J. Hamilton): Tori!
(joycevalenza): Do we have a hashtag for the Cafe?
Jeanne Swedo: Going to Palm Springs on Thurs and the weather is perfection.
(Buffy J. Hamilton): What a great turnout tonight!
(joycevalenza): #tlcafe?
Carol Price: You can always stay here.
dawnrnelson to Laurie Conzemius: I think they're thinking about Cathy Jo Nelson
(Gwyneth Jones): Want to start with the fun greeting then i'll give the intros?
Katie Williams to JudyL 1: Hi Judy!
CathyJo in SC: @jeanne but we can see bright red fgrowth and buds on our maples
Tori Jensen: love the typing sounds!
Tori Jensen: lol
CathyJo in SC: no daffodils yet tho
Louise Paurus: I would love an archive of this especially the websites, don't want to click on them and lose my connection!
Joquetta Johnson: I had a snowcation for 8 days. Baltimore - 2 blizzards in one week
(Carolyn Foote): I'm having an allergy attack due to the wind tonight.
Jeanne Swedo: @cathyjo are the daffodils your start of spring?
(Carolyn Foote): so I am a bit sniffly!
Tori Jensen: OMG! here in Minnesota we have ice and snow
Judith Way (Bright Ideas): Congratulations on so many participants!
(joycevalenza) to Judith Shorrocks: So nice to see you, Judith!
(Gwyneth Jones): Joyce Want to start with the fun greeting then i'll give the intros?
Diane Cordell: Timer off, recording has started.
CathyJo in SC: but today I saw a tree with purple blooms--this is late for us-we usually see them in Feb
dawnrnelson to Tori Jensen: Hi, Tori. This is just to you, I think. Laurie Conzemius is here as well.
(Gwyneth Jones): LOL
Janice Meyers: I have no headset with a mircrophone
(Gwyneth Jones): she's excited, i can tell!
Jason Epstein: Hello Everyone!
(Gwyneth Jones): me, too!
AliceYucht: Hello, Everyone!
Diane Cordell: Fun to be with our Peeps
(Gwyneth Jones): Yup!
Tori Jensen to dawnrnelson: hey dawn!
Karen Kliegman: Hi Everyone!