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Understanding Person Search
and the Person Summary Page

State User Guide

Version 01



The Background Check System (BCS) allows you to do a "wildcard" search for a personin the system or to search for an applicationusing the application number.

Searching for a Person

A State user can conduct a "wildcard" person search using any one of seven possible search criteria. We call this a wildcard search because the State user does not need exact information about an applicant to find the person in the system. For instance, you may want to find a person's record but are unsure how to spell his or her last name. In a wildcard search, you can enter the person's first name and the system will return all possible matches. You can then review the search results to find the person for which you are looking.

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These search capabilities are unlike those for provider users. Provider users must have exact information (i.e., the person's last name and SSN) to find the person for whom they are looking using the person search.

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  1. To search for a person in the BCS, go to Search > Person Searchon the navigation bar. The Person Search screen appears. [State Customization – Update image to show correct fields]

  1. Enter your search criteria, then click Search. The Search Results appear.

  1. Click on the person'sLast Name to view detailed information about the person. TheLast Name is a link to the Person Summarypage. [State Customization – Update image]

Searching for a Person by Application Number

  1. Go to Search > Application Searchon the navigation bar. The Person Search byApplication screen appears.

  1. In Application #field, enter the application number for the person for which you are searching. Click Search. The Person Summarypage appears. [State Customization – Update image]

Understandingthe Person Summary Page

When a BCS person or application search results in a match, the applicant's Person Summary page appears. This page includes: [State Customization – Edit list to match your state]

  • TheCurrent Fitness DeterminationStatus – This status is shown at the top of the Person Summary page. If the person currently has a valid fitness determination, this status will show that determination.
  • Profile Tab – The person’s personal and demographic information.
  • Applications Tab – A list of all applications submitted for the person and a list of associated background checks conducted.
  • Appeals Tab—A list of all appeals associated with background checks for the person.
  • Employment Tab – A history of employment information for the person.
  • Documents Tab—Documents generated or uploaded for the person during the application and background check process.
  • HistoryTab– A detailed history of system activity for the person.
  • LicensesTab – A list of professional licenses entered into the system for the person.

Profile Tab

From the Profile tab, you may: [State Customization – Replace Image]

  • View and edit detailed information about the person, including personal and demographic information, alias, and prior address information.

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If an SSN has been entered incorrectly, provider users must contact you to have it corrected. Provider users cannot edit SSN, Last Name or Date of Birth, but State users with the appropriate permissions can edit those values using the Edit function on Profile tab.

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  • View a history of changes made to the person’s personal and demographic information.
  • Add new alias/prior name information.
  • Add prior addresses that were not previously recorded.

Applications Tab

The BCS creates an entry for each application that has been submitted. When an application is successfully submitted, the system connects that application to a background check record.The status of the application and the background check can be seen on the Applications tab on the Person Summary page. [State Customization – Replace Image]

Below is an example of the Applications tab for applicant Orlando Bloom. The two tables on the Applications tab tell us the following:

  • An application was submitted for Orlando Bloom on 12/7/2014 for the position of Nursing Home Director/Business Manager. (Bottom table in the image)
  • As a result of this application, the State agency completed a background check for Orlando Bloom and the current status of his fitness determination is "Eligible for Employment"—which indicates that the provider can hire Orlando Bloom. (Top table in the image.)
  • After an application is submitted, the application and background check go through several statuses until the fitness determination is made; these statuses are updated in both tables as the process moves forward, and will be updated again once a hiring decision is made and the application is closed.

From the Applications tab, you may: [State Customization – Edit bullets if necessary]

  • View Applications and Background Checks(and their statuses) associated with the person.
  • View or enter Notes and upload Documents related to the individual’s background check and/or application from the links in the Actions columns.
  • Generate duplicate copies of system forms, such as the Final Registry Resultsform, the Fingerprint Form, and the Consent and Release Form by clicking on the form name in the Documents columns.
  • Record employment information from the Actions column of the Applications table.

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State users see all information associated with the applicant. Provider users see only that information associated with their application.

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For more information regarding the Applications tab, refer to the “Working with and Managing Applications” User Guide.

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Appeals Tab

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From the Appeals tab, you may view a list of appeals associated with background checks for the person. You can also click the appeal Status link to access the appeal record details.

Employment Tab

[State Customization – Remove section if not applicable]

From the Employment tab, you may view and edit employment information for the person.

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The employment history of an applicant should only be deleted if it was entered in error. Deleting employment history from the Employment tab is not the same as separating an employee.

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Documents Tab

[State Customization – Remove section if not applicable.]

From the Documents tab, you may view uploaded documents and generated forms, letters, and reports for the person. Every document that has been uploaded or generated in association with the person’s application or background check will display on this tab. Click the Document Name to view a document.

History Tab

The History tab displays a chronological history of all interactions that users have had in the BCS with the person’s application or background check.

Licenses Tab

[State Customization – Remove section if not applicable]

From the Licenses tab, you may view, edit, or delete license information for the person.

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Version 01 | 3/9/2015 | Audience: State