regular news

about the village

issue 19

April 2009

Village Hall AGMThis took place on 9th March. Various reports were read out. Special thanks were given to Veronica McCutchen for all her hard work during her time on the Committee. Comments were made from the floor in the meeting congratulating the Committee on all the improvements that have been carried out which include the refurbishment of the kitchen, new lighting, chairs, heaters and repainting the main hall.

The elected officers are: David Burke - Chairman, Kerry Vincent – Treasurer, Margaret Dair – Secretary, Tony Roche – Vice-Chairman. More committee members are needed so if anyone is interested please contact the Secretary on 590525. A note of the AGM will appear on the village website, along with a diary of events in the hall.

Bookings for use of the Village Hall can be made through Kerry Vincent on 590611. It would be nice to see the Hall used more. As reported below there are the regular events held each month i.e. Pub Nights, Friendly Club, WI, Whist Drive (held mainly during the winter months). Staging is available.

Church Whist Drive - The next Drive is on Friday 3rd April in the village hall at 7 p.m. Admission is £2.50 including tea and biscuits. Usual raffle planned. March Drive winners were Mary Barlow and Gordon Templeman. £52 was raised for church funds.

Carlby Gardeners - Despite the wet weather a few hardy souls braved the elements on 3rd March and met for the inaugural meeting of Carlby Gardeners. Future meetings will be on the first Tuesday each month at 7.30 p.m. and so the next is on 7th April. Initially meetings will be in members’ houses, but if numbers grow they may move to the village hall. The meetings will be informal gatherings where gardeners can get together for a social evening over a glass or two.

A variety of topics will be covered including plant/seed/swaps, gardening advice on a range of subjects, visits to local gardening events, talks by gardening experts and a plant clinic. If you would like tocome along please contact Amanda Pearson on 590005 or email on .

Old Carlby

Have you any photographs of what Carlby was like in ‘the old days’? My book ‘Carlby Then and Now’ includes some pictures loaned to me by villagers but there are probably lots more lying about in albums etc. The idea is that if we get a good collection and selection, we can have an exhibition in the village hall. Below are two photos showing the kind of memories we’re looking for.

Please get in touch with me if you have a photo that might fit the bill. Ian Dair

▲ Ethel Shorthouse, her father Henry,

and Herbert, with Captain the horse, 1920s (courtesy Mr. & Mrs. Glover)

Mr & Mrs Jameson, Mrs Templeman and Mrs Wakefield outside the Old School House in the High Street

(original photo supplied by Mr & Mrs Bagley)▲

Playing Field Clear Up - is onSaturday 4th April 10 a.m. to noon. Please come and help clean up for the summer. Bring a wheelbarrow or rake or broom or shovel.

Playing Field General Meeting - This open meeting will be held in the village hall on Tuesday 28th April at 8.00 p.m. for presentation of accounts, annual Chairman’s Report and election of Trustees. The Playing Field belongs to the village and all are invited to attend and express their views. Additional Trustees are needed and anybody interested can be proposed at this meeting. The Grassroots grant play area project is nearly complete. The enclosed bark area has been reduced in line with latest safety guidelines and rotted support posts have been replaced. This zigzag fence will save considerably on bark costs. Thanks to all those helping with moving bark and levelling the area now outside the new fence. The moles under the football pitch have been removed and the Welland grant project to level the surface has been delayed until the end of March, due to the wet conditions on the field. Please keep off the new turf section of the pitch until it is established.

Dog Fouling

We’ve mentioned before the need to clean up after your dog. Alan Barnes reports that this isn’t happening everywhere in Carlby – especially along the footpath which runs behind Farriers Way. The Council workman cutting the grass on the footpath told Alan it was the worst footpath he’d cut throughout the year as regards dog mess. Dog owners – please respect other walkers – and the man who has to cut the grass.

Coffee Morning Up-date – The money raised by MargaretDair’s coffee morning has been swelled by late purchases and donations, bringing this year’s total to £452 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Margaret has now raised £2,237 for the charity.

Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on 16 April at 7.30pm in the village hall. The Council will be looking at its targets for the coming year.

Red Kiteover Carlby

The Red Kite has been seen over Carlby, and a pair were spotted circling over Toft Golf Course, so they may be breeding in our area. This magnificent bird (sorry, we can only show it in black & white) was saved from national extinction by one of the world's longest running protection programmes, and has now been successfully re-introduced to England and Scotland.

Prayer Meetings - 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday 8th April at 1 Templeman Drive andWednesday 22nd April at 1 The Avenue. For more details ring Heather on 590180.

Carlby Walkers - the next meeting is on Wednesday 8th April. Meet 10.30 a.m. at the village hall for a walk likely to be around the Edenham area.

WI – meet nexton Tuesday 14th April in the village hall at7.30 p.m. This will be both the Annual General Meeting and a social get together.

Friendly Club – The Friendly Cub meets every third Wednesday in the month at the Village Hall from 2pm - 4pm (but not this April because of Easter). If you would like to join us you will be made most welcome. There is no membership fee and you do not have to attend every month. We try to be as flexible as possible to accommodatethe wishes of every person who would like to come. The next meeting is on 20 May. For further information contact Veronica McCutchen on 590166.

Pub & Quiz Night - Saturday 18th April at 8p.m. in the village hall.

Church Annual Meeting - isat 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 22nd April at the Church. There will be a short Communion Service followed by the election of Churchwardens and then the Annual Meeting which will include the Rector’s Report, Treasurer’s Report and election of the Parochial Church Council.

Bowls Club - The new summer season at the Club will start on Sunday 26th April at 2.00 p.m. for 2.30 p.m. with the Arthur MacBain Trophy Competition. New maintenance procedures carried out through the winter have improved the green immensely and new members are welcome. Contact Roger Osborn on 01778 424471.

Safari Supper - This event will be run on Friday 8th May 2009 by Members of Carlby Church. Everyone in the village is invited, but spaces are limited so buy your tickets at £13.50 per person soon. We will begin at the first house for drinks, nibbles and starters, move onto the second house for the main course and finish up at a third house for pudding and coffee. Food and starter drinks are included in the price, but please bring a bottle for the main course. The aim is for the evening to be a social event which raises some money for the Church. Tickets are available from organiser Pauline Crampin or Roger Shead (590180) or Judie and Dan Pope (590200). Full final details will be on the ticket.

‘Carlby Now’ is produced by the Parish Council withthe help of village organisations – editor Ian Dair 01778 590525