Attachment D


Membership-based Non-profit Group Proposal Checklist and Application Template

Note: It is the responsibility of the Membership-based Non-profit to submit a complete application before the RFP deadline of 11:59pm ET onJune 17, 2016.Only complete applications will pass the threshold review and be considered forselection underthe Mass Solar Connect Program.

Membership-based Non-profitGroup Name: / Date:

Membership-based Non-profit GroupProposal Checklist(Include the following items in the proposal submittal)

Attach a Letter from Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, or President (or other authorized individual), containing the following:

Statement of Commitment

Primary Representative identified

Solar Coach identified

Terms and Conditions:Review the Terms and Conditions in the draft MassCEC- Membership-based Non-profitGroupContract (Attachment B) and the Solar Coach Duties and Commitments form (Attachment C). Attach any comments to the application.

Attachment A:Attach a completed, executed Signature and Acceptance Form (Attachment A).

Solar Coach Personal Statement:Attach a statement (≤300 words) demonstrating interest, commitment and expected role inthe program, and a note thatthe Solar Coach Program Duties and Commitmentsform (Attachment C) has been reviewed.

Complete and submit the following using the application template below

Membership-based Non-profitGroup Outreach Plan:

Team: Description of the designated team, roles

Membership-based Non-profit Group: Describe basic attributes of the Membership-based Non-profit Group, including but not limited to the organization’s mission, number of members, and other characteristics. In addition, outline how the Membership-based Non-profit Groupdefines and identifies its members.

Marketing and Outreach: Outline a plan that describes various methods to create member awareness around aMass Solar Connect program, encourage members to sign up for a solar site assessment, and encourage adoption of solar PV systems.Optional: Include an outreach activity timeline, expected activity hours, preliminary goals for Membership-based Non-profitGroupparticipation and solar PV adoption during program.

Budget: Identify a preliminary budget of how the $10,000 marketing grant would be utilized.

Optional: If the Membership-based Non-profit Group plans to provide additional employee work hours or financial assistance to the program, please outline how those contributions might be used.

Interest:Describe why the Membership-based Non-profit Group is interested in partnering with MassCEC under Mass Solar Connect, and if known, demonstrate that there is interest from members of the Membership-based Non-profit Groupto participate in a program like this.

Membership-based Non-profitGroup Template

Membership-based Non-profit Group Outreach Plan (Maximum 10pages)

Membership-based Non-profit Group Description
Describe the basic attributes of the Membership-based Non-profit Group, including but not limited to the organization’s mission, number of members, and other characteristics. Outline how the Membership-based Non-profit Groupidentifies and defines its members. For example, members of may include, but are not limited to, staff, supporters, or other active stakeholders. For an academic institution this may also include faculty, students, immediate family of students, or alumni.
Team Description
Provide a description of the members of the outreach team, including different outreach roles. Describe an instance where members of the team have successfully implemented outreach effortsfor an initiative within the Membership-based Non-profit Group.
Marketing and Outreach Plan
Outline a marketing plan that describes methods to create member awareness around the Mass Solar Connect program, encourage members to sign up for a solar site assessment, and encourage the adoption of solar PV projects. This may include outreach methods such as events, tabling, mailings, social media, banners, flyers and signs, utilizing existing Membership-based Non-profit Groupresources, and engaging partners that can assist with these efforts.Provide a plan for implementation, including methods to engage additional outreach team members and volunteers. This could include an outreach activity timeline, expected activity hours, preliminary goals for Member participation and solar PV adoption during the program. Include information on where potential events could be held, including a Meet the Installerspresentation.
Marketing Budget
Identify a preliminary budget of how the $10,000 marketing grant would be utilized, and whether the Membership-based Non-profit Groupplans to provide a stipend (of up to $5,000) to the Solar Coach.
Describe why the Membership-based Non-profitGroup is interested in partnering with MassCEC under Mass Solar Connect, and, to the extent possible, demonstrate that there is interest from members of the Membership-based Non-profitGroup to participate.

Optional (Maximum 2pages)

Additional Financial Assistance
If the Membership-based Non-profitGroup plans to provide additional employee hours or financial assistance to the program, please outline how those contributions might be used.

Membership-based Non-profitGroupRequest For Proposals Application Mass Solar Connect: MassCEC 2016-MSC-01 Page 1 of 1

Effective 04-25-2016