
My name is Sarah Burd and I’m a Second year Biomedic at Lincoln. I am also the College Welfare Officer this year, which means I’m here to look out for you and generally make sure you are as happy as possible! Lincoln is a fantastic, welcoming college, but if you ever feel in need of that extra bit of help then that’s what I’m here for. If you ever have any anxieties or simply fancy a chat then I’m always happy to see you. I also promise to have an unlimited supply of biscuits and tea for anyone who does visit (surely it’s worth it just for this!). However as I will also be organising manyWelfare Teas throughout the year with the rest of the welfare team you will never be in short supply of sugary comfort.

I’m really looking forward to meeting you all in Freshers Week. There will be loads of great events going on, and it will pass in one big fun-filled blur, but my Welfare Team and I will be around to keep it stress-free and to ensure you settle in as quickly as possible. Make sure you drop in to the Welfare Brunch and the Staircase Teas so that you can meet us and, of course, your fellow freshers! Getting stuck in to Freshers Week is the easiest and best way to get used to Lincoln life, and needless to say it will be loads of fun for you too!

It is fair to say that Lincoln is one of the friendliest colleges in Oxford, and that’s down to the importance we place on your wellbeing. As well as the Welfare Team (made up of fully trained peer supporters), there’s a lovely LGBTQ rep, three gorgeous cookie fairies(they give out free cookies), a dashing steak fairy and a magnificent marmite fairy, all here to help out! Not to mention your college parents, grandparents, aunts, second cousins twice removed… The family system is where each fresher is assigned two second year ‘parents’ who have ‘married’ in their first year and then had ‘babies’ – that’s you! It may seem slightly crazy but it’s a fantastic way of meeting people in other years, and a tradition that you will certainly come to love!

I also have a stash of welfare supplies to provide you with all year. These range from tea bags to condoms, pregnancy tests to rape alarms. Once you arrive I will make it clear how you can have access to any of these supplies anonymously, never be afraid to ask. Should you need it, I can also put you in touch with more specialised help through the university counselling service. My room is staircase 12 room 5 which you can always visit, or just drop me a text or email.

Finally, you may have already been set your first piece of work, if not, you will receive it during Freshers Week. This is nothing to worry about! It may seem harsh, but in many ways it’s best to get stuck in to Oxford life as soon as possible.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and I’ll see you in October! If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Lots of Love,

Sarah xxx


Staircase 12, Room 5.