Specifications for Statewide Contract# 104

Metal Detectors (Walk-Through),

Hand – Held Wand and Accessories

Line 00001:

Salient features of Walk – Through Metal Detectors.

Unit detects small stainless steel weapons while screening out coins, keys, other personal items.

Unit shall have LED (Light Emitting Diode) alarm display on console to indicate relative size as well as presence of metal objects. Console shall be integrated into the Archway.

Unit shall have built-in “Fault indication” to alert the operator to loose connections or material failure in system. This indication is both audible and visual.

Unit shall be designed to provide detection circuitry that is continuously active and is designed in a manner that will eliminate weak spots.

Unit shall have individual programs to provide widest range of sensitivity and discrimination to allow selection of best program to fit changeable ambient environments.

Unit shall have concealed and recessed connections, no exposed wiring, and secured access over sensitivity adjustment control.

Unit shall be able to be placed within one meter of sliding metal doors or other moving metal without alarming when these objects move.

Unit will not signal false alarms because of x-ray units, power line noise, motors, TV monitors or similar electrical devices.

Unit shall be able to provide reliable detection of metallic weapons regardless of weapon orientation.

Unit shall provide uniform sensitivity and orientation independence.

Unit shall provide a minimum personnel throughput rate of 50 per minute. Walk-through direction shall be bi-directional.

Unit to require no special walkway ramp or structure.

Unit circuit boards shall utilize current industry soldering processes to prevent cold solders or the plastic state of solder and conformal coated to preclude environmental contamination from surrounding atmosphere.

Maintenance – There must be a comprehensive service organization that will provide repair service, both in and out of warranty, within 72 hours during a normal operating week, excluding weekends and holidays. Weekends and Holidays will reflect a window of seven calendar days

Passageway interior dimensions:

Width: 30” – 33”

Height: 78” – 81”

Depth: 15” – 25”

Overall Exterior Dimensions

Width: Not to Exceed 50”

Height: Not to Exceed 90”

Depth: 15” – 25”


Unit shall operate in all variations of power conditions within the United States. Must be adaptable to changes in voltage levels, frequencies, and grounding conditions.

Unit shall operate at 60Hz with a line voltage range of 100 to 130 Volts AC, inclusive and will operate with no detectable degradation of performance while experiencing line voltage variations of plus or minus 10 percent: attenuate high frequency noise, 30 to 30Mhz: be immune to normal mode noise below ten (10) volts and immune to common mode noise below point five (.5) volts.


Coinciding with the delivery of each metal detector, the contractor shall deliver, at the site, 2 sets of operation manuals. The manuals shall provide a general description of the device and information sufficient to allow operating personnel to use and operate the equipment.

Contractor’s bid price shall include training material. A training manual or video is acceptable. The training material must include training on the operation and maintenance of the unit.

Vendor to provide a minimum of a one (1) year parts and labor Warranty.


Control Screening - CHECKGATE 9800

Garrett – PD6500i


Line 00004:

Replacement Control Module for Metal Detector Bid on Line 00001.

Bidders must bid Brand/Model of control module contained in Brand/Model of Metal Detector Bid on Line Item 00001. Annotate Brand/Model of replacement module on price sheet under Line Item 00002.

Vendor to provide a minimum of a one (1) year parts and labor Warranty.

Line 00005:

Handheld Metal Detector

Features of Handheld Metal Detectors;

Handheld Metal Detector to be housed in polycarbonate – fiber reinforced material or ABS plastic.

Built - in desensitivity feature and light detection pattern to reduce false alarms when detector is used to screen at ankle height and in the vicinity of floors with re-bar.

Unit to provide an audio signal and a visual alarm when passed over a metal object.

Indicators to remain activated while detector is passed over a metal object as the duration of the alarm is indicative of the size of the object.

Unit shall have user-adjustable sensitivity control.

Unit shall have an automatic battery check that indicates need to change battery.

Unit shall detect items listed below from the distances listed.

Note: The handheld metal detector is not to be limited to only the items listed below:

Medium sized pistol at 9”

Razor Blade at 3”

Hatpin at 1”

Operated by: 9-Volt Battery

Vendor is to provide one (1) NiCad rechargeable battery kit with recharger with

each handheld metal detector ordered.

Vendor to provide a minimum of a one (1) year parts and labor Warranty.


Ranger Model 1000

Garrett Super Scanner

Or Equal.