Maltby le Marsh Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 13th July 7.30 pm
Present: Chair Higham, Cllr Williams, Cllr White, Cllr Johnson and Cllr Richmond
Apologies: None
Clerk: Mrs Ashton
Public Session
2 members of the public were present. Attention was drawn to the mess left in the churchyard and a disturbance on Strubby Road last weekend. Cllr Higham said he would look into the matter.
1.  Declaration of Interest
No Councillors declared an interest in any items on the agenda.
2.  Minutes of Last Meeting
Cllr Johnson proposed and Cllr White seconded, all agreed to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the last meeting.
3.  Matters Arising
·  Footpath to Grange Leisure – This will be part of the Cycleways project which will hopefully receive European funding. No other notification has been received as to the planning application at Grange Leisure.
·  County Council Website – Mrs Ashton has been on a course and has re-organised the site. Minutes are posted on it.
·  Standing Orders – All Councillors have reviewed these. Cllr Johnson Proposed, Cllr White seconded the motion to accept the Standing Orders. All agreed.
4.  Financial Report
The Councillors received the finance report:
Opening Balance / £2408.15
Income YTD / £2200.00
Expenditure YTD / 631.24
Balance YTD / £3976.91
Less July Payments (below) / 3602.41
However this could not be reconciled to the bank statement as the paperwork still has not been completed.
The following cheques were signed:
I H Ashton £177.00 Wages Cheque 90
R Aldrich £180.00 Grass Cutting Cheque 91
LALC £ 17.50 Training Cheque 92
Total £374.50
The Councillors agreed to pay Mrs Ashton on a monthly standing order and any expenses will be submitted at the bi-monthly meetings.
5.  Correspondence
Review of Mobile library stops
NHS Leaflet
Community Risk Register
Carers Champions
Community Grants Scheme
Preferred Minerals and Waste Strategies
Lincolnshire Coastal Grazing marshes Project
Vacancy Parish Councils Standards Committee
ELDC – Consultation of Licensing Policy
ELDC – Consultation of Sexual Entertainment Venues
Licensing News
Good Employer Booklet
6.  Planning and Development
(ii) N/112/00702/10 – Mr & Mrs Morton, Tennyson House, Strubby Road – This has been refused by ELDC.
(iii) N/112/01230/10 – Mr S Rice-Mundy, LABURNAM COTTAGE, BEESBY ROAD, MALTBY LE MARSH, LINCOLNSHIRE, LN13 0JH - Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a garden room which is a link to the existing garage. Change of use, conversion of and extension and alterations to existing garage to provide holiday accommodation.
Cllr Higham declared an interest as he also provides holiday accommodation in the village and Cllr Richmond declared an interest as she lives opposite the property. The Councillors are in support of holiday accommodation as it brings in trade to the village; however there is concern about the location of Laburnum Cottage. It is on a dangerous road with no footpath or roadside parking (if the off road parking was full) and the councillors felt the access to the drive is of major concern.
7.  Newsletter & Website
The next edition is due in October. Ideas for articles are:
·  Mobile Library
·  Ann Bowles
·  Playgoers Advertisement
·  Turks Head Advertisement
·  Best Kept Garden results
8.  Highways, Lighting, Waste.
Bramble Corner & Green Tiles – Chevrons have been replaced.
9.  Christmas Tree and Lights
Cllr Higham will find out about grant funding for a Christmas tree. The suggested location was in front of the village hall, the village hall committee will be consulted.
10.  Any Other Business
·  The Audit has been sent to the external auditor. Cllr Higham will take a thank you present to our internal auditor to say thank you.
·  Mrs Ashton has update the ‘Welcome to Maltby’ Leaflet. She asked the Councillors to let her know of any errors.
·  Free Trees – Mrs Ashton will look into this.
·  Eco Centre – Cllr Higham has been to a meeting and the Eco Centre planned in Mablethorpe is progressing well.
·  Garage on Main Road – The owner is putting in a planning application for a repair centre and car sales as well as touring caravan sales and spares.
·  Cllr Higham is going to stand for Mablethorpe and Sutton council elections next year. In the event he is elected he does not see it effecting his position on this council.
The meeting ended at 8.32pm
Dates for Meetings in coming year:
September 14th
October 19th
November 30th Budget Meeting
January 11th
March 8th
April 12th Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes Maltby Parish Council 13/07/10 Page No 2 of 2