At the Meeting of the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority, held on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the Greensville County Government Building, 1781 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, Virginia.

Present: James Parham, Jr., Chairman

Robin Whitman, Vice-Chairman

Len Hobbs

Haywood Brown

Herbert Lewis

Walter D. Rook, Jr.

James T. Luke

Butler Barrett, Attorney

Also Present: Brenda Parson, Treasurer

Natalie Slate, Secretary

Tricia Lewis


Mrs. Slate called the meeting to order. Mrs. Slate welcomed James Luke and introduced him to the Board as a new appointee to the IDA.


In Re: Organizational Matters

Mrs. Slate stated that a nomination was needed to be made to elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and a Treasurer


In Re: Chairman

Mrs. Slate opened the floor for nominations of an individual to serve as Chairman.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mr. James Parham, Jr. as Chairman.


In Re: Vice-Chairman

Mrs. Slate opened the floor for nominations of an individual to serve as Vice-Chairman.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mrs. Robin Whitman as Vice-Chairman.


In Re: Secretary and Treasurer

Mrs. Slate opened the floor for nominations of an individual to serve as Secretary and a Treasurer.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, the appointment of Mrs. Natalie B. Slate as Secretary and Mrs. Brenda N. Parson as Treasurer.


In Re: Setting of Meeting Times and Dates

Mrs. Slate stated that the meeting time and day needed to be established.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to leave the meeting times and dates as the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.


In Re: Approval of Agenda

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the agenda.

Mr. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve the agenda as submitted.


In Re: Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the minutes of September 13, 2016, if no corrections were to be made.

Mr. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to approve the minutes as submitted.


In Re: Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended approval of the Treasurer’s Report for August and September 2016 if no corrections were to be made.

Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Rook, with all voting aye, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.


In Re: Other Matters

Mrs. Parson stated Staff requested approval of Budget Amendment #17-02. She stated the $86,941.50 was for an appropriation of monies from the Tobacco Commission for the Mecklenburg Electric Utility Easement acquisitions.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, with all voting aye, to approve Budget Amendment #17-02.



BE IT RESOLVED by the Industrial Development Authority that the following budget amendments be and hereby are made for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.

FUND # 001


3-001-019010 Contributions

0020 Tobacco Commission - MAMAC $86,941.50


4-001-81600 IDA

5837 Mega Site: Land Acquisition $86,941.50


In Re: Closed Session

Mrs. Slate stated that Staff recommended going into Closed Session, Section2.1-344 (a) 5) Legal Matters.

Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, to go into Closed Session.


In Re: Regular Session

Mr. Hobbs moved, seconded by Mr. Lewis, to go into regular session.


In Re: Certification of Closed Session – Resolution #17-03

Mr. Hobbs moved, seconded by Mrs. Whitman, to adopt the following Resolution. A roll call vote was taken, as follows: James Parham, Jr., aye; Haywood Brown, aye; Len Hobbs, aye; Herbert Lewis, aye; Walter Rook, Jr., aye; Robin Whitman, aye and James T. Luke, aye.



WHEREAS, the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provision of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Greensville County Industrial Development Authority.


In Re: MAMaC Utility Easement Update

Mrs. Slate stated that there seven properties needed for the utility easement and Staff had closed on six of those seven properties. She stated that there was one timber company that Staff was trying to iron out some final details and Staff was being diligent in efforts to resolve the issues.


In Re: Revised By-Laws

Mrs. Slate stated that the original By-Laws were out dated and some revisions were needed. Mrs. Slate reviewed the changes made to the By-Laws and they were as follows; 1) “All checks drawn on deposits of the Authority shall bear the signature of two of three following parties: Treasurer, Secretary or County Administrator.”, 2)” The Treasurer may make disbursement of funds of the Authority as approved in the current year’s budget.”, 3) “Contracts, bonds, notes, deeds, conveyances and formal documents shall be signed on behalf of the Authority by the Chairman or in their absence by a director who shall be so designated by said directors.”, 4) Order of Business items were changed to reflect current agenda format, and 5) “The Authority shall meet monthly on the third Tuesday of each month.”

Mrs. Whitman noted that the By-Laws stated that facsimile signatures were authorized and asked if electronic signatures should be added to the By-Laws. Mrs. Slate stated that electronic signatures were not being used for anything currently with one exception and that was grant applications. She stated should electronic signatures become common practice the Authority could address the matter at that time.

Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Hobbs, with all voting aye, to adopt and approve the revised By-Laws.


In Re: New Contract Borrow Area, Curtis Contracting

Mrs. Slate stated that a new contract had been issued to make a change from the previously executed contract with Curtis Contracting for a borrow area on the MAMaC land. She stated that there was only one change to the new contract, Article 6 Contractor’s Payment to Owner for Fill Material. She also stated that the original contract read that the contractor would apply a $1.25 per cubic yard credit to the County off of the Otterdam Road contract; she stated that the new contract states the owner (IDA) would be paid directly by the contractor. She further stated that the amount due from contractor to owner shall be paid at the time of, or prior to, Greensville County’s final payment to contractor for work completed by contractor in compliance with the contract.

Mrs. Whitman moved, seconded by Mr. Hobbs, with all voting aye, to approve the new contract with Curtis Contracting.


In Re: Adjournment

There being no further business, Mr. Rook moved, seconded by Mr. Brown, with all voting aye, to adjourn the meeting.


Natalie B. Slate, Secretary