Purpose: The purpose of the Hartford Audubon Society’s (HAS) mini-grants is to help fund and support initiatives within the state of Connecticut, and especially within the HartfordCounty area, which specifically benefit the avian wildlife in our state. It is part of the Hartford Audubon Society’s mission to awaken a wider public interest in the preservation and protection of avian wildlife and their habitat.

Guidelines: Applicants should review the following guidelines before submitting their applications:

  1. The HAS Board expects to award mini-grants at the March HAS Board meeting of each calendar year and to announce the winning applicants at the HAS annual meeting of that calendar year. The applications for HAS mini-grants must be submitted prior to January31st for consideration for the March awards of that calendar year. Applications are available for downloading on the HAS website at:
  1. HAS Board members and officers will not be eligible to apply. Any HAS Board member with a conflict of interest with any application submitted for such calendar year shall be excluded from the award process.
  1. Grants may be in any amount up to a maximum award of $2,000 to any one recipient.
  1. More than one grant may be awarded but the total disbursement by HAS in any year will be $2,000.
  1. All mini-grant awards will be decided at a scheduled or exceptional meetingof the HAS Board.
  1. To be considered as a recipient, all mini-grant proposals need to demonstrate some benefit to birds and/or birding in Connecticut.
  1. Each applicant should prepare the details of a follow-up report, which shall be a condition of all mini-grants.
  1. Preference will be given to new applicants. Mini-grant awards may be limited to two consecutive years per recipient. Even in the case of multi-year awards, a separate application needs to be submitted each year.
  1. An applicant need not be a member of HAS to apply.
  1. HAS must be credited in any publicity resulting from any initiative funded either wholly, or in part, with funds from aHAS mini-grant.
  1. This guide and the application may be found on the HAS web site at:
  1. Funds granted must be exhausted and results reported back to HAS within twelve months.

Applications should be mailed to:

Hartford Audubon Society, Inc.

ATT: Mini-grants

PO Box 270207

West Hartford, CT06127-0207

Or emailed to: with “Mini-grant Application” in the subject line.

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