Teacher S. Rowe Week of: Jan. 29-Feb.2 Subject: 8th English Advanced Period: 1-4

MON / Cite textual evidence to support analysis.
Identify theme and/or main idea of a text.
Define vocabulary in context and demonstrate understanding of other academic vocabulary.
Read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts
Analyze use of diction, figurative language, rhetorical devices and strategies to convey meaning and tone in a text / 1. DOL 21
2. VOC. 21 AND 6
3. HW check Ender’s Game ch. 1-5
4. Discuss thoroughly ch. 1-2 / SMARTboard
Power Point
novel / Read ch.6-9 in Ender’s Game
and complete Fish Sticks---2 per chapter
Study Voc. 21 and 6 / Participation
HW grade / Reading Power standards 1,2,5. 6
Writing Power standards 9-13
Speaking Power standard 14-15
Language Power standard 16-17
Academic Vocabulary: L.8.4, L.8.5, L.8.6
Daily: Sentence correction and grammar check in bellringer: L.8.2, L.8.4, L.8.6
TUE / Write clearly and precisely, using the mode and presentation appropriate for the audience and situation
Produce clear and coherent writing by engaging in the writing process / 1. DOL 21
2. Class discussion of ch. 3 of Ender’s Game
3. group work for Shark Week packet pages 119-120 / SMARTboard
Power Point
novel / Read ch.6-9 in Ender’s Game
and complete Fish Sticks---2 per chapter
Study Voc. 21 and 6 / Participation / Same as above
WED / Prepare for and actively participate in collaborative discussions on varied tasks
Evaluate speaker’s reasoning and use of evidence and rhetoric / 1. DOL 21
2. Class discussion of ch. 4 of Ender’s Game
3. group work for Shark Week packet pages 121-122 / SMARTboard
Power Point
novel / Read ch.6-9 in Ender’s Game
and complete Fish Sticks---2 per chapter
Study Voc. 21 and 6 / Participation
Test / Same as above
THUR / Demonstrate appropriate diction, grammar, mechanics, and sentence style for the audience and situation of the writing task. / 1. DOL 21
2. Class discussion of ch. 5 of Ender’s Game
3. group work for Shark Week packet pages 123-124 / SMARTboard
Power Point
novel / Read ch.6-9 in Ender’s Game
and complete Fish Sticks---2 per chapter
Study Voc. 21 and 6
DUE FRIDAY / Participation / Same as above
I / Demonstrate appropriate use of information from sources, including correct documentation style / 1. Fact or Fakeout vocabulary review game
2. Voc. 21 and 6 Quiz
3. HW check Ender’s Game ch. 6-9
4. group work page 125 / SMARTboard
Power Point
novel / Read ch. 10 -12 in Ender’s Game and complete Fish Sticks---2 per chapter
DUE MONDAY / Participation