
Thursday and Friday,

March 8 and 9, 2018

Time(each day)

Registration begins at7:30 am

Presentation 8:00am – 5:00 pm

Lunch 12 noon


Nusenda Training Center

La Luz Room

4100 Pan American NE, B

Albuquerque, NM 87107


16hours over two days


Early Registration $400 members; $425 non-members by February 15, 2018

$450 members; $475 non-members by March 5, 2018

Registration Deadline

Monday, March 5, 2018 at 5pm

Email with any special meal accommodations

The IIA Albuquerque Chapter Presents


“Leveraging Data Analytics to Fight Fraud”


If robust data analytics programs had been the norm twenty years ago, would Enron, WorldCom or the countless other major corporate fraud scandals have every reached the magnitude they did? Or even have occurred at all? All organizations are subject to fraud risk. ACFE studies show that on average 5% of revenue is lost to internal fraud schemes within an organization…every year. Utilizing effective data analytics as part of an organization’s fraud management program can reduce the average fraud scheme’s duration from 18 months down to mere weeks, or almost eliminate it. More importantly a robust fraud data analytics program can be the strongest deterrent in an organization.

This course is designed to introduce the participants to the techniques currently being used by leading data analytics programs through the use of case studies, best practices and interactive exercises. Participants will gain a basic understand of fraud and how it occurs in organizations and the specific techniques used to identify and quantify fraud.


  • Understand how data analytics can be used in a fraud management program
  • Understand Fraud basics and assessing fraud risk
  • Learn techniques for detecting and preventing fraud in your organization
  • Understand professional standards regarding the use of data analytics in fraud management
  • Learn how to start a fraud data analytics program

To register, click on the link below

Email with any special meal accommodations


Who should attend: Internal and External Auditors, Internal control professionals.

Level: Intermediate Field: Auditing

Recommended Prerequisites: General understanding of fraud schemes, fraud auditing techniques and computer-based auditing.

CPE credits: 16 (2 days)

For more information, view CPEinteractive at


Keith Barber, Faculty

Keith Barber, CISA, ACDA and ACL Certified Trainer, Senior Fellow, Business Analytics Insight

Keith Barber is a Senior Fellow for CPE interactive, and President of the KGBgroup LLC, where he specializes in providing useful data analytic techniques. Keith has extensive experience helping clients solve complex data issues using various software tools. His professional expertise includes data analytics, IT audit, fraud detection, automated control monitoring, the use of Business Intelligence to support strategic decision making, and personnel/project management.

During his tenure with the Big 4, Keith delivered a number of audit analytics engagements in support of financial audit, tax engagements, business risk and IT engagements. As a Corporate Audit Manager of Data Analytics of a financial services company, Keith utilized business analytics to benchmark product performance during an acquisition ultimately reducing the buying price by $33 MIL. Over the course of his 10+ years’ experience, Keith’s technical expertise and seasoned judgment were key to satisfying client needs, delivering the right level of customization to ensure that clients received the highest value for their investment.

Keith received his BS in Computer Science from Madonna University. He is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), ACL Certified Data Analyst (ACDA) and an ACL Certified Trainer. He maintains memberships in the IIA, ISACA and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.