2014-2015 Service-Learning Designated Course Listing

1.  / BSC 3312 Principals of Marine Biology
2.  / BSC 4861L SL Sustainability: Socially & Economically Viable Environmental Protection
3.  / CCJ4681 Domestic Violence & the Justice System
4.  / COM 1000 Introduction to Communication (Instructor: Steven Neel only)
5.  / EDF 2005 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
6.  / EDF 7476 Advanced Research Methods
7.  / EDG 4410 Teaching Strategies and Classroom Management
8.  / EDG 4954 International Education Field Experiences (pending)
9.  / EDG 6775 Exploring lobal Educational Issues in International Contexts (pending)
10.  / EME 6613 Instructional Design
11.  / ENC 6945 Community Literacy
12.  / GEB 3031 Cornerstone: Professional Skills for Business
13.  / GEB 3031L Cornerstone Lab: Professional Skills for Business
14.  / IDH 1920H Honors Symposium I
15.  / LAE 4314 Language Arts in the Elementary School (Instructor: Dr. Sherron Roberts only)
16.  / LDR 2001 Introduction to Foundations of Leadership
17.  / LDR 2002 Intermediate Foundations of Leadership
18.  / LDR 3215 Leadership through Service: An Advanced Leadership Experience
19.  / LDR 3950 Leadership in Action: Capstone Experience for LEAD Scholars
20.  / NGR 6201 Adult I for APNs
21.  / NGR 6263 Gerontologic Care for APNs II
22.  / NUR 3634L Community Health Nursing
23.  / NUR 4637 Public Health Nursing
24.  / PAD 3930 Nonprofit Leadership Seminar
25.  / PAD 4147 Resource Development in the Nonprofit Sector
26.  / PAD 5145 Volunteerism in Nonprofit Management
27.  / PAD 5850 Grant and Grant Management
28.  / PAD 6149 Nonprofit Administration
29.  / PAD 6335 Strategic Planning and Management
30.  / PAD 6397 Managing Emergencies and Crises
31.  / PAD 6700 Analytic Techniques for Public Administration I
32.  / PAD 6701 Analytic Techniques for Public Administration II
33.  / PAD 6825 Cross Sectional Governance
34.  / PHY 2048c Physics for Engineers & Scientists (Instructor: Elena Flitsiyan-Summer only-pending)
35.  / PHY 4932 Teaching Introductory Physics (pending)
36.  / PUP 3203 Environmental Politics (Dr. Peter Jacques only)
37.  / SOW 3300 Practice I: Generalist Practice in Social Work
38.  / SOW 4645 Social Services for the Elderly
39.  / SPA 6417 Cognitive Communication Disorder
40.  / SPA 6437 AT/IT for Communication
41.  / SPA 6559 Augmentative and Alternative Communication
42.  / SPN 4410 Advanced Conversational Spanish
43.  / SPN 3343 Advanced Rhetoric for Native Speakers (pending)
44.  / TSL 4080 Theories and Practice of Teaching ESOL Students in Schools (pending)
45.  / WST 3015 Introduction to Women’s Studies
46.  / WST 3460H Honors Women, Race and Struggle
47.  / WST 3500 Gender Issues in Community Activism
48.  / WST 4023 Virtual Girls
49.  / WST 4415 Global and Transnational Feminism