Table S1: Lung Model and Ventilator Settings for All Test Conditions.

Resistance: 50 Compliance: 2 Pmusmax: 4 / Resistance: 50 Compliance: 2 Pmusmax: 7
  • Test 1. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak
  • Test 13. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak

  • Test 2. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak
  • Test 14. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak

  • Test 3. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak
  • Test 15. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak

  • Test 4. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak
  • Test 16. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak

Resistance: 100 Compliance: 1 Pmusmax: 4 / Resistance: 100 Compliance: 1 Pmusmax: 7
  • Test 5. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak
  • Test 17. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak

  • Test 6. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak
  • Test 18. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak

  • Test 7. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak
  • Test 19. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak

  • Test 8. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak
  • Test 20. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak

Resistance: 150 Compliance: 0.5 Pmusmax: 4 / Resistance: 150 Compliance: 0.5 Pmusmax: 7
  • Test 9. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak
  • Test 21. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 No Leak

  • Test 10. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak
  • Test 22. Pip: 20 Peep: 5 Ti: 0.3 Leak

  • Test 11. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak
  • Test 23. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 No Leak

  • Test 12. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak
  • Test 24. Pip: 30 Peep: 10 Ti: 0.4 Leak

Legends to Figures

Legend to Figure S1: A diagram of airway pressure over the time of one breath cycle illustrating the evaluated variables. Pressure to Trigger (PT): maximum negative airway pressure deflection (cmH2O) needed to trigger the ventilator. Time to Trigger (TT): time (ms) from the start of the simulators inspiratory effort to the maximum negative airway pressure deflection. Time between Trigger and Baseline (T to B): time (ms) from the maximum negative airway pressure deflection to the reestablishment of baseline pressure (PEEP). Inspiratory T90 (T90): time (ms) from the start of breath to the point when 90% of target pressure is reached. Pressure Time Product (PTP): integration of the difference between airway pressure and PEEP (cmH2O·ms) from the start of effort until the reestablishment of baseline pressure (diagonal lines). Expired Tidal Volume (ETV): volume (ml) exhaled from the beginning of expiration to the end of expiration.

Legend to Figure S2: Airway pressure (cmH2O) vs. time (sec) waveforms for each of the 6 ventilators. (A) corresponds to the Avea, (B) to the Babylog, (C) to the Evita XL, (D) to the GE Engström, (E) to the PB840, and (F) to the Servo i. Each tracing represents the first half of one representative breath cycle (1 sec) during test scenario 5 (Table 1) where a resistance of 100 cmH2O/L/sec, compliance of 1 mL/H2O, muscle effort of 4 cmH2O, peak pressure of 20 cmH2O, PEEP of 5 cmH2O, inspiratory time of 0.3 sec, and no leak was set.

Figure S1

(A)(B) (C)

(D)(E) (F)

Figure S2