Test day procedures I received from Mrs. King:

Hello all,

As you know, testing begins very soon for our IB students. I have attached the testing calendar. Valerie sent out two of them, and one was an old one, so please use this one. The students have also received individualized reports with their specific tests, dates and times on it. I discussed it with them again earlier this week, and will go in one more time next week to finalize directions for the exams.


They can use pencil, pen, colored pencil and erasers

They can bring a good luck charm

They can have a book to read for after testing since they are rather long. I will need their book by April 30th so I can go through and check it and bag it

They need to work on getting some batteries for their calculators just in case

All calculators must be erased and given to the math teachers by no later than Friday, April 30th. I will get some bags and boxes to you guys for that purpose.

Once testing begin, you need to understand that instruction in your class may slow. They are worried about their next exam, as any normal person would be. Once your exam has completed, if you offer them the time to work on other subjects, they will be indebted to you. Hopefully you are in review by that point anyway

Please try to remember that you are stressed about one test, and they are stressed about five or six. Ask them how they are doing when you can.

They need to report to the appropriate venue at the time scheduled on the calendar attached. We will try to have everything set up before they get there. If all students are there, we may begin a bit early to let them out a bit early. They do need to wait until the end of the window to exit the room.

Hope this helps. I know that they go to you with questions a lot of the time!

Hang in there. We are SO close :)