North Hykeham Town Council
Newsletter No 25.
Autumn 2009

Improvements at Hykeham Station

(North Hykeham Station)

Hykeham Station

Cllr Lee

Improvements and development of the Station has now completed its initial phase. The fully enclosed modern shelter on the Lincoln-bound platform has been in operation for three months. The CCTV and passenger help-point are now working. There are boxes for cycles to be locked away (bring your own padlock) and other cycle racks. Development of the Castings site may bring improvements to the Newark bound shelter. The next phase should include car park resurfacing and a larger car park. This will take place when funds are available.

Any improvement in passenger services would to be based on passenger usage. Currently passenger footfall is greater at Collingham than Hykeham. You can park your car all day free of charge at Hykeham Station. There are none of the problems associated with Lincoln Station such as car parking charges or ticket barriers.

I am listing below times of trains from Hykeham Station, which may be of help for anyone contemplating a train journey.

Trains leaving Hykeham for Lincoln are at the following times:-

6.50 8.05 8.51 11.18 12.24 14.11 16.13 18.13 18.35 19.10 23.28.

Trains leaving Lincoln for Hykeham are at the following times:-5.26 6.53 7.26 8.35 10.36 12.30 15.30 16.35 17.28 19.25 22.28 The journey time either way is about 12 minutes.

Introduction from Mike Jones new Sector Inspector for Nk rural

I am the new Inspector for Lincoln/North Kesteven Rural, which includes North Hykeham. I have been in post for 3 months; during this time I have had the opportunity to get to know the area and the Officers and PCSOs who work it.

North Kesteven is in a very safe area, recording low levels of crime across the spectrum. Similarly, levels of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) are low. I do accept that some people clearly are experiencing the effects of anti-social behaviour, but the overall picture is low. With regard to Anti-Social Behaviour we work in close liaison with the ASB team at NKDC and we have our own dedicated ASB Police Officer, based at Bracebridge Heath but responsible for the whole of the sector.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team model of Policing seeks to work within the modern community whilst responding to residents needs to see and experience the reassurance of a Police presence, in addition to the appropriate response to crime. In this Sector we have 6 Community Beat Managers, all of whom are Constables, all except one which have two Police Community Support Officers within their teams. We have just appointed a Sergeant at North Hykeham, who is responsible for the response and patrol staff at both North Hykeham and Bracebridge Heath and we are in the process of recruiting a Community Beat Sergeant on the Sector too. Whilst one of the North Hykeham PCSOs has moved on his place has been allocated and that Officer will be starting very soon.

One of the policing challenges is complacency and apathy. I assume that because we experience so little crime that people are not taking basic security measures, that is to say not locking the doors of houses and cars. A recent spate of burglaries in July for example (in the sector but not in North Hykeham), the burglar did not actually have to break into any of the properties he entered, nor the cars, which he broke into. He went in through unlocked doors or open windows. Furthermore for many of the thefts from vehicles, the owners had left their property in full view.

Basic security would have seen our already low figures even lower! Recently car manufacturers have integrated radios into dashboards, making them no longer interchangeable, added to that improved quality and lower cost radios, has all but stopped the stealing of car radios. Now we have Sat Nav systems!! Advertised by being stuck onto the windscreen and those who take them off the windscreen when they leave their cars, leave evidence of a Sat Nav, the round sucker mark on the screen where the Sat Nav was. A quick wipe of the windscreen removes the clue to the thief.

How many people leave their car keys near to their front door when they go to bed? Nationally there have been burglaries specifically to steal the keys and subsequently the car. Keys can be so easily hidden to prevent this.We live in a safe low crime area, but do not become complacent, secure your property/ies.

Performance Area

Cllr Fields

This is exciting times for me as a councillor as I am currently chairing a sub-committee to provide a performance area in North Hykeham. The performance area will take the shape of a modern looking bandstand, which will be sited on the Village Green on Lincoln Road.

The purpose of the new performance area is intended to provide a free community facility for bands, youth groups, schools and any other performers and also to provide free entertainment to the people of the town. At the time of writing this the design has been accepted by the Town Council

and we hope to have it in place for the Christmas Nativity on the 16th December.

I would like to make one thing clear at this point, the money which will pay for this performance area is coming from 106 monies which is money the council receive from developers who build in North Hykeham to help the council to develop and bring new facilities to the area. I personally believe this performance area is a key new facility to North Hykeham as it will bring the community together. Community is valued and very important to the town and the Council. I believe the residents of North Hykeham should be proud of their Town and hope you will support this new performance area.

(Performance area design)

TV Star to open Christmas event

North Hykeham Day centre on Neale Road is having a Christmas Fair on Saturday 21st November 2009 at 2.00pm which will be opened by Mimi Bonque ( Sue Hodge) from the hit television show ‘Allo ‘Allo!.

Result of Consultation – Provision of car parking area on St Aiden’s Park

At nearby residents’ request a consultation took place during July and August 2009 to seek views on whether they wished a small area inside the St Hilary’s Close entrance to be considered for use as a car park. Results received are as follows: - 20% of responders in favour of provision of car park area, 80% against. Therefore, no further action will be taken regarding this scheme. Copies of the consultation are available in office.

Summary of Internal Auditors comments

The internal audit was carried out in May and commented that the majority of areas reviewed were found to be very professionally conducted and that the Council runs its financial affairs in an efficient, economic and effective manner. The External Audit has now been concluded with no comments to answer.

New Play Equipment on the Memorial Field

Companies are currently being consulted on providing equipment aimed at the 10-16 age group. A great deal of development has taken place in the north-east area of the town and many youngsters have moved there with their families. Unfortunately, there is a marked lack of play provision for that age group, which the Council is hoping to put right. Ideas and comments welcome.

Update on recent Town Council matters

Former House of Shah site on Lincoln Road – planning permission now granted for flats and two small shop units.

Energy from Waste Plant, Whisby Road – permission now given. County Council is seeking tenders for development and running of the site. The Town Council has made a request for the excess heat from the plant to be used for the benefit of North Hykeham.

CCTV Camera- additional camera sited near the Council offices.

Wind Turbine – Investigation of the benefits and cost effectiveness of siting a turbine near the Council office, is ongoing. Consultation with the public will take place when details are established.

Flooding in the Town – The Planning Committee and the Environmental Committee are working together to establish areas likely to flood in order to try and find ways of dealing with present problems, and also prevent further acceleration of the problem at planning development stage, This will be in conjunction with the Principal Authorities.

Bridge at St Aidens Park –the bridge to connect to the footpath around Richmond Lakes is now complete. Unfortunately, due to yet further legal problems, the connection for the people living in Heather Gardens has not been able to be constructed. This matter is receiving urgent attention at both Town and District levels.

Economic development of the Town – your ideas for improving the development of the Town are being welcomed by the Council in order to take the Town forward into the future. Please let the office know your ideas.

Hykeham Nativity

There are still stalls available for the Nativity on the Green on Wednesday 16th December. There will be music and drama from the Schools, fun fair rides, Hog roast, refreshments and lots lots more. If you would like to hold a stall at the event please contact the Town Clerk at North Hykeham Town Council on 01522 681537.

Carol Service

The Town Mayor Councillor Mrs Suzanne Sampson will be holding a Carol Service at All Saints Church on Mill Lane at 3pm on Sunday 6th December 2009 to which everyone is invited to attend.