Cotton Wool Kids
Focus Questions
- What is meant by the phrase `bubble wrap kids’?
- What do studies show about the amount of time kids are spending outside?
- In the past 20 years, childhood injuries have reduced by ______.
- Why are some people concerned about kids not taking risks when they play?
- How could it affect a person’s decision making later in life?
- Why do some parents not want their children to take risks?
- Why are the legal risks a concern for some schools, councils and clubs?
- Describe the playground at Redcliffe Primary School in Perth.
- How has it helped kids in the classroom?
- How has your thinking changed since watching the Cotton Wool Kids story?
Taking Risks
Discuss the issues raised in the Cotton Wool Kids story. Were any questions raised watching the story?Add the questions to the list below to discuss with the class. Brainstorm responses to the following questions:
- What is a safe and unsafe risk? Give some examples of each.
- What are the consequences of risk taking behaviour?
- Why do people take risks?
Working in small groups, students discuss the following questions:
Why do some people say risk taking is important to a child’s learning? Do you agree? Explain your answer.
How does taking risks help you? What do you learn?
Each group reports back to class with their responses. What were the similarities and differences?
Choose one of the following activities:
What sorts of `risky’ games do you like playing at school or home? Interview 2 or 3 adults about the games they played when they were children. How are they different to the games you play?
A school recently has banned cartwheels and handstands. Read the following news article Do you think the ban is a good idea? Why or why not?
Design a playground or a treehouse that encourages children to take safe risks. What design features make your playground or treehouse special? Create a labelled diagram and display in your school.
Do you think we are becoming too safety conscious? Write a short persuasive argument and present it to the class.
Students finish the following statements:
I was surprised to hear…
This made me think differently about…
Related Research Links
ABC 7.30 – Teaching kids to always be safe carries its own dangers
Behind the News – Risk Takers
ABC – Banned: The humble handstand
© ABC 2012