American Culinary Federation/
Minneapolis Chef’s Chapter
Organized in 1966
Chartered in 1969
Incorporated in 1972
Bylaws Amended and Restated
Effective June 25, 2013
Article I
Name and Object
Section 1.The official chapter name is the “American Culinary Federation/ Minneapolis Chef’s Chapter”, which name shall be used on all legal documents. The Chapter may also be referred to from time to time as the “ACF/MCC.”
Section 2. The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (“ACF”) is a not-for-profit corporation, organized as a non-partisan federation of chefs and other culinarians, dedicated to the promotion of excellence, education, professionalism and collegiality in the culinary profession.
The following organizations are affiliates of ACF and/or referenced in these Bylaws: American Academy of Chefs (“AAC”), and American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF).
Article II
Membership and Voting Privileges
Section 1.Our Chapter will maintain the same eligibility and membership categories as the ACF, to wit:
1.Eligibility. Membership shall be open to Culinarians and other individuals engaged in the culinary profession, allied employment, or a person of the general non-food professional community that has a passion for the culinary arts and who meets the membership requirements for one or more of the categories described below. Culinarians refers to professional chefs, cooks and bakers engaged in (a) food and beverage planning, preparation, service or supervision in commercial kitchens, hotels, clubs, restaurants, schools and other institutions; (b) culinary education; (c) culinary research, development or testing; or (d) other culinary employment.
2.Categories of Membership. There shall be nine categories of chapter membership as follows:
(a) Junior Culinarian. A Junior Culinarian shall be a high school student between 16 and 18 years of age.
(b) Student Culinarians. A Student Culinarian shall be a person that is involved in the culinary profession and has fewer than two years work experience at the time of joining. A Student Culinarian shall be a student enrolled in a post-secondary culinary education program, or a registered apprentice as defined by the ACFEF apprenticeship training program. Student Culinarian membership shall be subject to a lifetime limit of four years and is not available to a person who has previously been a Culinarian or Professional Culinarian.
(c) Culinarians. A Culinarian shall include line cooks, bakers, pastry cooks or other culinarians not involved in the management or supervision of the respective property with a minimum of 6 months full time employment. A Culinarian shall be pursuing on-the-job training and experience necessary to advance to the membership level of Professional Culinarian. A Culinarian membership shall be subject to a lifetime limit of five years.
(d) Professional Culinarians. A Professional Culinarian shall be a person with at least three years full-time employment in the culinary profession.
(e) Senior Professional Culinarians. A Senior Member shall be a person at least 65 years of age, retired from employment and shall have been an ACF Professional Culinarian member for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive years at the time of retirement. Regardless of age, a member with at least seven (7) years tenure in any category who is permanently and totally disabled from culinary employment shall be eligible for Life Senior Professional Culinarian membership. Senior Professional Culinarians shall retain the rights and privileges of the membership category from which they retired, including the right (if any) to vote. This membership category shall include all Retired Disabled and Life Senior Chef Members.
(f) Associate Member. An Associate Member shall be a representative of a group, company or corporation providing products or services to the culinary profession.
(g) Allied Member. An Allied Member shall be a person employed in a field related to the culinary profession (such as dietetics, home economist, food stylist, etc.) who does not qualify at any level of professional membership of the ACF. Additionally, any person who wishes to support and promote the ACF and culinary profession may become an Allied Member.
(h) Culinary Enthusiast Member. A Culinary Enthusiast Member shall be a person of the general non-food professional community that has a passion for the culinary arts.
Section 2.Voting privileges for local chapter business shall be determined by membership category at the time the vote is cast.
- Professional Culinarian shall have ...... one vote.
- Senior Professional Culinarian shall have...... one vote.
- Culinarian shall have ...... one vote.
- Student Culinarian shall have ...... one vote.
- Junior Culinarian shall have ...... one-half vote.
- National Associate Member shall have ...... one vote.
- Allied Member shall have ...... one vote.
- Culinary Enthusiast Member shall have ...... no vote.
- National Member shall have ...... no vote.
- National and Property Members shall have ...... no vote.
- Friends of ACF...... no vote.
- Associate Membership...... no vote.
Article III
Board of Governors and Appointees
Section 1.The Board of Governors shall consist offour elected officers, the immediate past president (who shall serve as the Chairman of the Board), and an appointed Sergeant at Arms.
The following officers are elected by the membership (except the immediate past president/Chairman of the Board) and will each serve a two-year term in their respective positions.
1. The President of the Board of Governors
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary
5.Chairman of the Board
The Sergeant at Arms is a two-year position appointed by the President of the Board of Governors.
Section 2.Appointees of the President of the Board of Governors shall serve one-year terms in the following positions, coincident with the term of the President. Each appointee must accept that appointment before officially taking over the duties of that chair position. While reappointment is permissible, it should not be assumed it is an endless appointment. The President of the Board of Governors has the right at any time to make changes to these appointments
- Fund Raising Chair
- Procurement Chair
- Correspondence Chair (The Vice President will serve in this role)
- Membership Chair
- Student/JuniorMembership Chair
- Competition Chair
- Certification Chair
- Scholarship/Sponsorships Chair
- Publications/Website Chair
- American Academy of Chefs Chair
- Bylaws and Elections Chair
- Chef and Child Chair
- Public Relations Chair
- Award of Excellence Chair
Section 3.The Board of Governors, the Board of Trustees and all appointed chairslead by their example and, therefore, each of them should make every attempt to attend all the ACF/MCC functions and events, including fundraisers, seminars, demonstrations, meetings and statewide ACF functions and events.
Article IV
Qualifications for and Duties of Elected Officers
Section 1. The President of the Board of Governors
The President of the Board of Governors must be a member of theACF/MCC for at least five consecutive years, during at least two of which he or she maintained the status of professional culinarian, and he or she must maintain that status while in office.
The President will preside at all chapter meetings. The President will open and adjourn such meetings. After review of the secretary’s general meeting minutes, the President will post electronically or distribute the minutes of the previous meeting.
The President has the right to appoint an interim officer or chair in the case of that person being unable to fulfill their obligations to the chapter.
The President of the Board of Governors will be an ex-officio memberof all committees. The President shall oversee and approve all day-to-day financial transactions and other business of the Chapter.
The President shallattend the Central Regional Conference and the National Convention annually. Transportation, lodging, and registration fees will be paid by the chapter unless otherwise determined by vote of the Board of Governors.
Section 2. The Vice President
The Vice President must be a member of the ACF/MCC for at least three consecutive years, one of which must be as a professional culinarian and the Vice President must maintain that status while in office.
This person will be second in command. During the absence or incapacity of the President, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President.
The Vice President shall arrange monthly meeting sites and will coordinate and arrangethe educational presentations of the Chapter. In addition, the Vice President shall oversee and approve reimbursement of the President’s expenses. The Vice Presidentwill also assist the President in the day-to-day operation of the Chapter and serve as the Correspondence Chair,helping the President stay in communication with members of the Board, the Chapter, and the National Office.
The Vice President, at the discretion of the Board of Governors, may attend the Central Regional Conference orthe National Convention annually. Transportation, lodging, and registration fees will be paid by the chapter unless otherwise determined by vote of the Board of Governors.
Section 3. The Treasurer
The Treasurer must be a member of the ACF/MCC for at least five consecutive years, at least two of which are as a professional culinarian, and must maintain that status while in office. The Treasureris a bonded position as required by national bylaws.
The Treasurerwill receive all funds and deposit them into the Chapter’s account. All chapter bills should be submitted on the proper pay form and be signed by the President and the Treasurer.
The Treasurershall report in writing on a monthly basis to the Board of Governors regarding the financial status of the Chapter. The Chapter books and records will be turned over to the Board of Trustees after the November meeting is completed for an annual audit, if deemed necessary.
The Treasurer, at the discretion of the Board of Governors, mayattend the Central Regional Conference or the National Convention annually. Transportation, lodging, and registration fees will be paid by the chapter unless otherwise determined by vote of the Board of Governors.
Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary must be a member of the ACF/MCC for at least three consecutive years, one of which must be as a professional culinarian, and must maintain that status while in office.
The Secretaryshall take the monthly minutes and submit them to the President in a timely manner. If unable to attend a meeting, the Secretaryshall find a replacement to take the minutes.
The Secretary, at the discretion of the Board of Governors,may attend the Central Regional Conference and/or the National Convention annually. Transportation, lodging, and registration fees will be paid by the chapter unless otherwise determined by vote of the Board of Governors.
Article V
Qualifications for and Duties of Appointed Positions
Section 1.Sergeant at Arms
The Sergeant at Arms must be a member of the ACF/MCC for at least three consecutive years, one of which must be as a professional culinarian, and must maintain that status while holding this position.
The Sergeant at Arms shall be a two year appointment by the President of the Board of Governors, to run concurrently with the President’s term.
The Sergeant at Arms will preserve order on the floor at all chapter meetings. The Sergeant at Armswill assist in the installation of new members and handle the attendance for all members. The attendance book is a permanent record of the ACF/MCC. This person shall be the custodian of the attendance book, all chapter banners and flags.
Section 2.Committee Chairs
Each of the following CommitteeChair positions are appointed by the President of the Board of Governors and shall serve a one-year term unless earlier terminated or extended by the President The President of the Board of Governors has the right to appoint an interim chair in the case of any chair being unable to fulfill their obligations to the chapter.
Fund Raising Chair:
This person will oversee all chapter fund raisers held each year. This chair will work closely with the Procurement Chair. This chair will have no rights to select a type of fund raiser or who the recipient of the funds will be without approval of the Board of Governors. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Membership Chair:
This person will be responsible for the maintenance of members. This chair shall work closely with the Student/Junior Membership Chair. Recruitment and retention should be the number one goal.This chairwill withapproval use different types of vehicles for recruitment. This chaircannot make any membership decisions without the approval of the Board of Governors. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Student/Junior Membership Chair:
This person will be responsible for recruitment and retention of the Student/Junior Members, with the goal to acclimate them into culinary membership status. The Chair shall also assist the Vice President in arranging educational meetings of interest to the student/junior membership. This personcannot make any recruitment decisions without approval of the President of the Board of Governors. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Competition Chair:
This person will be responsible for setting up and chairing any ACF sanctioned competitions or any ACF/MCC contest. This chair cannot make any decisions on any competitions or obligations without prior approval of the Board of Governors. This chair shall not compete in any competitions governed by our chapter. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Certification Chair:
This person will be fully responsible for determining all new certification requirements and maintaining the chapter’s certification referencelibrary.This chair will also be available to membership to help finalize the certification process. Thisperson will be the main internal contact and external liaison for chapter practical exams. The Chairwill be the coordinator for all of the details of the exam between the chapter and the host site. This person will be responsible for all the paperwork and registration, collection of fees and transmittal of fees to the ACF National office as required.
This chairwill be responsible for obtaining volunteers to help assist the examiners in the exam area. It will also be this chair’sduty to be sure all the paperwork gets submitted to the National office upon completion of the exam. This chairwill not make any certification decisions without the approval of the Board of Governors. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Scholarship Chair:
This person will insure that all local culinary schools are provided the updated and correct candidate information and applications in a timely fashion. They will set and adhere to deadlines and inform the recipients and the Board of the results. This person will also receive and transmit to the President and Board the names, jackets denominations and the scholarship(s) which the student is receiving.
Public Relations Chair:
This person is responsible to build a rapport with the local media and the national office on all points of interest in regard to the ACF/MCC and its business. This person will create and issue press releases and make contact with persons in the media who can broadcast or print their material. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Chef and Child Chair:
This person shall maintain all correspondence with the National office on Chef and Child program. The purpose of the program is to educate children and families in understanding proper nutrition through community-based initiatives and to be the voice of the culinary industry in its fight against childhood hunger, malnutrition and obesity. This person shall be responsible for organizingall local Chef and Child events. This chair must be a member in good standing.
American Academy of Chefs Chair:
This person must be a member of the AAC and a member of the ACF/MCC in good standing. This chair will be the main communication line between the chapter and the AAC. This chairwill not make any decisions alone on who will be invited into the academy without checking with the active academy members of this chapter. This chairwill report to the Board of Governors, and keep them updated on the status of the academy.
Bylaws/Election Chair:
This person will be responsible for the maintenance of the chapter bylaws and the Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) book and keep them current with the national bylaws office. This chair is responsible for conducting nominations and elections for chapter offices. This chair is also responsible to keep the chapter informed on national and local elections. The chapter elections will be held every two years. This chair will not make any election or bylaws changes without approval from the full membership. This chair must be a member in good standing.
Award of Excellence Chair:
This person will obtain the information via the chapter President, national website and/or national office to insure that the ACF/MCC has viable candidates in place for local, regional and national recognition, to include and not limited to the following award categories (descriptions of which, including eligibility requirements and nomination forms are available of the ACF national website):