Spirit-filled Servants, 1 November 2015Acts 6: 1-7; Ephesians 5: 8-20
We looked in Acts 6: 1-7 at first murmurings of resentment in the early church, the first hint of a switch from Us and God... to Us and Them... Hebraic Jews from Israel/Jerusalem and Grecian Jews – from elsewhere in the Greek-speaking world, and growing resentment because of unfair distribution of food to widows. Greeks feeling hard done by – no idea whether justified or not, but apostles take quick action...
They reorganise to ensure that everyone used their strengths (v. 3-4) – preachers and leaders should focus on the Word, and others can administrate – each use talents in best way.
They ensured fair representation for all in interests – the seven new administrators all have Greek names, so probably from the group of Greek speakers – all chances of resentment greatly reduced.
And key – these new leaders are Spirit-filled – v.3 “choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom” and then in v. 6 “They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.” Blessed with the Spirit, commissioned, wise…
So wise and good men, and with their help the church flourished, but how did they become „Spirit-filled“? In what ways were they different from all the other believers?
Ephesians 1:13-14 shows us that everyone receives the Spirit when they become Christians: “…you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.” And again in verse 3: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” So the amazing power of the Spirit lives in every believer, but those new leaders were described as “full of the Spirit”. In what way were they different?
I used a minion wind-up toy as an example. (Here’s a video in case you missed the action! Apparently normal, but actually a Christian – press button, several lights go on – Spirit in him, light of God. Great – but there could be more. God would love to give more. We have a special key to wind him up. He needs the power of God, but also his own will, trust of God, so they can act together. When I wound him up and released him, we saw flashing lights, speed, action, fun music… A radical difference when we allow God to work through us.
So how can we open ourselves up more to God‘s Spirit?
Listening to God (and talking to Him!) (Ephesians 5: 8-9) – important to live as children of light, and to “find out what pleases the Lord”) – need to seek His will
Obeying God (Ephesians 5: 18) “Do not get drunk on wine… Instead, be filled with the Spirit” – we seem to have a choice – worldly or Godly lives?
Thanking God (Ephesians 5: 19-20) “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything” – we should always give thanks for our blessings and for God’s help in hard times – basis of a fruitful relationship
Daring to trust God...
We cannot be morally good in our own strength, so we need God’s power. We have the Spirit already, but can ask for more; God loves to give His blessings, and growth in the Spirit is more likely if we try to clear the path, to clear the channels, to stay close to God. He loves to work with us, to share His love and power with us!
I think our part in the relationship is to let God flow, to trust His power, even if it’s something new, bigger, brighter than what we’re used to. Sometimes, our lives look a bit like this:
We have God neatly compartmentalised, not allowing him into certain areas of our lives. How could we ever make more time and space without squeezing something else out? But: if we can learn to open the barriers, He flows out and imbues and saturates the rest of our lives, until we’re even ready to accept more radical and surprising changes in our lives through the Spirit.
We have the Spirit, and the Spirit has us. It‘s a team, a relationship. And God calls us to act, to grow, to listen, to obey, to praise and to bear fruit. Not in our own strength, just doing our best, but in HIS STRENGTH, doing HIS BEST. And together, we can change the world!
Possible discussion questions
How do you relate to the Holy Spirit? As a friend and guide or as a strange and rather unknown force? Do you welcome Him, yearn to know Him better, or are you rather suspicious of Him? Perhaps you could exchange experiences you may have had.
Do you know anyone whom you consider to be “full of the Spirit”? What makes them different?
Would you like to see more of the Spirit in your life? If not, why not? What makes you feel nervous or reluctant?
How could you as a group help each other to open up more to the Spirit?
I suggested various ways to help open the channels up towards God – listening, obeying, thanking and daring to trust. Discuss those. Which do you find easiest? Which are the hardest? Could you help each other with those?
Discuss your experiences of opening up areas of your life to God. What difference did He make? Are there any areas you are still anxious to keep hidden away? Perhaps take time to reflect in silence.
Bearing fruit in the Spirit usually involves the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and/or the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). Which of those would you like to ask God for more of in the coming weeks?
What practical points have you picked up this evening that you want to remember and act on?