Category I:Planning and Preparation –Student teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and pedagogical skills in planning and preparation, student teacher makes plans and sets goals based on the content to be taught/learned, their knowledge of assigned students and their instructional context.
Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(A), (B), (C), (G), (H)
Descriptor / Items for Portfolio / Suggested Artifacts
Knowledge of content / X / Covered by prerequisites for program.
Knowledge of pedagogy / X / Evidenced in the coursework - I&L 2255
Knowledge of Pennsylvania’s K-12 Academic Standards / X / Evidenced in coursework.- I&L 2255, I&L 2256
Knowledge of students and how to use this knowledge to impart instruction / 1 / A lesson that shows adaptations for different learning styles, multiple intelligences, or student interests.
Use of resources, materials, or technology available through the school or district / 1 / Examples of use of the Internet, PowerPoint, video or other media in the classroom.
Instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence with adaptations for individual student needs / 1 / An activity lesson or unit plan that includes adaptations for individual student needs.
Assessments of student learning aligned to the instructional goals and adapted as required for student needs / 1 / Adaptations of tests for students with special needs.
Use of educational psychological principles/theories in the construction of lesson plans and setting instructional goals / X / Evidenced in coursework – I&L 2255
Total Pieces of Evidence to add for Planning & Preparation: / 4
Category II:Classroom Environment – Student teacher establishes and maintains a purposeful and equitable environment for learning, in which students feel safe, valued, and respected, by instituting routines and by setting clear expectations for student behavior.
Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(E), (B)
Descriptor / Items for Portfolio / Suggested Artifacts
Expectations for student achievement with value placed on the quality of student work / 1 / Pictures of any displayed student work.
Attention to equitable learning opportunities for students / 1 / Evidence of participation strategies.
Appropriate interactions between teacher and students and among students / 1 / Video clips, observations, reflections.
Effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little or no loss of instructional time / 1 / Examples of procedures such as bell work, target language phrases used to communicate procedures, procedures for collecting/returning written work.Video clips.
Clear standards of conduct and effective management of student behavior / 1 / Examples of classroom management strategies.Video clips.Behavior management tools.
Appropriate attention given to safety in the classroom to the extent that it is under the control of the student teacher / 1 / Video clips, observations, reflections, safety procedures.
Ability to establish and maintain rapport with students / 1 / Observations, reflections, video, or photos of student activities
Total Pieces of Evidence for Classroom Environment: / 7
Category III – Instructional Delivery:Student teacher, through knowledge of content and their pedagogy and skill in delivering instruction engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies.
Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(D),(F),(G)
Descriptor / Items for Portfolio / Suggested Artifacts
Knowledge of content and pedagogical theory through their instructional delivery / 1 / Videos, observations, reflections.
Instructional goals reflecting Pennsylvania K-12 standards / 1 / Examples of lessons or activities that address the ACTFL standards: culture, comparisons & communities.Video clips.
Communication of procedures and clear explanations of content / 1 / Evidence of lessons where target language is used, but English may be used to clarify directions
Instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence, clear student expectations, and adaptations for individual student needs / 1 / Example of a well-sequenced lesson plan with differentiated activities to address student needs
Use of questioning and discussion strategies that encourage many students to participate / 1 / Example of a PACE lesson, forced choice questioning, info-gap
Engagement of students in learning and adequate pacing of instruction / 1 / Example of communicative activities such as info gap, pair or small group activities
Feedback to students on their learning / 1 / Example of written feedback given to students
Use of informal and formal assessments to meet learning goals and to monitor student learning / 1 / Examples of alternative assessments and rubrics (can be from Assessment class project)
Flexibility and responsiveness in meeting the learning needs of students / 1 / Example of adapted activities for special needs
Integration of disciplines within the educational curriculum / 1 / Example of a lesson that addresses the connection standard of ACTFL standards
Total Pieces of Evidence for Instructional Delivery: / 10
Category IV – Professionalism:Student teacher demonstrates qualities that characterize a professional person in aspects that occur in and beyond the classroom/building. Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(I),(J)
Descriptor / Items for Portfolio / Suggested Artifacts
Knowledge of school and district procedures and regulations related to attendance, punctuality and the like / 1 Response
No Reflection / Describe clearly and in detail the faculty attendance and punctuality policy in your school.
Knowledge of school or district requirements for maintaining accurate records and communicating with families / 1 Response
No Reflection / Describe clearly and in detail the grading policy, student attendance policy, and home-school communication policy of your school district.
Knowledge of school and/or district events / 1 Response
No Reflection / Compose a list of at least 5 varied and significant events that your district offers to the community. Describe how you learned about them. (You do not need to attend these events.)
Knowledge of district or college’s professional growth and development opportunities / 1 Response
No Reflection / Compose a list of at least 5 professional development activities that your school/college offers. Describe how you found out about it.
Integrity and ethical behavior, professional conduct as stated in Pennsylvania Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators; and local, state, and federal, laws and regulations / 1 Response
No Reflection / Describe what integrity and professional behavior means according to the code of conduct
Effective communication, both oral and written with students, colleagues, paraprofessionals, related service personnel, and administrators / 1 / Copies of any communication with parents, notes or agendas from staff or department meetings.
Ability to cultivate professional relationships with school colleagues / 1 / Evidence from observations, communications with other school faculty, an integrated unit with a teacher in another content area, active participation in school committee meetings, faculty meetings.
Knowledge of Commonwealth requirements for continuing professional development and licensure / 1 Response
No Reflection
Total Pieces of Evidence for Professionalism: / 2 Items and
6 Responses