Present: Bob Ayres, Howard DeMars, Francis LaFromboise, Todd Lindenstruth, Ray Mitchell, Board Members; Jeff Parizo, ZAO; Donna LeClair, Clerk
7:00 PM H. DeMars called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Roll call was taken. There were no changes to the Agenda, no conflict of interest or ex parte communication. Present were Jesse Bugbee, Attorney for Douglas Pierson, Douglas Pierson and Harry Graves. All were sworn in.
H. DeMars opened Hearing #09-15A – Douglas and Patricia Pierson. The warning was read. This hearing was to hear testimony regarding the August 28, 2015, Decision of the Zoning Administrator denying the applicants' request to revoke the building permit and approval for the Graves project. Attorney Bugbee presented his client's position. Douglas Pierson also spoke, as did Harry Graves.
Jeff Parizo reminded the Board that this hearing pertains to a letter written by himto the applicants and their attorney, defending the permit issued to Mr. Graves and that he, ZAO, is the defendant in this matter and not Mr. Graves. Mr. Graves spoke at length concerning permits he has obtained and described the home he plans to build on his property. Mr. Bugbee argued that the Graves' property is non-conforming and referred to Section 4.3.1 of the Grand Isle Bylaws.
T. Lindenstruth asked several questions. The Board made a decision to go into deliberative session. F. LaFromboise made a motion to close Hearing #09-15. R. Mitchell seconded. All voted in the affirmative. The motion passed 5/0.
7:53 PMThe hearing closed.
7:54 PMThe Board moved to Administrative Business. ZAO J. Parizo stated there may be a single lot subdivision coming in and possibly one other application but nothing in time to be warned for the next meeting. He stated the Planning Commission will send the revised Bylaws they have been working on to the Selectboard and probably in 2016 there will be a new set of Bylaws.
ZAO left the meeting.
Clerk advised she had sent an email reminder to Brett and Joan Sylvester regarding their recessed hearing scheduled for November 18, 2015. She received an email response that they will request a continuance.
The Board reviewed the Minutes of September 2, 2015. T. Lindenstruth made a motion to accept the Minutes of September 2, 2015, as written. H. DeMars seconded. The motion passed 5/0. The Minutes were signed.
B. Ayres made a motion the Board have no meeting on October 21 as there is no business. F. LaFromboise seconded. All voted in favor by voice vote 5/0.
8:11 PMThe Board went into deliberative session. The clerk left the room.
8:22 PMClerk was called back into the room.
8:22 PMT. Lindenstruth left the meeting.
The proposed budget for FY16-17 was discussed. Upon request, clerk made copies of the budget for FY14-15 so comparisons could be made. After review and discussion, F. LaFromboise made a motion to give the clerk 2% COLA and cut $5,000 from legal fees. R. Mitchell seconded. On voice vote the motion passed 4/0 by the Board members present.
The Clerk produced a Mylar for Hearing #05-15SKP/FP – Cameron which was compared to the signed paper copy. H. DeMars signed the Mylar.
B. Ayres made the motion to close the meeting. H. DeMars seconded. The four Board members present voted in favor by voice vote.
8:38 PMThe meeting closed.
Prepared by Donna LeClair, Clerk
DRB Chair / DRB Co-Chair / DRB MemberDate