The story starts from the page 247, where Charlie is scared of how the deterioration might happen and of Charlie dreaming of different things.
September 15th - I try to figure out a way in which I can keep my intelligence and it’s hard for me now to let go, knowing that it will deteriorate. Yesterday night I was roaming in the streets when I realized I was going right inside the Bakery Shop.
Luckily nobody was there except for Gimpy who was sleeping on the table. I didnt want to wake him up, so I just went away. Days pass by and Algernon has been acting more and more aggressive, he keeps on getting angry, so Fay stopped coming by. I now roam around not knowing where my destination is. Nemur and Strauss came by today to talk to me and they said that only some part of the information that I wrote of was true and the other part wasn’t. When I asked them wat was wrong they didn’t reply and said that there trying to figure out. I went to Fay’s house only to find her crying. She told me that her boyfriend didn’t like her and they broke up, I felt sad for her.
September 16th - Algernon makes me feel worse and worse. Nemur and Alice came today and talked to me.
“They’ve figured out what was wrong in your hypothesis,” said Nemur.
What… what do you mean- what did they figure out?” I ask.
“Charlie, for sure your intelligence is going to deteriorate but there is one possibility that your intelligence can be kept,” explained Nemur.
“Wat is it…?” I said.
Alice looks at Algernon peeking through his small little cage and starts crying all of a sudden.
“By the intelligence transfer operation,” clarified Nemur.
“Wat is that?” I queried
“Charlie, in this operation Algernon’s intelligence will be transferred to yours, in order to make you smart but there’s a high chance of Algernon getting injured or hurt,” Alice continued.
A large heavy weight felt on my shoulders, I didnt know how this works anyways but I knew that I couldn’t betray Algernon. I told Nemur and Alice to stop joking and be serious but they said that they weren’t which confusd me. Its harder for me to write these progrisriports. I still dont understand what Nemur meant.
September 31st – I haventwriten for a while cause the past days, Nemur and Strauss making me do tests. I dont like tests. I dont know why they do that but they say that I will be smart if I do another operashun but they took agernonsomwhere, I hope after this I can reed and rite and I will be smart so I can show other peopel and I stay smart.
November 2nd – They did the operashun and when I asked Nemur where Algernon was he didnt say so I bangd the door and askd but he still didnt say anything. When I went out to another room in the hospital I saw algernon lying on the table, I think he died. Miss Kinnian was outside and I askd her too, but she didnt say. Miss Kinnian said that to make me smart algernon had to die, I askd why but she didn’t reply. She cryed and I cryed but I dont know why, I think he died to save me and i think he didnt try hard enuf but I cantremembir what hapened.
November 7th –I keep on asking Nemur that what happened to algernon but he said that algernon died to save me and then he said to make me smart algernon had to die. I understood so I told him that Algernon was my best friend so how could he do this? But he just said that saving me was important but what did Algernon do rong?
March 9th – 10th– I stopped writing a long time ago, but I’d just like to say that I’ve become smart again but sadly Algernon had to sacrifice his precious life. I’m writing this last progress report saying all that I’ve achieved, accomplished and experienced. From falling in love with Alice and then marrying her later onwards and from knowing what a terrible past I had. I learned that becoming smart wasn't everything that a person needed and that a person can never compete with god showing the theme of Man vs. God. I just like to say that although this experiment wasn’t a total success I learned a lot, and I’d like to say two last things before I end this progress report; Put the maze that I made for him and a bunch of flowers on Algernon’s grave and
“The friendship between me and Algernon was a memory that no one could steal."
NOTE: I chose the specific dates March 9th to 10th because that was the day that Charlie had his first operation