Instruction for authors of papers


Petar Perović1, Marko Marković2,...

1Banja Luka University, Faculty of Science,

Mladena Stojanovića 2, 78000 Banja Luka, e-mail:

2 University in Istočno Sarajevo, Faculty of Technology, Karakaj bb,

75400 Zvornik, e-mail:






Papers for the Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials should be delivered by email address: .

The Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska will publish the reviewed papers in Journal Contemporary Materials as well as in the Proceedings Contemporary Materials.

The following categorized papers will be published in the journal:

–  original scientific papers,

–  reviews,

–  professional papers.

The maximum size of original scientific and professional papers is 12 pages, and for reviews 16 pages. A paper, besides the text, includes figures, photographs and tables.

The journal will be written in English, while the Proceedings will be written in Serbian, English or official languages of the peoples in the territory of former Yugoslavia. Author(s) of the papers published in both the journal and the conference proceedings are liable for the contents, authenticity and originality of papers, as well as for any other consequences that may arise from their publishing.


Papers should be written in Word 2003–2007 (font Times New Roman), А4 format, margins 2 cm, for Serbian titles encoding SR (Cyrillic).

Title of the paper in Serbian and English languages should be written in capital letters, with central alignment, font size 14 pt, two line spacing from upper margin (line spacing is 11 pt).

Names of the authors (initial letter of the first name, full last name) are written at one line spacing after the title, while the full name of the institution in which they work is written below, in central alignment, font size 12 pt.

The summary in Serbian language and abstract (in English) should be written two lines below the name of the institution, font size 10pt, alignment: justify. Indentation is 2 cm from both sides. Words summary and abstract are written in bold letters.

The text of the scientific paper should be written with line spacing 1, font size 11. Indentation of the first line of paragraph is 1 cm.

2.1. Sub-titles

Sub-titles are written in capital letters, separated by two lines from the previous text, and one line from the text that follows, font size 11 pt, first line indentation 1 cm.

Sub-titles of lower rank are written in regular font, font size 11 pt, one line separated from both the previous and the following text, first line indentation 1 cm.


Illustrations (tables, figures, diagrams) should be marked. Legends, i.e. explanations that follow the illustrations should be numbered whereby the number of the figure, i.e. of the table indicates the corresponding reference in the text. With figures, legend should be written below and with tables legend should be written above the text (font size 10 pt, italic). With figures, legend is aligned centrally (single spacing above, two below). With tables, right alignment (aligned with the edge of the table, double spacing above). All illustrations must be black and white and of appropriate quality. If possible, equations should be written in one column, if not, in two. Numeration of formulas (in brackets) should be written along right margin.

Example of writing formulas:

, (7)

Example of insertion of figures:

Figure 1. Dependence of dielectric permittivity on energy (frequency)

of external field for bulk structures.

Table 1......


References at the end of the text should be written in square brackets according to the order of quoting.

Papers published in journals are stated in the following manner:

[1] Author(s), title of the paper, name of journal, volume, number (year of edition) page x–y.

E.g. [1] M. A. Montealegre, et al., Surface treatments by laser technology, Contemporary Materials, Vol. I−1 (2010) 19−30.

Papers published in conference proceedings:

[2] Author(s), title of the paper, name of conference proceedings, place of publishing, year, page x–y.

E.g. [2] G. Keković, D. Raković, D. Davidović, Non-Linear Exciations of Quasi-Dimensional Structures of Polymer Transitions, Conference Proceedings „Contemporary Materials“ Banja Luka 2008, 71−81.

Books are stated in the following manner:

[3] Author(s), title of the book, publisher, place of publishing, page x–y.

E.g. [3] M. Kojić, General Concept of Implicit Integration of Constitutive Relations for Inelastic Material Deformation, The Centre for Scientific Research of SANU, Kragujevac 1993, 81−87.


Astract in Serbian:......


Keywords in Serbian:......
