Collision Repair Technology
Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Lake Career & Technical Center
Developing Skills for a Lifetime
Instructor Name & Contact Information: Garry Briscoe, Phone: 573-346-9260 ext. 365 Email:
Prerequisites: No prerequisites are required, but it is preferred the student completed Collision Repair & Customizing Basics, and or Rides (Essentials of Vehicle Ownership).
High School Credits: 3 Grade Levels: 10-12
Integrated Academic Credit Available: One unit of elective Math credit will be awarded to students completing at least four credits in a career and technical education program and upon successful completion of the Math criteria established. A value of .5 credit may be awarded at the end of each year.
College Credit (dual credit and/or articulated): Currently this program offers articulated credit with Missouri State Tech and Ranken Tech, based on level of completion of I-CAR Training.
Work-based Learning Opportunities: In addition to our “live lab projects”, we also work closely with area businesses to provide opportunities for students to experience “real world” work opportunities.
Industry Recognized Credential: The Collision Repair Program offers a minimum of I-CAR Introduction to Collision Repair Certification, and advanced students will be able to achieve Pro Level One I-CAR Status
Program Accreditation: We currently work closely with I-CAR, which is our industry’s leading source for training of collision repair technicians.
Course Rationale: The Collision Repair Technology program will prepare students for an entry level position in many automotive related careers. Our goal is to provide completing students with the tools they will need to be successful, not limited to, but including work ethics, as well as interpersonal skills.
Course Description: The LCTC Collision Repair Program is built around our industries most recognized supplier of technician training, I-CAR. In this class, students will learn the latest repair techniques available in the industry. LCTC is fortunate to have a facility that contains the tools necessary to achieve a high level of “true to life” industry experience. Students in this program will be trained on live projects as well as classroom experiences, which will bring them to a high level of technical expertise in the collision repair industry. A strong emphasis on work ethics and ethical business practices will also be taught.
Power Standards/Course Objectives:
Collision Repair Technology (CRT)
1. Intro to Collision Repair Process Overview (IRP00e) / CRT1a2. Intro to Vehicle Parts Terminology – Part 1 (IVT01e) / CRT2a
3. Intro to Vehicle Parts Terminology – Part 2 (IVT02e) / CRT3a
4. Intro to Industry Repair Terms (IRT00e) / CRT4a
5. Intro to Refinishing and Corrosion Protection – Part 1 (IRC01e) / CRT5a
6. Intro to Mechanical Systems Terminology – Part 1 (IMT01e) / CRT6a
7. Intro to Mechanical Systems Terminology – Part 2 (IMT02e) / CRT7a
8. Intro to Refinishing and Corrosion Protection – Part 2 (IRC02e) / CRT8a
9. Intro to Vehicle Construction Materials (ICM00e) / CRT9a
10. Intro to Safety Systems (ISS00e) / CRT10a
11. Intro to Mechanical Repair Terms and Vehicle Protection (IMV00e) / CRT11a
12. Intro to Tools, Equipment, and Attachment Methods – Part 1 (ITM01e) / CRT12a
13. Intro to Tools, Equipment, and Attachment Methods – Part 2 (ITM02e) / CRT13A
14. Intro to Personal Safety (IPS00e) / CRT14a
Supplemental Industry Certification (Pro-Level One)
I-CAR Refinish Tech
1. Remove trim and hardware CRT20
2. Prepare and prime vehicles and vehicle parts CRT21
3. Use and maintain a spray gun CRT22
4. Mix, store, and dispose of hazardous materials CRT23
5. Understand the corrosion protection process CRT24
6. Sand, buff, and detail a refinished vehicle CRT25
I-CAR Non-Structural Tech
1. Personal Safety CRT26
2. Trim & Hardware CRT27
3. Material Identification CRT28
4. Bolted-On Part Replacement CRT29
5. Movable Glass Replacement CRT29
6. Cosmetic Steel Straightening CRT30
7. Plastic Repair CRT31
8. Lighting Systems CRT32
9. New Technology CRT33
Outcomes/Goals of Course:
1. Students who successfully complete the program will gain I-CAR industry certifications for the above listed objectives.
2. Students who successfully complete the program will gain a better understanding of business practices.
3. Students who successfully complete the program will gain a better knowledge of the work ethics needed to succeed.
Careers & Earnings: There are many different careers related to this program, which will be reviewed throughout the curriculum. The typical Collision Repair/Paint Tech salary ranges from $28,000 - $112,000 depending on experience, ability, and location.
I-CAR Curriculum, as well as the instructor’s 30+ years of industry experience make up our curriculum.
Materials & Supplies Needed:
Safe attire for personal safety is to be provided by the student, with exception of one pair of safety glasses and a paint respirator. Dress code for lab work will be discussed in the safety curriculum.
Student grades are based on combination of proper completion of lab projects, and the completion of their I-CAR curriculum. Each student will also be graded on work ethics and participation from day one of the program. As the school year progresses, student expectations will be evaluated at a higher level.
Students will receive 5 points per day for attendance and 5 points per day on work ethics and participation. I-CAR Assessments will be completed online and recorded in the gradebook upon completion.
Students are able to view their grades and attendance via the Student Portal. A link has been provided on the LCTC webpage --
Grading Scale: Total points accumulated from all assignments will be used to establish the semester grade.
A 95% - 100% C 73% - 76%
A- 90% - 94% C- 70% - 72%
B+ 87% - 89% D+ 67% - 69%
B 83% - 86% D 63% - 66%
B- 80% - 82% D- 60% - 62%
C+ 77% - 79% F 59% and below
CTSO: Students are strongly encouraged to be members of SkillsUSA where students will develop leadership skills and be able to compete within their program area of study. Competitions can occur at the district, state, and national levels. Student dues are $15 and can be paid to the instructor. All “finalized” CTSO membership is due before February 15.
Classroom & Student Expectations:
1. Students in the Collision Repair Program will be expected to sign a safety pledge (attached), before participating in lab activities.
2. Work in the classroom is equally important to the live work performed in the lab, so students are expected to participate in these lessons with enthusiasm or they will not be allowed to participate in lab activities.
3. As stated in the safety pledge, at no time will a student operate a tool or piece of equipment without prior training on the proper use of such.
4. Any tool or piece of equipment that is damaged due to misuse will be paid for by the party or parties that created the damage.
5. No vehicle is to be moved in or out of the lab area without instructor approval and supervision.
The CRT lab and equipment are to be considered a privilege to have available for student use. At no time will any vandalism, theft, or misuse of equipment be tolerated.