KS1 Topic: Celebrations Block C Carnivals & Parades

Session 2 Mardi Gras
Early Learning Goals / EAD ELG 16 EUM&M Chn safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
EAD ELG 17 BI Chn represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
CL S ELG 03 Chn express themselves effectively and develop explanations by connecting ideas or event
UW P&C ELG13 Chn know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
Teaching Objectives / To learn about the traditions of Mardi Gras.
Information sheets covering: How to make a Float from a shoe or tissue box & How to make Mardi Gras masks. / Weblinks
http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/us-new-orleans-mardi-gras - Celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans; http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/z7db4wx - An introduction to Samba; http://allrecipes.com/recipe/60241/super-easy-mardi-gras-king-cake - Mardi Gras King cake recipe; http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/crown-template-1 - Crown template.
Whole class: Chn find Nian monster in their classroom crying (additional adult or monster teddy). Prompt chn to find out why Nian is sad. Additional adult or monster teddy to speak as Nian: I keep being chased away from The Chinese New Year Festival. I can hear the fun from my dark cave but have no idea what happens in a festival or parade). Hold an emergency class meeting and say to chn: How could we make Nian feel happy? What do you already know about festivals and parades? (Perhaps chn will talk about past sessions and their work on Diwali or Eid-ul-Fitr). Try to steer chn to the conclusion that will help Nian by finding out about festivals and parades and letting him join in the fun! Say to chn: Let´s begin with Mardi Gras! What is Mardi Gras? In the Christian religion, Mardi Gras (also known as Shrove Tuesday) is the last day before the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting leading up to Easter. Traditionally, it is the day for eating up the last of the rich foods that remain in the house and for having a big celebration. It is celebrated in New Orleans in the US on a grand scale, with masked balls and colourful parades. Hold hands, stand up & jump into Mardi Gras, learn about the floats, costumes, music and preparations by watching the National Geographic clip (see weblink). Ask chn: Look around what can you see and hear? How do you feel? Use WB to record your findings. Share with the class and Nian: You´re going to bring Mardi Gras to school by creating a Mardi Gras parade. First, you will have to prepare.
Group work: Before the activities have a vote to elect a King and Queen of Carnival. The King and Queen will have to wear a crown all day long. During the preparations, ask Nian to walk around the class discussing with chn what they are making. 1. Make a king cake (Teacher guided): A small plastic baby inserted into the side of the cake will bring good luck in the coming year to whoever discovers it in their slice of cake. (If you are going to use a plastic baby, keep it visible so there is no chance of choking). Use additional plastic babies, curly ribbon, and other colourful trinkets to decorate the cake. (see weblink). 2. Shoebox floats (adult guided): Refer to the Information sheet on How to make a Float from a shoe or tissue box (session resource). In this craft, an upside-down shoebox or tissue box becomes a festive float. Your design can be as bright, colourful & wacky as you like. 3. Mardi Gras masks: Refer to the Information sheet on How to make Mardi Gras masks (session resource). Wearing masks has always been a tradition of Mardi Gras. Encourage each child to decorate their masks to be really "over the top" and fancy. 4. Samba dancing: Watch the video clip and learn the box kick step and basic Samba footwork, try some Samba moves to prepare for the parade. 5. Messy Mardi Gras pancakes: Use play dough to roll pancake shapes, add glitter and sequins to make a messy pancake.
Plenary / Have a mini class parade by walking once around the playground. Perhaps other classes would like to come and watch! Ask chn to wear their masks, hold their shoebox floats and use their samba moves to dance to the Mardi Gras beat! King & Queen can lead the parade and when it is over, ask them to cut and share the King Cake. What a yummy finish! What does Nian think about this Festival?
Outcomes / Children will:
·  Make shoe box floats
·  Consolidate their learning by taking part in a mini Mardi Gras parade
·  Make observations & express opinions about Mardi Gras

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We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.