Bray Steering Group Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 17th August 2011 6.30 – 8.15pm, MaidenheadTown Hall

Present: Chris Graham (Chairman) (CG); William Collier (WC); Leo Walters (LW); Michael Wadley (MW); Rod Ball (RB); David Coppinger (DC); Duncan Johnson (DJ); Derek Mellor (DM); Richard Abbott (RA); Sarah Ball (SEB); Philip Hylton (PH).

Part 1

Apologies: Andrew Close; Louvaine Kneen; David Buck; Ian Pankhurst

David Buck informed the Group that he no longer wished to attend. Ian Parkhurst also indicated that he felt that it was inappropriate to continue with the Group in light of progress on the planning application at Water Oakley (Farmglade).

Action: CG to contact IP to keep dialogue open on the site.

  1. Agree minutes of last meeting (20th July 2011)

PH indicated a number of changes proposed by Andrew Close. Changes agreed.

Action: PH to amend minutes.

  1. Approved Constitution

Agreed: Steering Group Members were invited to sign the constitution in order to gain future voting rights on the Steering Group. 9 Steering Group Members signed the constitution. This will be available at future meetings for others to sign up to.

  1. Consultation issues and communications strategy

DC circulated a draft consultation proposal. This included a summary of why, when, who and what do we consult on.

SEB explained the consultation requirements required under the existing regulations for a development plan document (Copy attached to minutes.)

Action: All to provide DC with comments before the next meeting.

  1. Marcomms

MW presented a draft paper on ‘communications considerations leading to a Communications Strategy & Plan). Feedback included: need to include websites (Facebook and Twitter) in strategy; need measurement tools for testing success of strategy). Add to Bray Parish Plan website. MW volunteered to set up and run Twitter for the Group and also to assist with press releases, copyrighting, proof reading etc. Desire to include details of the Bray Plan in the next Bray Parish Council newsletter but uncertainty over when next issue is to be published. PH highlighted that a Facebook Page had been set up – the direct link is

Action CG to confirm newsletter publication dates.

Action: All to provide MW with comments on the Strategy by 8th September.

  1. Launch Event

Brief discussion on timing of a launch event and what form it should take which led to a discussion on the National Planning Policy Framework. MW suggested that the launch event needed a product – should be more than just ‘here we are’. MW suggested a countdown approach to a launch event.

Agreed: Commit to launch in early November. Launch planning devolved to DC, MW & CG.

ACTION: MW/DC/CG to discuss separately and report back with recommendations at the next meeting.

ACTION: Draft NPPF as agenda item for next meeting. Need for Group to familiarise themselves with the document. Document can be accessed via:

  1. Website and collaborative working

PH provided an update on the website. Website now live: PH requested comments on the website and its content to be sent directly to him by 31st August. Collaborative workspace on hold until website complete.

ACTION: All to review website and provide comments to PH before the next meeting.

  1. Procedural arrangements and documents supporting the Plan: Sustainability Appraisal

SEB provided an update on the procedural arrangements for the progression of the plan under the existing regulations. SEB indicated a number of technical requirements were needed to support the plan if it is progressed as a development plan document. SEB indicated that her team had produced the first stage of a sustainability appraisal for the Borough Local Plan which, for ease of coverage, also referred to all of the neighbourhood plans. Time could therefore be saved if this first stage in the SA process was counted against the production of the Bray Plan.

Agreed: In order to fulfil existing Regulations, that delegated authority be given to the Chairman of the Bray Steering Group to sign off work supporting the Bray Plan, as advised by the Borough Council.

Part 2

  1. Topic Group – break out session

PH circulated his note on the next steps for the Topic Groups . SEB and PH led on two topic group discussion exercises which involved ranking and shaping issues of concern. See separate paperwork on Countryside and Green Belt and Housing and the Built Environment.

ACTION: Further feedback on this exercise to be sent to SEB and PH by 9th September (refer to separate email correspondence).

  1. Financial Statement

CGexplained that it was important to have a financial report as a regular agenda item. PH indicated that so far only the costs associated with the purchase of the Bray Plan web address ($17 per year) had been spent.

ACTION:CG to arrange a meeting with Tim Slaney to discuss financial arrangements and budget holders.

  1. AOB & date of next meeting

14th September 2011, 6.30-8.30. Venue to be arranged.