Greater Manchester Area Team
2013/14 Patient Participation
Local Participation Report
Practice Details
Practice / Ribblesdale Medical PracticeP83015 Dr Woodcock & Partners
Completed by / Practice Manager – Lynsey Philbin
Patient Reference Group(PRG) Profile
Number of face to face members / 4Number of virtual members / 0
Age & Sex breakdown / Male / Female
Under 16 -
17 – 24 -
25 – 34 - / 1
35 – 44 -
45 – 54 -
55 – 64 -
65 – 74 - / 3 / 1
75 and over -
White / 3 / 1
Asian / Asian British
Black / Black British
Chinese / Chinese British
Other ethnic group
Employment Status
Employed / 1
Retired / 4
Other (e.g. no of carers)
What the practice did to ensure that the PRG is representative of the practice registered patients
The practice has had several days in practice promoting the Patient Reference Group and the involvement they have in decision making and shaping future services. ALL newly registered patients are given a PRG leaflet and a registration form.
ALL Meetings are publicised on the practice Website and on Face Book to ensure we reach as wide an audience as possible
On the 16th July the practice went out onto Bury Market with members of the PRG as a part of a locally organised Public Health Event, again we gave out flyers and spoke to passers-by about the importance of patient involvement.
The practice PRG Group was featured in the Bury Times in an article about the importance patient involvement.
Groups that are not represented on the PRG and what the practice did to attempt to engage thosegroups
As per the demographics above, the practice is under represented by age groups 25 – 64 and females in general. The practice takes an inclusive approach to providing our literature, and leaflets and sign up forms are in our new patient registration pack.
2013/14 Priorities
How we identified and agreed with the PRG priorities for 2013/14 to be included in a local practice surveyThere has been a strong emphasis on access, self-care and the reduction of unnecessary A&E attendances, and these are regular topics for discussion at our PRG meetings. We decided to look at access, telephone triage, self-care and where patients would go if they could not get an appointment to see the GP/nurse when they required it.
What these priorities were
- How long patients had to wait to get an appointment with the GP/Nurse
- Whether Telephone consultations were widely used and whether the problem was resolved at that contact.
- What patient opinion was about the Extended Hours that the practice provides?
- What patients would do if they could not get an appointment when they required it e.g. self care, WIC
2013/14 Local Practice Survey
How we agreed with the PRG the content of the local practice surveyThe practice survey was agreed working in partnership with the Patient Reference group. This was done collaboratively at the PRG meetings and via virtual communication.
How we agreed with the PRG the way in which the survey would be conducted
Following discussion at the PRG meeting held in January, We agreed that the survey would be distributed during the remainder of January and the month of February, given out at reception and electronically sent to a selection of patients who we had contact emails for.
Other methods used to seek the views of registered patients
- Email, Website feedback
2013/14 Local Practice Survey Results
An overview of the results of the local practice survey is detailed belowHow we provided the PRG with the opportunity to discuss the findings of the local practice survey
One of our Patient Reference Group Members collated the results of the patient survey ready for feedback at the PRG meeting In March, via email communication, and on 1:1 discussion with individual PRG Members
How we agreed an action plan with the PRG based on the findings of the local patient survey
The patient survey clearly identified the areas that the practice and the PRG were required to concentrate on improving during the coming year.
Identified Problem / Action / Named Person / Deadline
1)It appeared that some of our patients were not in possession of all the information relating to our practice. Some patients were unaware that they could have a telephone consultation with the nurse. It was also evident that patients were not aware of the extended hours that we provide / Practice Leaflet to be reviewed to ensure all information is up to date and relevant. / LP/PRG/GPs/Admin Team / July 2014
2)Confidentiality was mentioned as an issue on a couple of occasions throughout the survey responses. Most patients stated they were aware they could be overheard at reception, but most were not concerned about this. / Poster in clear view advertising that we have a ‘private room’ where a patient can go to speak to a member of staff if preferred. This can also be added to the practice leaflet / LP / April 2014
3)Completion of the patient survey identified that the extended hours that the practice provides were not widely known about. / a)To ensure extended hours are in the updated patient leaflet in an eye-catching format.
b)To ensure that the extended hours are advertised on the TV in the waiting room
Areas which were highlighted from the findings of the local practice survey where we were unable to take any action and why
It was acknowledged that the reception area does allow for patients to be overheard. We have restrictions in terms of the layout of the reception and the size of the waiting area, which don’t help this problem. We have however purchased a music licence so that the radio is played in the reception area to reduce the possibility of people being overheard, we also have a quiet room available should a patient need to speak to someone confidentially.
2013/14 Action Plan
2013/14 Action Plan (and how this relates to the findings of the local practice survey)Identified Problem / Action / Named Person / Deadline
4)It appeared that some of our patients were not in possession of all the information relating to our practice. Some patients were unaware that they could have a telephone consultation with the nurse. It was also evident that patients were not aware of the extended hours that we provide / Practice Leaflet to be reviewed to ensure all information is up to date and relevant. / LP/PRG/GPs/Admin Team / July 2014
5)Confidentiality was mentioned as an issue on a couple of occasions throughout the survey responses. Most patients stated they were aware they could be overheard at reception, but most were not concerned about this. / Poster in clear view advertising that we have a ‘private room’ where a patient can go to speak to a member of staff if preferred. This can also be added to the practice leaflet / LP / April 2014
6)Completion of the patient survey identified that the extended hours that the practice provides were not widely known about. / c)To ensure extended hours are in the updated patient leaflet in an eye-catching format.
d)To ensure that the extended hours are advertised on the TV in the waiting room
Significant changes we have made / plan to make to the services the practice provides
No ‘significant’ changes are to be made to the service the practice provides, however we believe that having completed the survey and reviewed the results, the actions that we have agreed will be significant to our patients.
How we publicised the local patient survey results and action plan to our registered patients
The survey results are available on the practice website
Advertised on the practice Facebook Page
and a snapshot will be added to the spring patient newsletter
Link to practice website where this report and relatedinformation can be found
2012/13 Action Plan – overview of progress against last year’s action plan
The PRG Felt that there were no outstanding actions from the previous Patient Survey 2012-13
Patient Access
Practice Opening HoursMonday 8.00 – 7.00 (phone available between 8.00 – 6.30)
Tuesday 7.30 – 6.30 (phone available between 8.00 – 6.30)
Wednesday 8.00 – 6.30
Thursday 8.00 – 6.30
Friday 8.00 – 6.30
Saturday 9.00 – 11.45 (no phone line open)
How to access services throughout core hours i.e 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday
Face to Face
Online (for appointment booking and prescription requests)
Extended Hours
Monday 6.30 pm – 7.00Pm (3 doctors a total of 9 additional appointments)
Tuesday 7.30 am – 8.00 am (1 doctor 3 Appointments)
Saturday 9.00am – 11.45am (1 doctor 12 appointments)