Summary of the Global Intensive Care working group meeting

CCIB, Barcelona, Tuesday 12, 2010

Participants: Martin Dünser (chair and protocol)

Marcus J. Schultz

Bekele Afessa

Emir Festic

Guillaume Thiery

Ogjen Gaijc

Meeting duration: 16:00-18:00


1. Information

After the approval of our proposal by the Executive Committee of the ESICM, the Global Intensive Care working group was now finally validated by the ESICM on October 7, 2010. Congratulations to all members and thanks for their valuable contributions. We are ready to start our work now!

2. Points of the proposal on which the working group will start to work first

All “short term” aims, as suggested in the proposal submitted to the ESICM, were discussed and evaluated for its individual priority. The following points were agreed on to be the ones the working group shall dedicate its initial efforts to:

·  Establishment of an Educational Program on Intensive Care Medicine in Resource-Poor Settings

·  Web-Based Publication of the Educational Periodical “Intensive Care Basics”

·  Definition and Distribution of Modified and Simple-to-Use Guidelines on Crucial Topics of Intensive Care Medicine

·  Promotion of Research to Quantify the Needs, Predict Outcome and Optimize Care of Critically Ill Patients in Resource-Poor Settings

·  Provision of Scholarships to ICU Workers Practicing in Resource-Poor Areas to Attend the Annual ESICM Congress

·  Organization of One Thematic Session during the Annual ESICM Congress on the Topic of Intensive Care Medicine in Resource-Poor Settings

·  Tele-medical Counselling Service for Intensive Care Units in Resource-Poor Settings

·  Coordination of Possibilities to Work and Teach in Less Developed Countries for Interested ESICM Members

3. Coordination of planned aims by single working group members

Marcus J. Schultz: - Establishment of an Educational Program on Intensive Care Medicine
in Resource-Poor Countries

Emir Festic: - Definition and Distribution of Modified and Simple-to-use Guidelines
on Sepsis Management in Resource-Poor Settings

Martin Dünser: - Web-based Publication of the Educational Periodical “Intensive Care
- Promotion of Research to Quantify the Needs, Predict Outcome and
Optimize Care of Critically Ill Patients in Resource-Poor Settings
(together with Tim Baker)

TBA: - Provision of Scholarships to ICU Workers Practicing in Resource-Poor
Areas to Attend the Annual ESICM Congress

- Organization of One Thematic Session during the Annual ESICM
Congress on the Topic of Intensive Care Medicine in Resource-Poor

TBA (after website establishment): - Establishment of Contacts between Interested ESICM
Members and ICU Workers in Resource-Poor Areas

- Tele-medical Counselling Service for Intensive Care
Units in Resource-Poor Areas

4. Establishment of an Email Database

The importance of establishing a database containing as many (electronic) contact details of intensive care workers practicing in resource-poor areas as possible was confirmed by all participants. It was agreed on that all working group members are encouraged to send a list of email addresses of ICU workers, who work in resource-poor areas and are interested in receiving educational materials disseminated by the Global Intensive Care working group, to Martin. Each working group member will finally be provided access to the email database.

5. Fund Raising

A sufficient budget is required to reach important objectives of the Global Intensive Care group. The working group will strive to raise funds through application with certain organizations such as the Bill Gates Foundation, European Union, etc. All members, who have further suggestions where to apply for financial resources for the working group or who have helpful contacts are welcome to communicate these.

6. Website

The working groups designated website will be an important source for presenting information and distributing educational materials to ICU workers in resource-poor areas. Martin will raise information where, when and how the website can be established.

7. Presentation of the Global Intensive Care working group to the ESICM community

The working group, its objectives and intended program shall be presented to all ESICM members. This shall be done by the following measures:

·  Short introduction at the thematic session “Sepsis Management with Restricted Resources” at the ESICM Congress in Barcelona 2010

·  Distribution of a concise introductory letter summarizing the aims and scope of the working group to all ESICM members

·  Publication of a shortened version of the working group’s proposal on how to improve intensive care medicine in resource-poor settings in a scientific journal

Marcus will approach Massimo Antonelli and ask about the potential interest of the “Intensive Care Medicine” journal in publication of such an article.

8. New members

The working group welcomes the following new members:

·  Dr. Arthur Kwinzera, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Kampala, Uganda

·  Dr. Edgar Jimenez, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Orlando, Florida

·  Dr. Pedja Kovacevic, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

·  Dr. Ogjen Gaij, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, United States of America

·  Dr. Charles Gomersall, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Shatin, Hong Kong

More detailed information on the new working group members will follow soon!

9. Next meeting

It was agreed that the working group members shall meet twice a year during the annual ISICEM and ESICM congresses. Therefore, the next working group meeting is scheduled for the ISICEM congress in Brussels in March. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

10. Miscellaneous

It was addressed that collective responses to emails, sent to all working group members, shall only be made to the entire group in case important information and data needs to be shared among all recipients. In all other cases, the response email can be addressed to Martin directly.