Cypresswood Community Association, Inc.

Regular Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cypresswood Golf and Country Club


The Regular Board of Directors Meeting for the Cypresswood Community Association, Inc. was held on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:00pm at the Cypresswood Golf and Country Club.


Board Officers: Paul Hisey, George Haun, Bill Shira and Judy Haun.

Aegis Community Management: Becky Ritchie, Association Manager.

Christopher Desrochers, Retained Attorney

Roll Call

Roll call was taken and a quorum was reached.

“See Attachment”

Approval of Previous Minutes

A motion was made by Gary Ciaffone and seconded by Bill Shira,

“….to approve the previous meeting minutes dated September 22, 2014 as presented.”

Motion carried.

Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Con Thrasher and seconded by Kevin Regan,

“….to approve the agenda as presented.”

Motion carried.

Financial Report

The Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2014 was presented by George Haun. George reported that the total expenses 2014 budget year are less than budgeted. A full financial report will be available for 2014 in January 2015. There was a slight increase in the Workers Comp Insurance Premium due to the incorrect traffic control payroll amount figures submitted last year. Most of the other accounts budgets will be right on target.

Cypresswood Community Association, Inc.

Minutes – November 24, 2014

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Legal Committee: Christopher Desrochers

There is a proposed election amendment to the By-laws on the Agenda.

CAM: No report

George Haun took this time to thank all the members for their service and cooperation through the year.

Articles & By-Laws: No report

Drainage/Road: Bill Shira & Mark Kluytenaar

The drainage repair work was started in Plantations last week.

The drainage system repairs on #11 the east side of St. Andrews are needed but the cost is unknown at this time.

The street sign for the Visitor/Resident lane was damaged and we are trying to find the most economical way to repair it.

Storm Water/Pumps: No report

Traffic Control: Fred Carl

Please remind all guests that they need to know the resident’s name and address to gain entrance into the community.

Landscape Committee: Fred Wilson

The tree trimming budget for 2014 is $13,000 and the total spent is $9,100. He requested approval to hire Medlock for three days of work at $900 per day.

A motion was made by Bill Shira and seconded by Gary Ciaffone,

“…to approve the proposed three days of tree trimming by Medlock for a total of $2,700”.

Motion Carried.

Cypresswood Community Association, Inc.

Minutes – November 24, 2014

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Fred Wilson and Dave Carbo are doing a study to determine the necessity of the well in the budget.

Golf Course Committee: Bob Schade

Bob reported everything is moving forward with taking over the golf course and clubhouse as of January 1, 2015. Cypresswood Golf LLC has signed a contract with the Wood Corporation, which was required to forego the dues for 2015.

Master CC&Rs: Inactive


A motion was made by John Wood, Jr. and seconded by Gary Ciaffone,

“…to approve the Amendment to the By-laws changing the timing of the election of officers of the Cypresswood Community Association”.

Motion Carried. See copy attached.

Nominating Committee Chairman, Dick Cheney, thanked George and Judy Haun for their assistance in obtaining nominees for the officers of the Association. The Nominating Committee recommends the following for the officers of the Cypresswood Community Association for a one year term beginning January 1, 2015.

President – Bob Schade

Vice President – Mike Merryman

Treasurer – Charles Anderson

Secretary – Joanne Zalewski

President Paul Hisey asked for nominations from the floor. There were none.

A motion was made by Mark Kluytenaar and seconded by Frank McMillan,

“…for the nominations to cease”.

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Mark Kluytenaar and seconded by Gary Ciaffone,

“…to accept the slate of four (4) nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee”.

Motion Carried

Cypresswood Community Association, Inc.

Minutes – November 24, 2014

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Koren Nichole, Director of Sales for Scores Restaurant, made a presentation regarding signage for the new clubhouse restaurant.

A motion was made by Bill Shira and seconded by Kevin Regan,

“…to accept the request for restaurant signage to be added to the top of the Cypresswood sign at the entrance as an extension to the Open to Public sign and also to add temporary signs for a period of 60-90 days starting January 1, 2015, to advertise that the restaurant is now open”.

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Kevin Regan and seconded by Gary Ciaffone,

“…to rescind the previous motion”.

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Gary Ciaffone and seconded by Dick Cheney,

“…to approve the use of a sign similar to the bingo sign for 60 days to assist in the promotion of the restaurant”.

Motion Carried

A motion was made by Mark Kluytenaar and seconded by Bill Shira,

“…to approve the adding of “Restaurant” to the outside main entrance sign”.

A motion was made by Bill Shira and seconded by Kevin Regan,

“…to give Bob Schade the responsibility for modifying the main entrance sign to include Restaurant”.

Motion Carried


Gary Ciaffone has received the 2015 budget and coupons but pointed out the budget was too small to read. Becky Ritchie will look into it.

Christopher Desrochers thanked the beta testers for the Association’s governing documents website suggestions and hopefully it will be available to all in January.

The next Board meeting will be held on January 26, 2015 at 6pm at the clubhouse.

Cypresswood Community Association, Inc.

Minutes – November 24, 2014

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There being no further business to conduct at this meeting a motion was made by Ernie Harbin and seconded by Bill Shira to adjourn at 7:06pm.


Secretary Signature

Attachments: List of Board members attending meeting

Proposed Election Amendment to By-laws