NCEA Level Three – Sculpture



Artist Model’s Artist Models

Student Information Sheet

Over the course of this assignment students will investigate a selection of contemporary artists who work within a specific genre of sculpture and consider the influences on these artitsts’ ways of working.

This will allow them to:

·  develop their ability to research and analyse approaches to contemporary art practice

·  critically reflect on, respond to and evaluate their own and others’ art practice

·  develop their understanding of the way contemporary communications technologies affect the production, viewing and valuing of artworks

Achievement Standard 90662 version 2: Research and analyse approaches within established sculpture practice

Duration: 6 weeks class time Credits: 4

Due Date: Week 8 of Term 1 (22 – 26 March) 2010. You will need to be prepared to present your seminar on the first day of the week.

You will need to gather many of your own resources, based on the genre you chose to investigate. It may be useful for you to begin your research by looking at the work of some of the following contemporary Artist Models who work within the specified genres:

Activating Space: Richard Reddaway, Sol le Witt, Antony Caro, Tatlin, Richard Serra, Robert Gober, Richard Wentworth, Monique Redmond, Martin Puryear, Jaqueline Fraser, Neil Dawson, Donald Judd, Bill Culbert, Naum Gabo, Antony Gormley

Containment/Vessel: Eva Hesse, Joseph Cornell, Tony Cragg, Andy Goldsworthy, Christine Hellyer, Richard Wentworth, Andrew Drummond, Rachel Whiteread, Marte Ztirmay, Annette Messager

Found Object: Jessica Stockholder, Richard Wentworth, Duchamp, P.Mule, Judy Durragh, Monique Redmond, Yuk King Tan, Chris Booth, Katarina Fritch, Eva Hesse, Nam June Paik, Michael Parekowhai, Don Driver, Jim Dine, Robert Rauschenberg, Tom Freidman

Performance/Timebased*: Joseph Beuys, Yves Klein, Fluxus, Luke Roberts (AUS), Mike Parr (AUS)

* While you are encouraged to consider working within this genre, be aware that making Performance/timebased work will provide some challenges when it comes to the folio.


Artist Model’s Artist Models

Assessment Schedule

Evidence / Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence
Tasks 2 & 3
At least 4 pages of research about traditional and contemporary sculpture of your chosen genre / Research and analyse information relevant to chosen genre, which includes examples from established sculpture practice. / Research and analyse information relevant to chosen genre, which includes examples from established sculpture practice. / Research information and make an in-depth analysis of chosen genre, which includes examples from established sculpture practice.
Task 4
3 sculptural works, with supporting documentation / Present evidence of a practical investigation that is appropriate to the chosen genre. / Present evidence of a practical investigation that is appropriate to the chosen genre. / Present evidence of a practical investigation that is appropriate to the chosen genre.
Task 5
5 minute seminar with supporting PowerPoint presentation / Identify relationships between contemporary and traditional approaches to chosen genre with reference to influences, methods and ideas. / Analyse relationships between contemporary and traditional approaches to chosen genre with reference to influences, methods and ideas. / Critically analyse the relationships between contemporary and traditional approaches to chosen genre to show understanding of influences, methods and ideas.

Achievement Standard 90662 version 2: Research and analyse approaches within established sculpture practice

Artist Model’s Artist Models

Student Task Sheet

Task 1 – Select a Genre of Sculpture

Approx. 1 week class time

This year you will research and produce work in a particular genre of sculpture.

A genre is a type of art. For example installation, time based and assemblage are all genres of sculpture.

Take time to investigate a range of works before you decide on the genre you will research and produce work in, because you will be working on the same genre all year. See also the note on working within the time based genre. Collect you research and make notes of your thinking in your Visual Diary. Once you have decided on the genre you want to research, check with you teacher to make sure that it is appropriate.

Task 2 – Research Contemporary Examples of Your Chosen Genre

Approx. 1 week class time

a)  Choose two New Zealand and two International artists who work in your chosen genre. These four artists should be contemporary (making work now).

b)  Select at least two works by each of these artists. These works should be a fair representation of the artists’ style of work.

c)  Paste an image of your selected work into your Visual Diary and use notes, diagrams etc to comment on the following aspects of the work:

i.  Ideas/Concepts

ii. Physical Elements (scale, colour etc.)

iii.  Technical elements (materials, construction etc.)

iv.  How has the work been documented?

d)  Find out which traditional (non-contemporary) artists your selected contemporary artists have been influenced by (you will need to do more than just look at their pictures to find this out). Identify key influential artists for at least one of your international and one of your New Zealand artists.

e)  What else has strongly influenced your selected contemporary artists? Consider the context in which they work, people in other art forms who use similar ideas, major world events etc.

Task 3 – Research Your Chosen Traditional Artists

Approx. 1 week class time

a)  Choose at least two works by each of your traditional artists (selected in Task 2 d – these are the artists who were key influences on the contemporary artists you studied). Paste an image of your selected work into your Visual Diary and use notes, diagrams etc to comment on the following aspects of the work:

i.  Ideas/Concepts

ii.  Physical Elements (scale, colour etc.)

iii.  Technical elements (materials, construction etc.)

iv.  How has the work been documented?

b)  Make a note of the links you can see between these traditional artists and the contemporary artists they have influenced.

Task 4 – Practical Investigation
Approx. 1 ½ weeks class time

The purpose of tasks a), c) and e) is to use the process of making a sculpture to further your understanding of the artists and genre you are studying. Do not dedicate any more than 1 ½ weeks to the completion of Task 4.

a)  Make a sculpture or maquette which emulates a work by one of your chosen contemporary artists. This sculpture should as closely as possible reproduce all aspects of the work you are modelling it on. You will need to consider the size of the original work when making your emulation. It may be sensible to make a small scale maquette if the original work is very large. If the original sculpture is made from a material that you cannot work with – bronze or glass, for example – you may need to choose an alternative work, or make your version with an alternative material. Consult your teacher about this.

b)  Paste a photograph of your sculpture into your Visual Diary and use notes and diagrams to explain the decisions you made when making the sculpture.

c)  Make a sculpture or maquette which emulates a work by a traditional artist who was influential in your contemporary model’s work. This sculpture should as closely as possible reproduce all aspects of the work you are modelling it on.

d)  Paste a photograph of your sculpture into your Visual Diary and use notes and diagrams to explain the decisions you made when making the sculpture.

e)  Make a third sculpture or maquette in the same genre as your chosen contemporary and traditional artists. This sculpture should show their influence and demonstrate your understanding of the genre, but also incorporate your own ideas.

f)  Paste a photograph of your sculpture into your Visual Diary and use notes and diagrams to explain the decisions you made when making the sculpture.

g)  Now that you have carried out your own practical investigations, make notes about the links you can identify between the contemporary artist and their traditional influence.

Task 5 – Seminar

Approx. 1 ½ weeks class time

a)  Using PowerPoint put together and present a 5 minute seminar explaining the links between a contemporary artist you have researched and the traditional artists who have influenced them. This seminar will be presented in Week 8 of Term One. Your seminar should answer the following questions.

i.  Who are the key traditional artists who influence your selected contemporary artist?

ii.  How have the traditional artists influenced your contemporary artist? Identify specific examples in the contemporary work which back up your opinion.

iii.  Why has your contemporary artist looked to these traditional artists for inspiration and influence?

iv.  What other things have influenced your contemporary artist’s work and ways of working?

Make sure in your seminar you discuss the methods and ideas used by the sculptors you have investigated.

Hamilton’s Fraser High School Level 3 Sculpture