72 West Ninth Street

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

April 22, 2013


CALL TO ORDER A workshop of the Board of Education was called to order by President Hayes at 6:30 p.m.

ROLL CALLMembers present: Nagle, Nett, Strand, Hayes.

Administrative Staff members present: Sebert, Simon, Lewis, Sheridan, Williams.


AND DIALOGUEHighlights of the State Budget were given.


MOTION BY Nett, seconded Nagle to adjourn the workshop and convene in an executive session to discuss administrator compensation as provided for in Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c):

“(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”

MOTION CARRIED, ayes 4. Absent and not voting, 3 (Everson, Jones, and Jurgella). The workshop adjourned at 6:45 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER An executive session of the Board of Education was called to order by President Hayes at 6:45 p.m.

ROLL CALLMembers present: Nagle, Nett, Strand, Hayes. Everson arrived at 6:50 p.m.

Administrative Staff members present: Sebert.


COMPENSATIONThe Board discussed administrator compensation.

ADJOURNMENTMOTION BY Nett, seconded Nagle to adjourn the executive session and convene in the regular meeting. MOTION CARRIED, ayes 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella). The executive session adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Eric Everson, Secretary/Clerk


72 West Ninth Street

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

April 22, 2013

OATH OF OFFICEJudge Peter Grimm administered the Oath of Office to recently re-elected members Elizabeth Hayes and Kathleen Nagle.

Mark Jurgella was out of town. Judge Grimm administered the Oath of Office to Mark in his courtroom on Tuesday, April 16, 2013.

CONVENECall to Order, Roll Call, Establish Quorum, Moment of Reflection/Pledge of Allegiance.

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Hayes at 7:05 p.m.

A Moment of Reflection preceded the Pledge. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Zoe Brown, CTE student, and Stephanie Fox, FACE teacher from Fond du LacHigh School. Following the Pledge, Zoe and Stephanie spoke briefly about Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, an organization whose members are dedicated to making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education.

ROLL CALLMembers present: Everson, Nagle, Nett, Strand, Hayes.

Administrative Staff members present: Sebert, Simon, Schnorr, Sheridan, Lewis, Williams, Wiltzius.

ELECTION OF OFFICERSThe election of officers for 2013-2014was held. As in the past, the Board elected its officers by using the secret ballot process.

MOTION BY Nett, seconded Nagle to approve the results of the secret ballots and declare the following duly elected as officers of the Board of Education for the following year effective April 22, 2013. The officers formally and immediately assumed their respective positions:


PresidentElizabeth Hayes

Vice PresidentJulie Nett

Secretary/ClerkEric Everson

TreasurerKathleen Nagle

MOTION CARRIED, ayes 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).

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Teacher Appreciation

Week May 6-10, 2013Teacher Appreciation Week will be celebrated the week of May 6 through May 10, 2013.




RESOLUTION AGENDAMOTION BY Nett, seconded Everson to approve the consent agenda as follows:
A. Human Resources Approvals:

1. Resignations – Effective at the end of the day on June 6, 2013: Andrea Nuss, first grade teacher at Roberts Elementary School; Lynn Marcy, LD teacher at Parkside Elementary School; Tara Bos, 4K teacher at Rosenow Elementary School; Samantha Curtis, EBD teacher at Woodworth Middle School; and Jennifer Berndt, family and consumer education teacher at Fond du Lac High School.

2. Letters of Temporary Substitute Employment - Effective

April 15, 2013 for the remainder of the teacher contract year: Holly Blatz, 1.0 FTE mathematics teacher at SabishMiddle School, at Lane BA00, Step1; and Lara Craft, 1.0 FTE guidance counselor at Lakeshore and RobertsElementary Schools, at Lane MA00, Step 3.

MOTION CARRIED, ayes 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).



Business Services

Designation of Public

DepositoriesMOTION BY Everson, seconded Nagle to designate as qualified public depositories for the Fond du LacSchool District under Chapter 24 of the Wisconsin Statutes the following banking institutions:

  • National Exchange Bank & Trust of Fond du Lac
  • US Bank, Fond du Lac
  • Associated Bank of Fond du Lac
  • American Bank of Fond du Lac
  • Chase, Fond du Lac
  • Fox Valley Savings Bank, Fond du Lac
  • Hometown Bank, Fond du Lac

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  • M & I Bank, Fond du Lac
  • M & I Bank, Milwaukee
  • Fond du Lac Credit Union, Fond du Lac
  • Marine Credit Union, Fond du Lac
  • State Investment Pool, Madison
  • WISC (Wisconsin Investment Series Cooperative)
  • MidAmerica

MOTION CARRIED, ayes, 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).

Authorize Signature StampsNo action was necessary on authorizing signature stamps, as this year’s elected officers are the same as last year’s.

Human Resources

Resignation of FHS

Assistant PrincipalJohn Meznarich has worked in the Fond du LacSchool District for the past nine years as an Assistant Principal at Fond du LacHigh School. He has been offered the position of High School Principal at CameronHigh School in northwestern Wisconsin beginning July 1. This is a great opportunity for John on both personal and professional levels. We wish him the best as he takes the next step in his career.

MOTION BY Nett, seconded Nagle, toaccept the resignation of John Meznarich, Fond du Lac High School Assistant Principal, effective the end of the 2012-13 contract year, June 30, 2013, and that the

Board express its deep appreciation for his many contributions and dedicated service to the students and staff of the District these past nine years.

MOTION CARRIED, ayes, 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).

Woodworth Assistant

Principal RecommendationMatt Steinbarth rose to the top of a field of 64 candidates for the position of Assistant Principal at WoodworthMiddle School. Matt has been a mathematics teacher at Woodworth since 2000. Matt has extreme dedication, enthusiasm, and passion for education and will be a great fit. He replaces Don Smith, who will assume the duties of Principal of the STEMAcademy and STEM Institute as well as District Coordinator of Assessment.

MOTION BY Nagle, seconded Nett, to employ Matthew Steinbarth as the Assistant Principal of Woodworth Middle School with an initial two-year contract (2013-14 and 2014-15) as provided for in Wisconsin Statutes 118.24 with an initial salary of $77,399.00 (based on the 2012-13 Administrator Salary Plan) effective August 13, 2013.

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MOTION CARRIED, ayes, 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).

Board Approval

Consider Board CompensationPolicy 2.83 provides for the establishment of Board compensation. The decided rate of compensation becomes effective with the organizational meeting of the Board. The current rate of annual compensation is $1,800 for the Board President and $1,600 for all other members.

MOTION BY Everson, seconded Nett, in accordance with Board Policy 2.83—Board of Education Member compensation, the level of compensation for the 2013-14 year of Board member service be established at $1,800 for the Board President and $1,600for all other members.

MOTION CARRIED, ayes, 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella).




State Budget UpdateDr. Sebert highlighted the latest information available regarding the 2013-15 state budget as it pertains to education, specifically school funding, school choice / vouchers, and charter school oversight. A workshop was held before today’s regular meeting. Dr. Sebert said that he will continue to advocate on behalf of public education and noted that the Fond du LacSchool District in itself offers many choices within public schools.

25-Year Awards Dinner –

Monday, May 6, 2013Dr. Sebert previewed the annual 25-Year Awards Dinner, which will take place on May 6. This year, we will welcome 18 new members into the group.

Legislative Visit and

Chromebook DemonstrationJeremy Thiesfeldt was in the District on Friday, April 19, visiting Woodworth and Fond du LacHigh School. While at Fondy High, he was able to learn more about one-to-one computing and the use of Chromebooks in the educational process.


Student / Staff ActivitiesBoard members expressed their thanks and best wishes to John Meznarich and welcomed Matthew Steinbarth as an administrator. Student activities mentioned included a Sabish track meet, along with softball and tennis, both of which are well underway.

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MATTERSKathleen Nagle asked the Board to include in its agenda for a future meeting the times that Board meetings take place. At the present time, meetings alternate between 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.




EXECUTIVE SESSIONMOTION BY Everson, seconded Nagle, to adjourn the regular meeting and convene in an executive session to continue administrator compensation discussion as provided for in Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(c):

“(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data any of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.”

MOTION CARRIED, ayes, 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella). The regular meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER An executive session of the Board of Education was called to order by President Hayes at 7:35 p.m.

ROLL CALLMembers present: Everson, Nagle, Nett, Strand, Hayes.

Administrative Staff members present: Sebert.


COMPENSATION DISCUSSIONThe Board continued its discussion of administrator compensation.

ADJOURNMENTMOTION BY Nett, seconded Nagle to adjourn the executive session. MOTION CARRIED, ayes 5. Absent and not voting, 2 (Jones and Jurgella). The executive session adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Eric Everson, Secretary/Clerk