
News from the Ocean

January 2016

Dear Parents,

Happy 2016!

Topics of the Week:

Language Arts: Literacy Centers/spiral learning of phonemic awareness skills

Math: Introduce addition and subtraction/numbers 0-15

Science: Winter / Movement of objects

Social Studies: Identify basic human needs / Historical Figures: MLK/ Maps

Report Card Envelope: Please sign and return the brown Report Card envelope. Everything inside is yours to keep.

Snacks: Thank you for providing snack for our class. Please check your child’s folder to see when it is your child’s turn to bring snacks.

Guided Reading: Guided Reading groups are starting. I will work daily with groups of students on their reading level. All reading groups are small. Different skills will be addressed according to the needs of the students. Please listen to your child read their story nightly and return it the next day.

Literacy Centers: While the teacher is working with small groups, the other students will be engaged in various learning Literacy Centers such as: listening center, make words, browsing boxes, dry/erase boards, alphabet review, sound practice, poetry, read around the room, journal, exploration and many others. Please allow your child to share their products with you. Encourage them to verbalize what they made and how it helps them to be better a reader/writer.

Interactive Writing: The teacher and students engage in a writing piece together.

Warm In Winter Day: Kindergarten students will be reading “winter” themed books and participating in winter themed language arts, math, and science rotations on Friday, January 15. Students are allowed to wear a warm up or jogging suit that day to school or regular dress code. We may need just a couple of parent volunteers from about 8:30-10am that day to help with some of the activities. If you are interested please let your child’s teacher know. You must also fill out the parent volunteer background check through under the parent volunteer tab.

100thDay: We have been counting the days of school in anticipation of the 100th day. The 100th day will be Thursday, February 4. Please help us by sending in the requested item for our 100 day snack. The students will also be allowed to make a t-shirt at home with 100 items of your choice put on the shirt. More information will come home as the date gets closer.

Sight Word Tests: Next week will be our first weekly spelling ‘tests’ over our sight words. Students will be given a pretest of ten wordson Monday and take the test on Fridays. The objective on the Kindergarten report card says “writes 25 high frequency words fluently”. Kindergarten does not have letter grades, we will take the test and make corrections so that students have the knowledge needed to write them fluently. This will give us both even more insight as to each student’s abilities and more specific words to practice. Make sure to review reading and writing these words during the week. This week’s words are: the, see, like, is, and, can, my, go, to, me. These are words that we learned a while ago and most students should be confident taking their first spelling test.

Expectations: We are almost at the half way point of the school year. Routines and procedures are in place. All students are expected to listen, follow directions and try their Kindergarten Best! Fewer warning will be given for talking and off task behavior. When students are in Literacy Centers, they will be expected to work independently and quietly. Please remind your child daily of their responsibility at school.

Weather: Unless it is raining we will have recess. Please be sure your child has a coat/sweater/jacket each day, in case of chilly weather. Discuss with your child on chilly days that they will need to bring their jacket to recess.

No School: Monday, January 18th is a school holiday.

Your Partner In Learning,

Jerelle Racelis