St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 8am

Adult Sunday School at St. John’s 9:30am

Bible Heroes FUNday Sunday: April 22, 9:15am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30 am

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

April 8, 2018

We extend a warm welcome to each of you,

and lift in prayer those who are unable to be here.

We welcome Rev. Ted Richmond to our churches today!

Welcome *(Those who are able, please stand)



*Call to Worship

Leader:A new day:

People:Christ lives!

Leader:In our hearts and in our world:

People: Christ lives!

In the face of an unexpected neighbor:

Christ Lives!

As we share God’s abundance:

Christ lives!

As we care for God’s creation:

Christ lives!

As we share the good news, let our joy be complete:

Christ lives!

*Opening Hymn “Thine Is the Glory”#310


Holy God,

who made the world and called it good,

who calls humanity into community with you and with each other,

who breathes within our world and calls us to peace and justice,

make your presence known to us here gathered

that we may recognize you

in the woundsof our sisters and brothers,

and make real for them your hope of abundant life,

through Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen savior. Amen.

*Passing of Peace

Response “He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus Lives Today!”#302

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and He talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.

Scripture 1 John 1:1-2:2 *John 20:19-31

Meditation Ted Richmond

Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Offering Invitation

How may we participate in new life in Christ?

By sharing abundantly our common life—

our resources of time and trust and treasure,

our life with each other, our life in the world.

Let us gather our gifts together and offer them to God

in gratitude, heartfelt commitment, and praise.

*Offertory Response “Doxology” #44

*Prayer of Dedication

O God of life,

take these gifts and bless them, multiply them,

put them to work in your world

wherever there is need of peace, of justice, of hope.

Put them to work in your world

to care for your earth, your water, your air

--all the created elements that sustain your children.

We offer them to you as a witness to your love

that makes our joy complete!

*Closing Hymn “Good Christians All, Rejoice” #307 vs 1-2


We go out from this place trusting that God walks with us.

We go out from this place knowing that we walk in the light.

We go out from this place shining with the good news that Christ is risen:

we are new people who love our neighbors,

share God’s abundance,

and care for God’s creation.

Christ is risen indeed.

*Choral Response “Good Christians All, Rejoice” #307 vs 3-4


To Make Our Joy Complete: Service Prayers for 2nd Sunday of Easter was written by Edith Rasell, former Minister for Workplace Justice, JWM, and Susan A. Blain, Minister for Faith Formation: Curator of Worship and Liturgical Arts.Copyright 2018, Local Church Ministries, Faith Formation Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. CCLI# 3100743.

Next Week’s Scripture: 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48

Organist: Shirley Huber

Upcoming Events

April 8St. Jacob’s 1st Quarter Meeting, after worship

April 22Funday Sunday at St. John’s

April 29Praise & Worship Service at St. John’s

Please lift in prayer: Pastor Lynne; Joshua Oatman (Tracey R’s cousin who was in a severe accident);

Jim Schwab; Leo Moster; Dan Bowman; Aiden Roberts; Isabelle Welch (11702 Westwood Dr, Carmel, IN 46033); Catherine Clark (211 Eastern Ave, Sunman, IN 47041); Dennis Walterman; Owen Denni; Helen Bise;Alvin & Anna Mae Werner; Rosie Forthofer (Shele W’s mom);Ron Meyer; Jill Wolf; James Robertson (169 Carryback Ct, Harrison, OH 45030); Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke (at the Chateau); Charles Hadden; Jan Cowan (friend of Kim G); and Marcia Agbor (friend of Diana R).

Late Feb update on Isabelle Welch: …We just finished a week of chemo and are heading home for 2 days and then back on Monday for another week. Her surgery on Jan 10th went extremely well and the tumor is removed. She will have a yearlong rehab before she can walk again. Isabelle is doing great besides some minor stomach pain.

She is such a trooper and finished the school half with straight A’s!!

We could really use some prayers as we anxiously await some gene testing which will tell us if Isabelle has a syndrome that will give her cancer again in the future. The waiting is miserable!!!

We have so appreciated all the prayers and cards. Isabelle loves opening her cards while eating breakfast each morning.

We are doing a card drive for her birthday.

She will be 14 on April 14 and we are trying to get as many cards for her birthday as we can.

Unfortunately, she will probably be spending her big day in the hospital but we are trying to help her forget that part.

Thanks so much for checking in and please let everyone know our gratitude!


Isabelle Welch, 11702 Westwood Drive, Carmel, IN 46033