Subject: Science
Grade: 5
Book: Science Book 5
Number of lessons per week: 2
Number of lessons per year: 74
Date: September 2006
Written by: Farkasné Megyeri Veronika
Lessons / Lessons’ topic / Vocabulary, new terminology /Tasks, skill development
/ Tools needed1 / Revision / Revision of the last year’s topic and vocabulary. / Word-fight, twenty-questions, memory pyramid / wordcards from the last year
2 / Revision / Revision of the last year’s topic and vocabulary.
3 / Revision / Revision of the last year’s topic and vocabulary.
4 / Check your Knowledge / Answering the questions in the book. Page: 4
Checking the new book – What are we going to learn about? / pictures in the book, flowers, parts of trees, leaves, drawings, etc.
5 / UNIT 1:
The Plum / angiosperm, enclosed, fleshy-pulp, medium-sized, smooth, stone-fruit, waxy skin, widespread / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / a plum, a plum seed broken into two, a piece of a plum tree’s bark, slides about the plum tree, plastic flower model, a pine cone, coloured board marker
6 / Apple Tree / apple-fruit, cane, filmy, perennial, sapling, septum, twig / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / an apple or two apples cut into half across and alongside; apple seeds, a piece of bark of an apple tree, slides about the apple tree, plastic flower model, coloured
7 / Grape and Vineyard / berry-fruit, bunch, main root, peronospora, vine-shoot, vine-stock / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / leaves, shoots, fruits and branches of the grape, slides about the plant, pictures or slides about peronospora, coloured markers
8 / Tomato and Green Pepper / annual, cavity, inflated berry, lateral root, main root system, multi-seeded berry, soft stem, vein / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / a tomato and green pepper (can be different types) cut into half, slides or pictures of the plants, a model, a drawing or a real main root system of a plant, slides or picture of the plants, coloured markers
9 / Carrot and Parsley / biennial, compound, store, taproot / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / a carrot and a turnip with leaves and seeds if possible, pictures or slides about biennial plantsand flowers of the carrot, coloured markers
10 / Cabbage / (short vocabulary test)
juicy, lateral vein, main vein, stalk / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / a half of a cabbagge, some separate cabbage leaves, other leaves of other plants, slides or pictures of the cabbage in the first and in the second year, coloured markers
11 / Potato / modified, poisonous, shoot, tuber, velvet / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / a potato tuber, some potato leaves, model of potato flower, slides or pictures of potato plant, some flour, some other types of vegetables, iodine, coloured markers
12 / Onion and Garlic / bulb, cuisine, coat leaf, equal, garlic, secondary roots, storage / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / an onion bulb (with some green leaves if possible), some garlic, (maybe an onion flower from the florist’s, or a tulip bulb with the old bulb on it from the garden), pictures or drawings of the development of onion,coloured markers
13 / Harmful Insects in the Garden: May Beetle / abdomen, chewer, chitin, complete, development, egg, feeler, larva, metamorphosis, pore, pupa, shedding, thorax, wing case / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / real beetles, pictures about complete metamorphosis, pictures about the parts of the beetle’s body, coloured markers
14 / Harmful Insects in the Garden: Apple Ermel and Cabbage Butterfly / almost, apple ermel, caterpillar, invisible, similar, spot / Examining and drawing of the parts of the plant, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / real butterflies, other butterflies’ wings (to show the differences), coloured markers
15-16 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian teminology / Describing diagrams, labeling pictures correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / If you can, bring most of the objects, fruits, seeds and pictures you have already shown during the weeks.
17 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / If you can, bring most of the objects, fruits, seeds and pictures you have already shown during the weeks.
18 / TEST 1 / Plants in the Garden
19 / Domesticated Hog / bulbous, cylinder-like, even-toed ungulate, eye-tooth, fore-tooth, hoof, mammal, molar, omnivore, set of, ungulates, / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animal, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / pictures of pigs, a skull of a pig, some bulbous molars, even-toed ungulate leg, coloured markers
20 / Cattle / calf, cud, herbivore, retch, ruminant, rumination, to swallow, udder, wrinkled / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animal, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / horns and antlers, even-toed ungulate leg, wrinkled molares and a skull of the cattle, picture of the members of the cattle family, coloured markers
21 / Horse / foal, hay, mane, mare, muscular, odd-toed ungulates, ploughs, stallion, stud, watchful / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animal, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / horseshoe, hooves of a horse, hooves of cows or pigs, objects like hairbrush made from horsefur, any other objects connected to horses, coloured markers
22 / Hen and Duck / down feather, fat-gland, filtrate, flight feather, hatch, lamellated beak, plates, scratching leg, webbed-foot / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animal, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / pictures about the hen and the duck, or stuffed animals, legs and beaks if possibe, a hard boiled egg, feathers of different birds, coloured markers
23 / Dog and Cat / carnivore, claw, crested, draw in, tearing tooth
(short vocabulary test) / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animal, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / pictures of dogs and cats, skull of a cat or a dog, crested molars, eye-teeth, coloured markers
24 / Animals Around Our Homes / backbone, invertebrate, migratory bird, rodent, segment, slimy, suck up, swallow, tube, whiskers / Examining and drawing of the parts of the animals, labelling pictures, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises in the book. / real, stuffed animals if you can or pictures about them, rodent’s fore-teeth, hand lens, coloured markers
25-26 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian teminology / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / If you can, bring most of the objects, teeth, legs, animals and pictures you have already shown during the weeks.
27 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / If you can, bring most of the objects, teeth, legs, animals and pictures you have already shown during the weeks.
28 / TEST 2 / Animals on Farms
29 / Animals We Keep in Our Homes / Developing speaking skills by talking about their pets. The children can experience how to treat an animal. / real animals, pets
Matter and States of Matter / gas, liquid, material, matter, observe, plastic, property, solid, states of matter, steam, take up space / Using the experiments to show the connections between processes, describing processes, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises and experiments in the book. / a magic box with all different objects in it made from different materials, a scarf for covering the children’s eyes, a plastic hypodermic, coloured markers
31 / Changes in States of Matter / boiling, condensation, evaporation, freezing, melting, particles, vapour / Using the experiments to show the connections between processes, describing processes, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises and experiments in the book. / some icecubes or snow, a cup, Bunsen-burner, lighter, coloured markers
32 / Properties of Gases and Air / atmospheric pressure, bar, barometer, breathe, carbon-dioxide, contain, nitrogen, odorless, oxygen, take up more room / Using the experiments to show the connections between processes, describing processes, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Experiments in the book. / a safe area in the classroom, aerosol spray, cut out pieces of the diagram in the book, a candle, lighter, some coloured water, a small bowl, a glass, a barometer, scissors, coloured markers
33 / Volume and Mass / alike, balance, mass, measure, volume / Using the experiments to show the connections between processes, describing processes, developing listening, speaking and reading skills. Exercises and experiments in the book. / a balloon, a bottle of water, a bowl, a glass, some paper towel, some water, a balance, some of the objects from the ‘magic box’, coloured markers
34 / Quantities and Measuring 1: Length and Area / area, distance, length, measuring, quantity, square meter, surface, unit / Measuring alone, changing units, own experiences. Developing speaking and reading skills. / different rulers and plastic cubes in different shapes or sizes, some old papers torn into different sized pieces
35 / Quantities and Measuring 2: Temperature and Time / decide, degree, event, examine, to last, scientist, thermometer / Measuring alone, changing units, own experiences. Developing speaking and reading skills. / different thermometers, different watches, coloured markers
36-37 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian terminology. / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, coloured markers
38 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary. / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, coloured markers
39 / TEST 3 / Cognitive Processes
The Secrets of the Map / environment, features, from above, map, piece of, rate, reality, reduced in size, scale / Improving knowledge about maps.How to read a map? Developing listening, speaking, reading skills and questioning techniques. Exercises in the book and on maps. / many different kinds of maps, the children’s own maps, coloured markers
41 / How a Compass Works? / attract, compass, effect, face, interaction, magnetic field, - force, - pole, needle, repel / Using the experiments to show the connections, developing speaking skills. Experiments in the book. / compasses, magnets, an iron ball, iron powder, a plastic tray overhead projector, coloured markers
42 / Distance and Direction on the Map / abbreviation, compare, direction, main cardinal points, linear scale, position, side cardinal points / Improving knowledge about maps. How to read a map? Developing listening, speaking, reading skills and questioning techniques. Exercises in the book and on maps. / a map, a long piece of paper, a scarf, coloured markers
43 / Features Shown on the Map / feature, height number, high mountain range, lowland, middle mountain range, represent, sea-level / Improving knowledge about maps.How to read a map? Developing listening, speaking, reading skills and questioning techniques. Exercises in the book and on maps. / a feature map of Hungary, pictures or slides of different landscapes, coloured markers
44 / Features of the Land / slope, valley, plateau, range of mountains and hills, peak, delta, estuary, tributary, channel, peninsula, source, reef, desert, oasis / Labelling pictures and finding places on the map. Developing speaking and reading-understanding. / a transparent copy of page 64, overhead projector, some cards with all the features written on them, coloured markers
45-46 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian teminology / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, magnets, pictures, maps, compasses coloured markers
47 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, magnets, pictures, maps, compasses coloured markers
48 / TEST 4 / What can you read on a map?
The Sun’s Radiation and Sunlight / depend on, light source, Lunar/Solar eclipse, prism, radiation, reflect, shadow, spread, transparent, white light / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / inflatable Sun, Earth and Moon, overhead projector, a prism, a laser, a flashlight, a glass of water, a straw or a pencil, coloured markers
50 / Experiments with Temperature / angle, changes of temperature, mean daily temperature, predictable, Sun rays, weather forecast / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / a slide or picture of the Earth’s climate zones with the Sun rays, a plastic globe, a flashlight, a picture of a high mountain covered with snow, coloured markers
51 / Wind and Precipitation / blow, breeze, dew, hail, outdoor, parallel, precipitation, sleet, water vapour, frost / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / pictures about tornados, floods, the paper snake used in the lesson ‘Properties of Gases and Air’, coloured markers
52 / Where Does the Water of the Rivers Come from? / altogether, carry back, groundwater, process, return, water-cycle / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Exercises in book. / a poster about the water-cycle, a blank poster about the water-cycle, blue and red arrows, wordcards, coloured markers
53 / Weather and Climate / average, climate, humid, part, zone / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / weather forcast pictures from newspapers, a map about the climate zones, the picture or slide used to show the Sun rays reaching the Earth
54-55 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian teminology / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, maps, pictures, posters, wordcards, coloured markers
56 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, maps, pictures, posters, wordcards, coloured markers
57 / TEST 5 / Weather and Climate
The Surface-work of Temperature Changes / breaking-up, cause, contract, crack, expand, humidity, stick, structure, surface-work / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / a picture about a pothole, icecubes or a plastic bottle from the freezer, Bunsen-burner, glass, plastic or glass lid, some rocks, coloured markers
59 / The Surface-work of Wind and Ice / building work, deepen, destroying work, dune, dust, glaciers, loess, moraine, natural forces / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / pictures or slides of dunes, glaciers, moraines in high mountains, some loess, some grouts, a plastic tray, coloured markers
60 / The Surface-work of Rainwater and Rivers / canyon, deposit, dissolve, limestone, pebble, sediment, stalactite, stalagmite / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / pictures or slides form Aggtelek National Park, rivers, islands, reefs, canyons, a map of Hungary, a piece of limestone, some pebbles and sand, coloured markers
61 / Types of Water Surface / brook, dam, impermeable layer, karst, mouth of a river, river bank, river bed, spring, inland water, stream, surrounded, swamp / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Developing map reading skills. Experiments and exercises in the book. / pictures about water surfaces, parts of a river-syster, a map of rivers of Hungary, feature map of Europe, coloured markers
62 / Mountain Formation / active, bend, dormant, eruption, fault, fold, several, volcanism / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Developing map reading skills. Experiments and exercises in the book. / slides or pictures of different types of mountains, two jumpers or kardigans, a feature map of Hungary and Europe, coloured markers
63 / Some Common Rocks / igneous, marble, mineral, metamorphic, molten, sedimentary / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Experiments and exercises in the book. / collection of stones, a practice piece of dolomite and limestone, vinegar, coloured markers
64 / Some Common Rocks (Extra Activity lesson ) / limestone, sandstone, clay, basalt, andesite, granite, slate, marble / Children’s own experiment lesson. Examining different stones and rocks. / an activity kit with a collection of different rocks, fossils of marine animals
65 / Lowlands / cover, dale, disappear, fill up, neighbouring, plain, remain, sink, skeleton / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / feature map of Hungary and Europe, pictures or slides about lowland formation, a piece of limestone with a fossil in it, coloured markers
66 / Ground and Soil / decay, fertile, humus, loam, sandy, subsoil / Examining general, basic processes in nature. Developing speaking skills by explaining these. Experiments and exercises in the book. / a picture or slide of the structure and layers of soil, some rocks, a balance, Bunsen-burner, a bowl, weight, some sand, some clay, some loam, filter-paper, glass tubes, some water, measuring cup, coloured markers
67-68 / Hungarian Revision / Using and practising the Hungarian teminology / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in Hungarian.
Using the Hungarian activity book. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, maps, pictures, posters, wordcards, coloured markers
69 / English Revision / Using and practising the English vocabulary / Describing diagrams, labelling pictures, explaining processes correctly in English, developing speaking skills. / most of the objects you used for making the experiments, maps, pictures, posters, wordcards, coloured markers
70 / TEST 6 / The Earth’s Surface
71-74 / Revision of the Year / Discussing any problems during the year. Reinforcing basic knowledge, preparing for the next years. / Using videos, slides, extra exercises.