
24th November 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,


Congratulations to Class One who have achieved the highest attendance this week.

Achievement Awards

Little Owls / Tawny Owls / Eagle Owls
Max Bromley
Imogen Poxon / Sarah Conway
Chloe Sykes / Ailsa Iona Volford-McAuley
Willow Hudson

House Points

Congratulations to: Crimple (Red team) who have won the most house points over the last week.

Lunchtime Superstars

Our lunchtime superstars are: Joshua Parkyn & Lily Abbott

Parent Governor Vacancy

Please see the additional letter regarding a parent governor vacancy on the governing body of the Federation of Follifoot & Spofforth CE Primary Schools. In addition to the information on this letter please feel free to discuss this with me if you think you might be interested in this opportunity.

Santa Service

This year our Santa Service will be held at Follifoot Church at 1.15pm on Friday 8th December. The children are not performing during this service, led by the local clergy, but simply experiencing and reflecting on sharing at Christmas time. Parents are therefore not expected to attend the Santa Service, however, we would never stop anyone from going along to a local church service.

We ask that if possible your child brings a small gift along for the Harrogate Homeless charity. Suggested suitable items for (mainly) young men aged between16-24 may be along the lines of: toiletries, chocolate, gloves, warm hats etc. Could we please ask that all gifts are brought into school early next week so we can make the gift boxes in advance of the service.

Parentmail on line payments

Over the next week we will start using Parentmail for all online payments for school. (Breakfast Club, School dinners, trips, afterschool clubs etc). Could I please ask that all outstanding payments on Schoolmoney.co.uk are cleared by the end of November. If you have any questions please see Mrs Giddings in the school office.

School lunch on Wednesday 6th December
As we will return to school for a late lunch after the pantomime trip, the school menu has been changed to sandwiches with sausage rolls and a bun for pudding, there will be no jacket potato options. Could you please let the school office know if your child would NOT like to order a lunch on this day by Thursday 30th November.

School Christmas Lunch
On Thursday 14th December, Christmas lunch will be served. Please let the school office know if your child would NOT like to have a school lunch on this day by Friday 1st December. Unfortunately, there will be no jacket potato options.


Roast Turkey
Stuffing & Gravy
Roast Potatoes
Carrots/Peas/Brussel Sprouts
Chocolate Coated Ice Cream Christmas Tree

Goals Galore and an Unbeaten Week!
Week two of the competition series under the floodlights at Harrogate High brought another three competitive matches for the Federation football team. The children played against New Park, Grove Road and Richard Taylor.

The team played very well together creating some great passing sequences and working well as a whole team attacking and defending together. There were gaols galore in the first match with a hat-trick from Tom Hartley contributing to a 5 – 0 win. In the second game a last minute goal separated the sides and gave the team a 1-0 win. In the final game against a tough Richard Taylor team, we came back from 1 – 0 behind to equalise and the 1 -1 draw was a fair result after a closely fought competitive match!

FOFs update

Yours sincerely,

Paul Griffiths

Mr Paul Griffiths

Head teacher

Dates for your Diary (These dates are subject to change so please ensure you check the newsletter regularly).

Tuesday 28th November, Change for Life Competition for years 3 & 4 at Harrogate Grammar School
Monday 4th December, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Wednesday 6th December, Pantomime trip AM
Wednesday 6th December, Choir attending St John’s Church Christmas Tree Festival
Thursday 7th November, Dodgeball Competition for years 4, 5 & 6 at Harrogate High School
Friday 8th December, Santa Service at 1.15pm Follifoot Church.
Monday 11th December, Community Carols at Rudding Gates, Follifoot at 3pm (village hall if wet)
Tuesday 12th December, KS1 Nativity in the village hall. 2.30pm & 6.00pm. Everyone welcome
Thursday 14th December, Christmas lunch in the village hall
Tuesday 19th December, Christmas Party in the village hall with a visit from Santa! PM
Thursday 21st December, Crib Service at 9.30am at Follifoot Church
Friday 22nd December, last day of term. School closes at 2.30pm
Monday 8th January, School closed-Training Day
Tuesday 9th January, School re-opens
Monday 22nd January, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 5th February, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 26th February, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Monday 12th March, Sharing Assembly at 3pm in the village hall
Thursday 29th March, Easter Service at 9.30am in Follifoot Church
Monday 30th April, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 21st May, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 11th June, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 25th June, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Monday 9th July, Sharing Assembly, 3pm in the village hall
Friday 20th July, Year 6 Leavers Assembly, 9.45am in the village hall

Community News

-Child Minding Service. From September, a resident in Follifoot, Sarah Diggle-Whitlock will be offering a child minding service who is fully registered. If you would like further details she can be contacted on 01423 579332 or 07754 781240. Email: .

-The Kids of the Castle youth club runs on Friday nights at Spofforth village hall. It is open to all local village children between the ages of 8 (KS2) and 16. It runs 7pm - 8.30pm and costs £3 per child per session, no membership fee. This includes all the activities and a drink and snack.
We also welcome any help from parents or other adults - please get in touch if interested. Email:

Martin House-Santas on the Run, Stockeld Park, Wetherby on Sunday 26th November 9am start. For more information call 01973 844569 or go to www.martinhouse.org.uk

TASK and Messy Church

Following a great “meeting” at the Castle Inn last week we’ve got some wonderful new ideas for family services, children’s groups and informal get-togethers. We’ve attached a newsletter that explains everything, but here is a summary of what’s happening at Spofforth Church. Follifoot services remain unchanged.

3rd Dec 09:30 TASK, 10:30 Family Service

7th Jan 09:30 TASK, 10:30 Family Service (final TASK)

3rd Feb 10:30 Family Morning Prayer (no TASK)

11th Feb 10:30 First Ever Messy Church!!!!

School lunch menu

27th November – 1st December 2017

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Cheese & Tomato Pasta
Peas & Carrots
Sunflower Seed Bread
Chocolate Cornflake Pudding
Fresh Fruit & Yoghurt / Minced Beef & Dumplings
Savoy Cabbage & Carrots
Creamed Potatoes
Crusty White Bread
Custard Cookie & Apple Wedge
Fruit & Yoghurt / Chicken Korma & Savoury Rice
Broccoli & Cauliflower
Naan Bread
Gingerbread & Custard
Fruit & Yoghurt / Autumn Hot Pot
Green Salad & Tomatoes
Poppy Seed Bread
Autumn Marble Berry Sponge & Custard
Fruit & yoghurt / Fish Fingers
Sweetcorn & Baked Beans
Chipped Potatoes
Wholemeal Bread
Apple Cake
Fruit & Yoghurt

The weekly menu is subject to the availability of produce and deliveries and may vary slightly. All diets are catered for. If your child needs special dietary requirements, please contact school.