Lord of the Flies (Answer completely on a separate sheet of paper)

Chapter 5 Questions

1. Discuss the deterioration of beliefs, behavior, appearance, rules and order. Provide at least three examples.

2. None of the boys, not even Ralph or Jack, doubts for a moment that Sam and Eric have seen a beast. Why are they all so ready to accept the presence of such a beast? How does the atmosphere change on the island?

3. What sign does Ralph wish for at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 6 Questions

1. Does Ralph's wish get answered (at the end of chapter 5 he made a wish)? Explain.

2. Why is Simon the only one to doubt the existence of the beast? Do you think this is significant? Why or why not?

3. Why do Ralph and Jack both insist on going after the beast? How do their motivations differ? Why does Ralph end up going alone?

4. At the end of the chapter, how do we know that Ralph and Jack still have different views about what is important?

Chapter 7 Questions

1. At the beginning of the chapter what is bothering Ralph?

2. In this chapter there is a shift in power. What evidence throughout the chapter supports this


3. Why does Simon tell Ralph "you will get back all right"?

Chapter 8 Questions

1. Even though Jack details Ralph's faults, none of the boys are willing to oust Ralph as Chief. What explanation can you offer this?

2. Where does Jack tell his new tribe that they will move to?

3. Explain the discussion between Simon and the "Lord of the Flies”.

4. Why is the killing of the sow discussed in such detail? Pay close attention to the language in the description.

Chapter 9 Questions

1. What does Simon do when he discovers the dead airman?

2. Why do Ralph and Piggy join the others in dancing and chanting?

3. The “Lord of the Flies’” prediction that Simon would be killed by the other boys proved to be accurate. Did you expect this? Was Simon interfering, or was he trying to save them from the real beast?

Chapter 10 Questions

1. Throughout the chapter, there are additional references to further deterioration of beliefs, behavior, relationships, rules and order. Discuss and provide examples.

2. Who are the only ones who did not join Jack's tribe?

3. What is the significance of the title "The Shell and the Glasses"?

Chapter 11 Questions

1. What evidence is there of Piggy starting to act more bravely?

2. At Castle Rock, what happens to Sam and Eric?

3. Why does Roger shove his way past Jack, only just managing to edge him aside?

4. Ralph's and Piggy's biggest problem is their inability to comprehend the depths to which people will sink. Discuss.

5. Who is killed in this chapter and how does it happen?

Chapter 12 Questions

1. Ralph is scared of the savages but would like to join them. Why?

2. What do Samneric mean when they say that Jack ordered a stake to be sharpened at both ends?

3. Do you consider the ending optimistic or pessimistic? Discuss.

4. What is the inherent irony of the chapter?