Sanford Regular Town Board Meeting

Sanford Town Hall

390 Greenleaf Street

May 18, 2017

MayorPro Tem Miller called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

Attendance: Mayor Bailey- Excused Trustees; Mayor Pro Tem- Jack Miller- Present: Howard Galvez-present, Brandon Martin- excused, April Dunn-present, Jeff Weaver-7:26, Mary Ann Rendon-present,

Employees: Public Works Director-Tim Crowther, Town Clerk- Ariel Ruvolo

Prayer: Trustee Dunn


Approval of Minutes: Trustee Galvezmotions to accept the April2017 meeting minutes as presented. Trustee Dunn seconds the motion. All are in favor and the April 2017 minutes areapproved as presented.

Public Comments: None

Old Business: Town Clean up day- Joseph Gurule will work the Town Clean-up event on behalf of the Town.

New Business: A. Conejos County Hazard Mitigation Plan- Rodney King

  1. Resolution to adopt the comprehensive update:
  2. Tabled until the June 2017 Board meeting when Rodney King will be present.

B. Use of Community Center as a Designated Red Cross Disaster Shelter- A discussion was held and the contract reviewed. Trustee Rendon motions to approve the designation of the Community Center as a Disaster Shelter by Red Cross. Trustee Dunn seconds the motion: all are in favor and the motion carries.

Trustee Reports:

Police Department:Trustee Galvez informs the Board the Police Department just received the new computer, and a printer will be ordered soon. He is also in the process of applying for a grant through POST for laptops for the Police Department. Trustee Galvez motions to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters and requests the Town Clerk to remain present; Trustee Dunn seconds the motion; all are in favor and the Board goes into executive session at 7:14pm. The Board returns from executive session and the regular Board Meeting resumes at 7:46pm. No actions are taken upon return from executive session.

Community Center: The Town will receive a bid from JAWS Construction Inc. to have the damages caused during the Maez rental repaired. Hussmann Pluming came out to repair the damaged vents. A discussion was held with regard to the vent damage and how to prevent this issue from recurring. It was decided that Mr. Crowther should contact a roofing company to make inquiries concerning a possible solution.

Parks: The Clerk will follow up with Michael Pearson to verify he is still interested in bidding on the fencing project. .

Transportation Dept.:Mr. Crowther is told the roads are looking good. Trustee Weaver inquires as to the state of completion of the trench near Mr. Smith’s residence. Mr. Crowther will trench a four foot ditch near the road to remove the standing water. Mr. Crowther informs the Board the Town of La Jara may not want the grader, but they did pick it up to try it out. He inquires if the Board would like to make the grader available for sealed bids with the right to refuse any and all bids. The Town will wait to hear back from La Jara.

Public Utilities: Mr.Crowther informs the Board the Fire Department will have an ISO review on the 19th or 20th. Pending review the Fire department will be classified, and this will set the rates for fire insurance for the Fire district residents. This review is partially based upon the water flow. He also states we still need to advertise for bids to replace the roof on the two pump houses. Mr. Crowther informs the Board the water sub-district is beginning operations and the Town will need to deal with that in the near future.

Finance & Administration: The Clerk reports Lindsey Smith completed the bank reconciliations for January through March, and will come around the 31st of May to complete April and May’s bank reconciliations. She has set a rate of $50 per contact, and the Clerk feels this is a very reasonable rate for a licensed CPA. This is within the amount budgeted and the Clerk is happy with it. Mrs. Ruvolo reports the Highway User’s report will need to be completed by the 1st of June and she will have it completed and submitted buy the due date. The CIRSA insurance renewal is due by the 9th of June.

Trustee Dunn motions to approve the bills as presented, Trustee Rendonseconds the motion; all are in favor and the bills are approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Gary Bailey, Mayor

Attest: ______

Ariel Ruvolo, Town Clerk