A meeting of the SEAL PARISH COUNCIL was held on THURSDAY 8th June 2017 in Seal Pavilion on Seal Recreation Ground beginning at 7.30pm.


Mrs F Weston (in the chair)

Mr G Aldridge

Mr M Evans (after election)

Mr J Gilchrist

Mrs A Linley

Mr T Martin

Mr A Michaelides

Mrs P Rosser (after election)

Mr J Spencer (after election)

Also present the Clerk, Cllr J Thornton and JD O’Brien (left after election)

Apologies: Mr T Bulleid, Mr S Kirkaldy, Cllr. R. Gough and Cllr. R Hogarth

Casual Vacancy and Co-option of New Councillors for Seal Ward

There were four candidates that applied for the three Seal Ward vacancies.

A secret ballot was held and the three Councillors elected were Pauline Rosser, Mark Evans and James Spencer. They all signed the Declaration Book.

The Chairman said that she was very sorry that not all four could be elected that evening and one was disappointed. She hoped that JD O’Brien would consider standing for the St Lawrence vacancy in July.She was sure that with his new association with Seal Scouts we would be working together in the future.

Casual Vacancy Co-option of New Councillors for St Lawrence Ward

This vacancy had only just been advertised and to date no applicants had come forward. It is hoped we will get candidates and elect at the July meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.

Declarations of Interest:- Mark Evans – Seal Croft Crossover

Vacancies on committees were filled

Finance Committee x 7 / AM, JG, AL, SK ME, JS
Planning Committee x 8 / TM, AM, TB, GA, SK , FW, PR, ME
Seal Recreation Ground Committee x 5 / AL, JG, GA, JS
Seal Village MC x 1 / PR
Children’s Play Equipment Inspections / JG and JS
Review of Parish Trusteeship, properties and land x 1 / JS
St Lawrence Sports Ground Liaison and sorting out Trust Deed x 2 / SK and JS
Parish Plan – Action Plan sub-committee x 4 / JG, FW, PR, JS

Matters Requiring Discussion

Seal Primary School – Proposed new planning application

We finally received the minutes from the meeting in March with the Bailey Group and KCC. We have commented on their inaccuracy and are waiting for a reply. Mr Martin said we had expected a new planning application to be submitted this summer with more community and parish involvement than last time.

We were still receiving complaints from parishioners regarding traffic problems.

Driveway Seal Croft Cottages

Mr Evans left the meeting.

All Councillors had visited the site,they discussed a precedents being set and possibly other applications being put in, inappropriate use of amenity green space which was a pleasant feature to the beginning of the village, safety issues including the speed of cars in this area and loss of the parking bay. The Council would discuss this with the SDC who had given the amenity land. Depending on that outcome they thought residents should


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discuss the possibility of one driveway to feed all the houses with parking in individual gardens. This would cause the least harm to the green space but even if the PC gave permission it would still require planning permission.

Mr Evans re-joined the meeting

Red Phone Boxes

We have contacted “Community Heart Beat” and they have given us costs and information on obtaining grants for the two new defibrillators which could be placed in Godden Green and Stone Street phone boxes. They have also given advice and costs if we wanted to move the Seal and Underriver machines into their phone boxes from the village halls. To do this all the existing equipment could be used with a small adaption plus fitting. CHB would arrange with BT for the connection and we would not have to pay for the electricity.The landlord of the Bucks Head and locals support having a defibrillator and has offered to hold a training course in the pub. Underriver would like to take the opportunity to make their defibrillator more visible and like it moved to the phone box.

The Council agreed that it would be a very good use of all the phone boxes in this way. A quote had been received from Community Heat Beat for the two new defibrillators and associated equipment for £3,300 and it was agreed the Clerk should apply for grant funding from Awards for All, she will also find out the cost of connection for all four boxes and moving the other two.

Seal Recreation Ground and Bitchet Green Play Areas

The route from the bottom of the slide back to the slide steps had become extremely muddy. The clerk has met with the contractor that put in the slide for Play Cubed and requested a price for an edged bonded mulch path from the bottom of the slide to the steps with a spur to the new fenced area and existing path. Also to remove the grass to the entrances to the two tunnels which have become worn and mud is constantly being taken into the two tunnels in the fenced area. The total cost is £3875. Due to the cost another estimate would be sought.

On the last play ground inspection by ROSPA at St Lawrence a number of issues were raised that need attention, the cost of carrying out the work is £1825 and this needs to be done quickly.

Mrs Linley proposed that “The estimate for £1825 from Madplay Frames be accepted and the work carried out as soon as possible”. Seconded by Mr Gilchrist, this was agreed unanimously.

Seal Football Club – Portable Dugouts

Councillors had received a copy of the request from the club to provide and place two wooden portable dug outs that will be removed after each match and stored under the horse chestnut tree. This will enable the club to move up to another league.

Mrs Linley proposed “That Seal Senior Football Club be allowed to have removable dug outs on Seal Recreation Ground, to be used during games only and then stored away”. Seconded by Mr Gilchrist, this was agreed unanimously.

Matters Outstanding

St Lawrence Recreation Ground

We are collecting information on insurance held by the clubs and now we have two Councillors to take over from Mike Harvey we can then start to take this forward.

Car Park Seal Recreation Ground

The problems with the car park are on-going with vehicles being left there all day again. It was agreed this needs to be looked into and a solution found that will benefit pavilion and recreation users in the week and at weekends, local shoppers but also help with night parking in the village. The Recreation Ground Committee would meet and try to come up with ideas for the next meeting. Mrs Linley suggested speaking to the dentist regarding her proposed parking problems. They would discuss future possibilities of looking at the parking layout in both car parks.

Seal Centre Highway Improvements - 20mph and No Right Turn

NRT sign has now been moved so it can be seen when entering Zion Street from Church Road.

The police have confirmed that they will now be visiting regularly and issues tickets to anyone caught turning right. A reminder has been put in The Advertiser June edition.


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Trees – Seal Recreation Ground and Zambra Way

The trees have been discussed with the Tree warden, which include the oaks at the north end of the rec and horse chestnut by the old play area and a lime on Zambra Way. We will need to get prices to carry out the reshaping of the trees.

Volunteer Support Warden Scheme

We still wait to hear about any success of applicants for the vacancy, the deadline for applications

has now been extended into June. If you know of anyone that may be interested please let them

know about the vacancy.

Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group

The Council for a number of years have donated to this group that provides hospital transport to residents that include Seal. It relies on donations and volunteers, last year we donated £200.

Mr Gilchrist proposed “That the Council make a grant of £200 towards the Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group” Seconded by Mrs Linley, this was agreed unanimously.


-Planning applications from the last meeting were ratified.

-St Lawrence VDS – SDC have made more amendments to the VDS and would welcome a meeting. Mr Aldridge confirmed he would contact SDC and meet them to discuss it further and finalise the VDS.

-The Foxbury Farm application that contained 7 affordable houses was turned down. Mr Martin reported that the architect and English Rural Housing would attend the next planning meeting to discuss possibleamendments to the design.

-North Sevenoaks Masterplan- Our reply to the Consultation has been submitted. Mr Martin had also drafted a further letterfollowing another letter and meeting organised by Otford PC and the surrounding parishes who all had many concerns. We would be asking STC for explanations on a number of issues. After much discussion and input from Cllr Thornton it was agreed that Mr Martin and Mr Michaelides would finalise the letter to STC. As we had an interest in the further development of the quarry and any proposed access via Childsbridge Lane, theywould bothattend any further meetings as necessary.

Seal residents should be encouraged to look at the North Sevenoaks Master Plan and discuss with neighbours as the STC proposals could have an impact on Seal.

-A short planning meeting was held after the full meeting.

-The Council had received £1578.13 from the Community Infrastructure Levy. This would be kept separately and had strict CIL regulations what it could be spent on.

-Housing Strategy Concultation – It was agreed this could be sent off.

Accounts and cheques

005395 / Sevenoaks Glazing / 708.00 / Replacement windows, Seal Pav
005396 / Streetlights / 117.30 / Col 25 photocell
005397 / SDC / 45.60 / Refuse – Seal Pav
005398 / Mrs L Talbot / 51.17 / Bulb – Seal Pav and Domain name
005399 / SDC / 195.00 / Kerry Pets- garden waste sacks
005400 / Ms C Ward / Caretakers salary
005401 / Mrs L J Talbot / Clerks salary + accom
005402 / Inland Revenue / Deductions
005403 / KCC / Pension
005404 / Kent Carpentry Construction / 60.00 / St Law noticeboard
005405 / Richard Abel Landscapes / 1242.17 / Mowing etc
005406 / Mr R Crouch / 169.50 / Repair fence Seal Rec
005407 / SPE Alarms Ltd / 963.42 / CCTV/Alarm/Fire maintenance
005408 / Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group / 200.00 / Annual Grant
005409 / Harrington’s Nursery / 304.80 / Barrier baskets and tubs


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Matters for Information Only

-Bus – Arriva 452 Sevenoaks Railway Station to Kemsing

Kemsing waiting for a formal reply from KCC.

All the summer flower tubs and barrier baskets are now in place, please remember if one is near

you to water it.

-There has been an increase in fly tipping in the area and residents are urged to report these themselves to SDC. 01732 227000

-A reminder to report all Highway issues direct to KCC 03000 41 81 81

-A reminder to report problems on PROW to03000 41 7171 8am-8pm Mon-Friday.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm

Planning meeting followed.