Please fill in this form fully and carefully. We recommend that you complete it on a computer rather than by handwriting it. Thank you.

Personal Information

Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
First Language
Postal Code
Daytime phone
Evening phone
Permanent Address
(if applicable or different from above)
Postal Code
Date of course you are applying for

Education and Qualifications

Please tick the box [1. Double click the grey box. 2. Click ‘checked’ box. 3. Click ‘OK’.] Then, write the awarding body / institution and the date awarded.

Previous qualifications / Awarding body / Institution / Date awarded
TEFL I or equivalent (adults)
Certificate ELT (YLs)
YL extension courses
Diploma ELT (Adults)
Diploma ELT (YLs)
Cert. Ed.
Please indicate subject in this column
P.G.C.E. / B.Ed.
Probationary year complete
First Degree / or equivalent
Masters Degree
Other (specify below)

Present Employer

Dates / Employer / Location / Job Title / Description

Teaching Experience

Dates / Employer / Location / Job Title / Description

Other Employment

Dates / Employer / Location / Job Title / Description

Language Proficiency

Language / Spoken Level / Written Level / Certification
(if applicable)


Please give names, email addresses, fax and phone numbers of two referees (including your current employer, and a previous employer or someone who has known you for a long time). You should inform your referees that we will be sending them a written reference form to complete. The referees will be asked about your suitability for teaching children.

If you have a valid National Teacher Number, then please attach evidence to your application. In this case only one additional reference from your current employer is needed.

If you are currently employed by the British Council, only one reference is needed and that may be your line manager, in which case supply the name, teaching centre and email, and state ‘line manager’ in ‘Relationship to Candidate’.

Referee 1

Full Name
Company / Institution
Relationship to Candidate
Postal Code
Phone Number

Referee 2

Full Name
Company / Institution
Relationship to Candidate
Postal Code
Phone Number

Interview (Pre-course chat)

Please list times below when you will not be available for an interview. The pre-course chats will take a maximum of 45 minutes, but usually are no more than 30 minutes.

Equal Opportunities & Diversity

The British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and is keen to reflect the diversity of UK society at every level within the organisation. We welcome applications from all sections of the community. The British Council is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, age, gender, or physical disability.


Section One of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a person as having a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. It is British Council policy to interview all applicants who are disabled and who meet the essential criteria for an advertised job or course.

Do you have a disability? / Yes
Whether or not you are disabled, do you need any help or special consideration to enable you to attend / participate fully in the interview and complete associated tests?
(If your answer is ‘yes’ we will get in touch with you later to ascertain how best to assist you.) / Yes
Conditions of Application
Acceptance onto the British Council / Trinity College London Teaching Young Learners Extension Certificate course at the British Council Taiwan Young Learners is not automatic or guaranteed. Applicants must satisfactorily complete a Statement of Interest and pass a screening interview to be accepted. Candidates must be able to demonstrate that their level of English, both spoken and written, is suitable for the demands of the course. The decision of the centre is final.
I have read and understood the conditions of application, and agree to abide by them. I hereby declare that the information in this form is correct, that any written work submitted is my own, and that I am in a state of general good health.
Signed: / Date:
Conditions of Successful Course Completion
Acceptance onto the British Council / Trinity College London Teaching Young Learners Extension Certificate course at British Council Taiwan Young Learners does not guarantee successful completion of the course, resulting in a pass mark and a TYLEC Certificate. Course participants must successfully meet pass standards for the following assignments and course areas:
o  Guided Observation Journal (internally assessed, externally moderated)
o  Professional Development Action Points / Teaching Practice Journal (internally assessed, externally moderated)
o  Teaching Practice and Feedback (internally assessed, externally moderated)
o  Materials Development Assignment (externally assessed)
o  100% attendance throughout the course*
o  Demonstrate Professional Awareness and Development (see next page for details)
I have read the Professional Awareness and Development section of this application form (next page) and I understand my obligations as a course participant as noted above.
Signed: / Date:
* Allowing always for absence due to unexpected illness, accident, or bereavement.

Professional Awareness and Development

Successful trainees must demonstrate:

o  Awareness of the needs of other colleagues in the team, teaching and non-teaching, and the value of mutual support in the teaching-learning-training environment, and

o  Awareness of the need for development throughout the course, based on a constructive response to training input and feedback from tutors, peers, and young learners.

This awareness is demonstrated through the following behaviour:

a.  Willingness to attend all parts of the course (allowing always for absence due to unexpected illness, accident, or bereavement)

b.  Ability to complete all assessments including teaching practice and hand in Assignments at the required times unless a prior agreement with the tutors has been reached

c.  Ability and willingness to contribute actively to group and workshop activity

d.  Willingness to respect the contributions and work of other trainees and of their tutors

e.  Willingness to respect young learners’ reactions to the teaching-learning environment

f.  Willingness to respect the contribution of the non-teaching, non-tutoring staff to the training programme

g.  Ability and willingness to take note of feedback from their tutors to develop a constructive dialogue.

Application Checklist

Please check that you have completed these items:

o  The Application Form

o  Statement of Interest

o  Candidate Child Protection Declaration Form

Please check that you have attached these items:

o  Copy of TEFL-I certificate and/or TEFL-Q diploma (or fax it to us)

o  Two passport photos (real or digital/scanned versions acceptable)

Please email your completed application form and Statement of Interest (see below) to:


Statement of Interest

Write at least 300 words (but not more than 500 words) on why you wish to attend the British Council / Trinity College London TYLEC at British Council Taiwan Young Learners. Also, please comment on:

o  What impact the course will have on your teaching

o  What qualities / skills you think you have that make you an effective teacher of English to Young Learners

o  Which qualities / skills you feel you still need to develop

o  What you think are some differences between teaching adults and Young Learners.

Candidate Child Protection Declaration Form

Declaration for new staff (English)

I declare that I have never been convicted of, nor had any criminal proceedings against me, nor have I been warned, either orally or in writing, in relation to child abuse. I declare that there are no such proceedings pending against me at the date of this declaration.

I declare that in my previous places of employment, no disciplinary action has been taken against me, neither have disciplinary proceedings been taken against me, in relation to child abuse.

I expressly authorise British Council Taiwan to pass personal details to the British Council in the UK, and through the British Council to ask for enhanced disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS, formerly the CRB)[1] in the UK.

I authorise the British Council to ask for criminal records information in relation to child abuse in other countries if necessary. I expressly authorise the British Council to pass personal details to the relevant authorities in countries where I have lived or worked for the purpose of obtaining criminal records information.

I give my permission to the British Council to check the above-mentioned criminal records periodically.

I authorise the British Council to seek references or approach previous employers for information to verify information on disciplinary offences relating to children.

I understand that if I withhold any relevant information, or present false or inaccurate information, I may render myself liable to disqualification from any recruitment exercise or, if appointed, to disciplinary action including fair dismissal.

I will adhere to the British Council’s Child Protection Policy, to the Standards of Behaviour for Staff Working with Children and Young People, and the British Council Code of Conduct. I confirm that I have received these documents at the time of signing this declaration. (The appropriate documents are available on the British Council intranet Child Protection pages.

This declaration is confidential and is extended solely in order to accredit my suitability to work with children and young people at the British Council; this declaration may not be used totally or partially for any other purpose save that for which it is expressly made.

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Centre / Department: …………………………………………………………...

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………... (Type your name in CAPITAL LETTERS if emailing this form.)

Date: …………………………………………………………………………………


Name of requesting manager: ……………………………………………….

Centre / Department: …………………………………………………………..

Date CRB form sent to English and Exams: ………………………….....

Signed: …………………………………………………………………………..

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[1] The DBS (formerly CRB), an Executive Agency of the Home Office, provides wider access to criminal record information through its Disclosure service.This service enables organizations in the public, private, and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults.The CRB was established under Part V of the Police Act 1997 and was launched in March 2002.