I.  Subject Matter Content: Indicate what you intend to teach and identify which forms of knowledge (concept, academic rule, skill, law and law-like principles, and/or value knowledge) will be included in the lesson.

ü  Rationale and summary of what you intend to teach

Students will be able to identify rhyming words. Students will identify these in a read aloud in a book and a mini book.

ü  Full description of forms of knowledge (concept, academic rule, skill, law and law-like principles, and/or value knowledge)


Concept: Rhyme

Definition: Two or more words corresponding with the same sound.

Attributes: Words that sounds alike.

Examples: Frog-Log, Cat-Bat,

Non-Examples: Cat-Dog, Ball-Bat

ü  New vocabulary words and their definitions

Rhyme: Has or ends with a sound that corresponds with another.

II.  Instructional Objective(s)/Outcomes: Indicate what is to be learned. Include the following objectives and goals: Ask yourself “What do I want my students to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson and how will I measure that this was achieved?”

ü  Specific Lesson Objectives (Written as a SMART Objectives linked to the assessment)

During the 40 minute guided/independent practice students will be able to match 4 rhyming words with the 4 other rhyming words while playing the freeze dance game.

III.  Instructional Procedures: Indicate how you intend to sequence the activities in the lesson from initiation to closure, estimating the time necessary to complete each major component of the lesson. Include these three major components:

ü  Lesson Initiating Activity: (10 minutes )

Teacher will begin by integrating technology by showing the cute short rhyming clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GpPJrUlEwo. The teacher will tell the students need to turn their voices off and their ears on. All classroom rules apply. The teacher will review and tell the students that they have been learning about rhyming words.

ü  Core Activities: (25 Minutes )

·  Directed Independent Activity/Guided Practice

The teacher already has the students split up into teams because team points are given. There is always a captain for each team for the week. The teacher will tell the students that they will be playing an online game today. In order for the online game to work the entire team needs to talk to each other about the answer and the team captain is the only one that can talk. There will be no yelling out. The teacher will start by showing an example of how they should play the game. The game will be found at the web address http://pbskids.org/superwhy/#game/freezedance.

ü  Closure Activity: (5 Minutes)

The teacher will review rhyming words on the document camera with students giving examples or the words and their sounds. The teacher will give positive praise for how well the students did throughout the game and how much they had learned. The teacher will tell the students they will have their test on rhyming words tomorrow.

IV.  Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment used by both the teacher and the learner.

·  Document Camera

·  Computer

·  Pencils

·  Online Game

V.  Assessment/Evaluation: Identify the techniques used in determining to what extent the students have attained the instructional objective(s). For example, tests, presentations, products and/or systematic observation (attach copy.) Assessment techniques must include measurable terms and link to the SMART objective and performance outcomes, (criteria level). Specify how the needs of diverse learners will be accommodated according to language level, disability and/or learning styles.

During this lesson I will be doing systematic observation. Whether or not the students are talking with everyone on their team.

VI.  Follow-up Activities: Indicate how other activities/materials are used to remediate, reinforce, and extend this lesson to assist with differentiated instruction. Include special assignments, projects, field trips, research, technology, etc.

Students need the reinforcement in order to master rhyming words. The website can introduced students is http://pbskids.org/wordworld/characters/game_frm.html. This website will also be placed on their Edline. The words are said out loud as the student would go over each word. Technology is something that a student needs to master and they can do it while having fun and learning their rhyming words!

(Revised 7-13-11)