Student Government Association
Winston Churchill – 2010-2011
Class of 2012 -- Juniors
4th Period Teacher ______Room # ______
The game will be held on Wednesday, May 25th 2011 at 3:00 pm. The game will be held on the football field. There will be an admission charge for all that attend, but not for those who are participating.
There will be a $25 entry fee to participate in the game. As a result of participating, the SGA will gift a personalized shirt to any girl who participates. All checks need to made out to Winston Churchill High School. All personalized shirts will need SGA approval, if Mr. Ostry does not understand what the personalization means, or if it is inappropriate it will not be approved.
There would be a number of strict regulations involved with the game:
1. All girls would have to sign the following waiver before they participate that states:
a. The participants agree there will be no hazing of other girls before, during, or after the game.
b. The participants agree to be removed from the game if they are responsible for any penalties of unnecessary roughness.
c. The participants agree that foul language, drugs, and alcohol will be banned before, during, and after the game.
d. The participants agree to go by all calls by faculty referees and will not question those calls.
e. The participants agree that the game will be a flag football game – no tackling or rough housing!
f. The participants agree that this permission form needs to be returned to participate in the game.
Other stipulations of the game would be that:
1. Each half will last 30 minutes; the clock will continue to run. There will be a 15 minute half-time
2. The game would end no later than 5:00pm.
I understand all of the rules listed above and agree to follow all of them before and during the game.
Student Name / Student Signature / DateParent Name / Parent Signature / Date
Name that you want to appear on the back of the shirt can be no more than eleven letters. Please print the name below in the boxes. (One letter per box)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11FORMS ARE DUE TO MR. OSTRY (ROOM 214) BY FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011.
Student Government Association
Winston Churchill – 2010-2011
Class of 2011 -- Seniors
4th Period Teacher ______Room # ______
The game will be held on Wednesday, May 25th 2011 at 3:00 pm. The game will be held on the football field. There will be an admission charge for all that attend, but not for those who are participating.
There will be a $25 entry fee to participate in the game. As a result of participating, the SGA will gift a personalized shirt to any girl who participates. All checks need to made out to Winston Churchill High School. All personalized shirts will need SGA approval, if Mr. Ostry does not understand what the personalization means, or if it is inappropriate it will not be approved.
There would be a number of strict regulations involved with the game:
2. All girls would have to sign the following waiver before they participate that states:
a. The participants agree there will be no hazing of other girls before, during, or after the game.
b. The participants agree to be removed from the game if they are responsible for any penalties of unnecessary roughness.
c. The participants agree that foul language, drugs, and alcohol will be banned before, during, and after the game.
d. The participants agree to go by all calls by faculty referees and will not question those calls.
e. The participants agree that the game will be a flag football game – no tackling or rough housing!
f. The participants agree that this permission form needs to be returned to participate in the game.
Other stipulations of the game would be that:
1. Each half will last 30 minutes; the clock will continue to run. There will be a 15 minute half-time
2. The game would end no later than 5:00pm.
I understand all of the rules listed above and agree to follow all of them before and during the game.
Student Name / Student Signature / DateParent Name / Parent Signature / Date
Name that you want to appear on the back of the shirt can be no more than eleven letters. Please print the name below in the boxes. (One letter per box)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11FORMS ARE DUE TO MR. OSTRY (ROOM 214) BY FRIDAY MAY 6, 2011