Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: September

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • Get-acquainted activities
  1. Prepare questions and interview classmates
  2. “Cherchez quelqu’un” – find classmates with whom have things in common
  • Vocabulary review pages
  • Chiffres et Temps (all about numbers and time)
  • Les objets (describing physical objects)
  • Comment demander de l’aide
  • Caractère et Personnalité
  • Poster de Moi
Essential Questions:
1. How can I describe simple objects in French, according to size, shape, texture, and purpose?
2. How can I describe my past, my present, and my intended future in French? What are my likes and dislikes? /
  • To “refresh” verbal proficiency
  • To review questions forms and verb tenses
  • To review vocabulary
  • To provide a personal glossary
  • To review and expand vocabulary concerning numbers and time
  • To acquire vocabulary necessary for describing objects, e.g., size, shape, volume, consistency, etc.
  • To learn to circumlocute, i.e., define a word by “talking around” the idea
  • To review adjective forms and placement
  • To learn to ask for help, in preparation for using only French in class
  • To acquire new vocabulary concerning character and personality
  • To practice irregular adj.
  • To expand on the placement of adj.
  • before and after group
  • beyond BAGS
  • To make a visual display of student’s past, present and future life
  • To be able to use all of the above (vocabulary, numbers, dates, adjectives, verbs) in an oral presentation
  • After the interview, write 5 lines about partner
  • Written and oral exercises
  • A group quiz
  • Using the new vocabulary, each student will write and present a description of something typically found in a school or classroom, e.g., file cabinet, bulletin board
  • From here on, students may not speak English without asking permission
  • Graded written assignment using all adj. forms
  • Conversation in which “child” convinces “parent” to accept a new friend by describing his/her character traits
  • Oral presentation (mid-October), using only the poster (no written script)


Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: October

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • Reflexive verbs
  • Conjunctions, e.g., therefore, whereas
  • Futur et Conditionnel
  • Pronunciation
Essential Questions:
1. How can I perfect the pronunciation of the French “R”?
2. Am I able to use the future and conditional tenses correctly to describe “If” situations and result clauses?
3. Do I understand the rhyme, imagery and meaning of Paul Verlaine’s “Chanson d’automne”, and am I able to recite it? /
  • To review reflexive verbs in all forms, i.e., single verb, passé compose, verb + infinitive
  • To expand vocabulary
  • To review verb forms
  • To practice “Si” clauses
  • To use future with quand, lorsque, etc.
  • To practice the polite conditional
  • To be able to pronounce the French “R”
  • To focus on particular vowel combinations
  • Written quiz
  • Oral interviews, using reflexive verbs related to relationships, e.g., to get along, to argue, etc.
  • To be included on the oral presentation for their “Poster de Moi”
  • Translation exercise
  • Recite a poem which includes all of the most important sounds. Must score at least 22/25.
  • Oral presentations – “Moi”


Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: November and December

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • “Mon portrait de A à Z”
  • Read the interview that appeared in Paris Match
  • In groups, identify structures and themes in sample portrait which will be required in own portrait
(End of first marking period)
  • Reportages
  • In groups, read and analyze news articles provided by teacher
  • Practice presenting to class
  • Les adverbes
  • “Le Horla”
  • Who was Guy de Maupassant?
  • Why this story?
  • Introduce PLN technique, using worksheets
  • Irregular verbs like souffrir and apercevoir
  • Differences between imparfait and passé composé
  • Passé simple
  • Project – Pays francophones
  • Choose a country
  • Begin research
Essential questions:
1. Can I write a self-portrait that incorporates appropriate cumulative grammar?
2. Who was Guy de Maupassant? Do I understand his story, “Le Horla”, and am I able to describe it in French?
3. What do I know about a French-speaking country, and what did I learn and share with my class by researching a current news item there?
4. Can I read, understand, and use the passé simple tense correctly? /
  • To write an autobiographical sketch, using the alphabet to organize themes
  • To incorporate all of the grammatical points already reviewed
  • To use new vocabulary
  • To find and read news articles related to any French-speaking country
  • To look for the “who, what, when, etc.” in those articles
  • To simplify and explain own article
  • To learn formation and practice placement of adverbs
  • To read a famous story in its original version
  • To apply reading techniques from PLN course
  • To be able to discuss story in French
  • To use these verbs in the telling of the story
  • To relate a story in the past using the correct past tense
  • To be able to read and understand the literary past
  • To learn about a French-speaking country not previously studied in depth
  • To be able to write about and present orally the information found
/ é
  • Written (typed) self-portrait using 22 of the 26 letters in the alphabet and a list of structures
  • Oral report to the class (2-3 per week at the beginning of class for the balance of the marking period)
  • Written quiz
  • Comprehension quizzes in French and English
  • Written summaries of parts of story
  • Oral test at the end
  • Verb exercises
  • Description of the patient’s symptoms and the actions he took
  • Verb exercises (changing passé composé to passé simple and vice versa)
  • Poster or booklet with all required information (2nd marking period)
  • Oral presentation with Power Point for those who chose to make a booklet (3rd marking period)


Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: January and February

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • “Le Horla” (cont.)
  • Project – Pays francophones (cont.)
(End of 2nd marking period)
  • Foods and recipes
  • Articles and quantities
  • Object pronouns
  • Double object pronouns
  • L’Afrique francophone
  • Movie “Au revoir les enfants”
  • Relative pronouns
Essential Questions:
1. What is a recipe of a food typical of the French-speaking country I have researched? Can I express that recipe in French?
2. What are some current issues concerning French-speaking Africa?
3. How does the French movie, Au revoir les enfants, help my understanding of the problems of racism and tolerance? /
  • To review story in preparation for written and oral test
  • To prepare own vocabulary list to be used during test
  • To expand foods vocabulary
  • To learn recipe vocabulary
  • To translate recipes from French to English
  • To review the use of definite, indefinite and partitive articles
  • To use the object pronouns correctly
  • To use more than one object pronoun in a sentence
  • To understand issues concerning French-speaking Africa, e.g., immigration, racism, religion
  • To watch a French movie set in France during WWII
  • To learn about France during WWII
  • To continue discussion of racism and tolerance
  • To be able to use the relative pronouns correctly in complex sentences
  • Test – 6 questions
  • 3 Oral
  • 3 Written
  • Poster or booklet due
  • Translation exercise
  • Recipe translation as part of Pays francophones project
  • Written exercises using all articles with foods
  • Quiz on articles, quantities and pronouns
  • Comprehension questions (quiz) on reading
  • Class discussion about reading
  • Notes taken during the film
  • Class discussion of film and the main characters
  • Written description of main characters (personality traits with examples)


Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: March

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • Project – Pays francophones
Essential Questions:
1. What did I learn about the French-speaking country that I researched, with particular attention to the topics of unemployment, AIDS, illiteracy, pollution, cultural and religious traditions, and government?
2. What did I learn about the other countries that my classmates spoke about? /
  • To speak in French for 10-15 minutes, using notes but no script
  • To understand what classmates are saying about their countries
  • To take notes about other countries
  • To compare and contrast countries and regions
  • Location
  • Problems, e.g., unemployment, AIDS, illiteracy, pollution
  • Cultural and religious traditions
  • Government
  • Oral presentation, using poster and/or Power Point
  • Written translation of typical recipe
  • Notes on each presentation
  • Test on all countries


Course/ Subject:French VGrade: 12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: April – May (1st half)

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • “Comte de Monte Cristo”
  • Subjunctive
Essential Questions:
1. Do I understand Alexandre Dumas’ work,
Comte de Monte Cristo, after reading excerpts from the book?
2. Can I successfully debate the concept, “Is vengeance right or wrong?”
3. Can I use the subjunctive and the past subjunctive moods correctly to explain event in Dumas’ story? /
  • To read and understand this famous story
  • To understand the historical context
  • To expand working vocabulary
  • To discuss the idea of vengeance
  • To learn the forms of the subjunctive
  • To use the expressions which require the subj. – WEIRD
  • To be able to use the past subjunctive
  • Comprehension quizzes
  • Chapter notes and summaries
  • Debate (oral participation) – Is vengeance right or wrong?
  • Verb quizzes
  • Written explanation of the story, using verbs in the subjunctive


Course/ Subject:French VGrade:12Teacher: Weaver/Benton

Month: May (2nd half) - June

Content / Skills / Assessment
  • Livre pour enfants
Essential Questions:
1. Am I able to create an original children’s story in French and illustrate it in the form of a small book?
2. Can I use aspects that I have learned about a French-speaking country in my story? /
  • To write and illustrate a children’s story
  • To use all structures studied this year
  • To incorporate aspects of the French-speaking country from the project into the story
  • Children’s story