PTA Agenda/Minutes – East Elementary December 1, 2016

Attendees: Jess Mastriana, Gloria Acevedo, Wendy Scott, Mr. D, Bobbi Gravatt, Sarah Bedwell

Welcome & Thanks - Jess

Treasurer’s Report –Jess

Balance as of 10/31 $3622.80

Total Income - $6532.50 – fundraiser sales and two donations totaling $45

Total Expenses - $413.90 – Fall Ball, PTA dues, Box Tops shipping

Current Balance - $9742.21 - Pending payment for the fundraiser invoice, Should be able to keep about 30%. While the fundraiser should cover the cost of the yearbooks,we should still seek sponsors/shout outs. Jess will check correct date. It should be no later than late January/early February. Jess has letters with tax ID.

Box Tops Update – Gloria

Sent out 4,180 Box Tops October 1. All Box Tops qualified and check in the amount of $418.00 is on its way. Kudos from Jess for getting a November mail out as this has not been done in last 4 years. Cost $11.15 in shipping. November flyer was sent out with ideas to use Box Tops products including a recipe. Steady flow of about 50 to 75 per week.

Principal’s Report – Mr. D

Fourteen schools have won honors for their students’ academic achievements. For 2016, the state is recognizingtwo National Title I Distinguished School awardees, two Reward Schools and nine Recognition Schools. Lake East won two of the 14 awards.

East was named School of Continued Excellence and Reward School because of our students’ exceptional performance and/or the significant growth they have made, particularly in closing
achievement gaps.

Schoolwide Safety Day – huge success, fire engines, police cars, paramedics, helicopter, etc.

Conducted an evacuation drill to Frederica Senior Center which went very well.

12/20 is the Winter Concert, 6 pm be there by 5:45.

Download the app on your smartphone. 95 people have it already and hope to get more.

Old/On-going/New Business- Jess

East Night out at Frederica Pizza House was a great success receiving $260. Quite a few vouchers were turned in but some were missing the names. Two classed tied with 5 vouchers each and won class pizza parties. Congrats to Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Aguilar. Thanks so much for supporting our school. We’ll schedule another in the Spring. Thanks to the office staff for helping get the vouchers corrected and distributed. Couldn’t have done it with you ladies.

PTA provided Capriotti’s for dinner during conferences. Teachers stated that they were greatly appreciated.

Fundraiser pick up was tonight. Those items not picked up are small enough for students to put in their backpacks. Jess will come in and ask office staff to help distribute.

PTO sent “teach Totes” to be given out to staff as a thank you for all they do. Will distribute asap. Thank you Betsey for printing the labels! Enough were sent so that everyone, teachers, support staff, custodial staff and paras will receive one.

Holiday Shop will be held Tuesday Dec 13 through Friday Dec. 16. Have a few volunteers but need more. Envelopes will be sent home with a schedule and flyer in the Wednesday envelopes.


Spring Fundraiser suggestions – Yankee Candle again? 50% came back to us.

Spirit Wear –Central doing embroidered jackets. Jess has had requests for hoodies at East. Brother is silk screener, will check pricing with him and CR.

Mrs. Bedwell suggested raffling off items. Other schools were able to acquire donated items such as TV from Sears, Food trays from Acme.

Mr. D would like to look into Glow Party. His wife did it at their school and was a great success. More details will come. Possibly do in place of Spring Fling?

Mr. D suggested to brainstorms and do T chart of pros and cons to determine which would be best.

He would also like to determine what goal to set. What will the funds go to? Building upgrades, landscaping, fencing for the playground.

Mr. D also asked that we get the agendas and minutes on the website. Gloria will send them to him ASAP.

Thanks for coming! Have a super Happy Holiday!

Meeting adjourned